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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List


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Thu, 23 Jul 1998 21:53:51 -0500
Gary Johnson <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (43 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I asked if list members had problems with vitamins, minerals, and other
supplements in addition to being celiac.  I was especially interested in
reactions different from those that gluten cause.

I received 17 responses, from which I counted 8 people that reacted to
supplements, some very severely.  I conclude from this small number that,
just as celiacs are rare compared with the general population, those who
react to supplements are rare within the celiac population.  But you never
know until you ask!

Several people thought their reaction was to gluten, corn, soy, etc. used as
fillers in the supplements.  Three or four also mentions reactions to other
foods: one to sodium nitrate in pork, one got canker sores from citrus fruit
even in very small quantities, one had rashes from root beer and headaches
from bread additives.

Two people mentioned that their physicians recommended against taking
supplements.  One always wonders if the physicians knew something the rest
of us do not, or if they were reacting to the alternative medicine people
practicing medicine without a license.

I had only one negative comment about my favorite meal (two eggs and half a
pound of bacon).  Could it be that celiacs are a bunch of survivors, who
have learned to eat things spurned by the world at large, just to keep their
weight up?  If it tastes good and the gut can handle it, don't knock it!  I
weighed 165 pounds when I got married 39 years ago and have stayed within 5
pounds of that ever since.  However, before I went GF, my weight was 158 and
slipping.  When food reactions keep you from getting and absorbing enough
calories to maintain your weight, it is time to make some changes, starting
with updating the will!

Several people commented that they got along fine without supplements.  A
good balanced diet is quite adequate.  One person recommended the
Paleolithic diet and avoiding of refined foods.  In fact, they suggested
that reactions to supplements is to the refined elements in the pills rather
than the minerals themselves.

Thanks to everyone for the responses.

Gary Johnson in Kansas