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Sat, 25 Apr 1998 09:10:55 -0500
Anne Barfield <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (38 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I am one of those people who don't know if they have a reaction to
vinegar or not.  I have been diagnosed, and GF for 2 months.  I thought
I was doing fine, but this week, something has brought back symptons I
had before I was diagnosed (biopsy),  but didn't know it was caused by
being celiac.  I am trying to be more strict, and of course I am totally
avoiding white or distilled vinegar at this point.  But I don't know if
it bothers me or not, and I think there are many of us out there with
the same dilemma.

I have always appreciated a well prepared meal (and am a very good
cook).  I have been fairly successful at satisfying my eating habits and
requirements with a few substitutions.  I tell myself I can still have
chocolate, coffee, wine, some cheeses, basil, garlic and olive oil!  And
lots of good things that go with them.  If I could just sort out what is
hidden in ingredients, like salsa, life would be a lot easier,
especially when dining out.  I call it Defensive Dining (DD).

My husband and family are eager to eat anything I prepare, are easy to
please, and enjoy a good meal.  My sadness comes from my gourmet friends
not believing what I try to explain, and I am beginning to feel excluded
from social gatherings and even food discussions because of this.  I
know I will have to educate them without offending them, but it will
take more effort than I am willing to put into it right now.  I am still
educating myself.  For anyone with this same situation, Jax Peters'
book, Against the Grain, has very helpful suggestions.

This is why I appreciate the opportunity to share information with other
celiacs worldwide.  At least, I can communicate with others that know
what I am going through.  I have learned so much from this group.  I
can't imagine what my daily life would be like without the information I
have learned from it.  I have yet to  meet another celiac face to face!

To all of you who have shared from the heart....keep coming back and
sending your opinions.  They mean a lot to many people.  Thanks a
million....Anne in San Antonio