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Kelly Pierce <[log in to unmask]>
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Kelly Pierce <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 26 Sep 1999 19:45:53 -0500
TEXT/PLAIN (242 lines)
The New York Times

September 22, 1999

Digital Dressing Rooms and Other New Twists


     The Internet has become a giant laboratory for new technologies
     intended to bring shoppers and sellers closer together, and
     consumers will encounter a much improved environment when they go
     shopping online this fall. As befits a marketplace based on
     technology, electronic retailers, or E-tailers, as they are known,
     are hurling technological solutions against many of the most common
     criticisms of Internet commerce.

                                                    Endless Possibilities

         As more customers go shopping on the Internet through high-speed
         connections at the office, or through new home services, on-line
      businesses will be able to deploy multimedia technologies featuring
                                                    voice, video or both.

     Several years from now, as technology progresses, shoppers will most
     likely be able to shop in virtual reality stores, where they will be
     immersed in a three-dimensional world, able to roam simulated aisles
                                  looking at products on virtual shelves.

   Already, shopping on the Internet is expanding into real-world stores.
      Sales kiosks connected to the Internet allow some shops, like Radio
       Shack and the Gap, to offer customers access to on-line catalogues
                   containing far more choices than can fit in the store.

                Coupled with new wireless Internet devices, like the 3Com
       Corporation's Palm VII handheld computer or the next generation of
          Web-enabled mobile phones, these new Internet technologies will
       transform shopping. In Finland, for example, consumers can already
     point their digital phones at a gasoline pump or vending machine and
      then dial an access code to have the purchase billed to their phone

   "I foresee shoppers walking through Wal-Mart with their connected Palm
    Pilots, comparing prices with other stores even as they walk down the
    aisles," said Peter Zandan, a founder of an Internet start-up company
       called Zilliant that is developing an assortment of smart software

     These new technologies -- which include three-dimensional graphics,
     interactive customer service using text and voice, new payment
     systems, improved search engines and automated shopping agents
     called "bots" (for robots) -- are among the many tactics merchants
     will be using this year to capture the interest of shoppers.

     More important in the long term are the technologies designed to
     keep the loyalties of those who have already shopped at a site.
     Much of the new online shopping technology will be hidden from
     view, including software systems that will enable merchants to
     better track the personal spending and shopping habits of
     customers, reward frequent shoppers, manage inventory up to the
     minute, fill orders quickly and maintain continuing relationships
     with customers who, after all, can move to a competing Web site
     with a click of a mouse.

     Following are examples of some of the new technologies shoppers
     will see in the coming holiday season, or before. Some of the
     fancier technologies work best with fast Internet connections and
     powerful microprocessors, but most are designed to work with any
     standard PC and modem.

     Virtual shoppers still cannot pick up an item and examine it, but
     they can approximate the experience. The Sharper Image
     ( has a "3D Enhanced" catalogue online that
     enables customers with faster Internet connections and more
     powerful processors (Intel's Pentium III and AMD's Athlon chips,
     for example) to view images in three dimensions. Digitized images
     of many products can be rotated, just by clicking and dragging with
     a mouse, allowing them to be examined from any angle. The user can
     see the back of the item, for example, zoom in to see specific
     details and even manipulate the object to see how its lid opens or
     how it folds for storage.

     Lands' End ( allows women to create a "personal
     model" on screen that approximates the shopper's physical
     proportions. Once the model's dimensions, hair style and skin color
     are established from a checklist, the shopper can send the model
     into a virtual dressing room to try on clothes from the catalogue.
     The model can be rotated to show how the clothes look from all
     angles, and the color of the clothes can be changed with a click.
     The site even recommends outfits that are flattering to the
     customer's body shape.

     The rising popularity of the Java software technology is allowing
     many sites to offer animated illustrations, which enable the
     customer to see, for example, how to assemble that new bicycle.
     Apple Computer's Quicktime and Microsoft's Media Player are among
     the multimedia tools that enable Web sites to include brief video
     clips and soundtracks, making the Web appear more like television
     than an electronic advertising brochure.

     Collaborative filtering, already used by popular sites like, is a technology that analyzes customers' buying
     patterns and preferences and makes recommendations based on the
     buying habits of other consumers with similar profiles. Anyone who
     enjoyed reading "Cold Mountain" by Charles Frazier, for example,
     can check to see what other books have been popular with people who
     were also fans of the novel.

     Another related approach, which will be used on many merchant sites
     this year, is to add electronic message boards or online community
     centers where consumers can compare notes with one another online., which will open for business later this year, appears
     to be obsessed with giving advice. It not only points consumers to
     what it considers the best expert reviews and information resources
     on the Web for any given product but also asks, and in some cases
     pays, regular consumers to add their own product reviews.

     Auction sites, led by Ebay, have become so popular that a new
     company called Auctionwatch ( is bidding to
     become the central site where buyers and sellers can come together
     to talk about tips and tactics and to share opinions on which
     auction sites are good and bad for certain items. Auctionwatch also
     plans to give sellers more tools to make it easier to sell items

     Consumers are accustomed to buying small, common items like
     sweaters, books, and compact disks online but may need more
     persuasion to buy larger and more expensive products like
     automobiles and furniture.

     Microsoft's Carpoint site was among the first to use panoramic,
     360-degree digital images to enable online shoppers to examine the
     inside of many models. And ( is
     enabling shoppers to arrange and rearrange room layouts on screen,
     to see whether that sofa will fit in the living room and whether it
     will clash with the fabric on the chairs. The company will even
     send fabric swatches through the mail.

     Just as giant superstores -- the so-called category killers -- are
     gaining in popularity in the bricks-and-mortar world, so too are
     they gaining ground in the virtual world. Some sites, like CBS
     Sportsline (, plan to offer more than 200,000
     products by this time next year.

     The problem with virtual superstores is that customers get lost
     amid hundreds of thousands of products. So several sites have
     turned to, whose "Ask Jeeves" search engine enables people
     to type questions in plain English as opposed to searching for key
     words or phrases.

     The Ask Jeeves technology is being incorporated into shopping sites
     to make it easier for people to find what they are looking for.

     One is the consumer electronics site E-Town (, which
     uses the technology as part of its Interactive Decision Assistant,
     a software tool that is intended to guide consumers through the
     purchasing process in the same way a good sales clerk would. The
     system asks the customer a series of questions, including budget,
     and then recommends products.

     This may be the breakthrough year for intelligent agents, also
     known as bots or spiders. Bots are software programs that act
     autonomously on instructions from their masters.

     The first bots to gain wide acceptance from consumers came in the
     form of comparative shopping services like At
     such sites, the user types in the name of the product and the bots
     scurry forth to find the lowest prices available on the Internet,
     at least among the selection of stores that permits bots to gather

     The next generation of bots, typified by sites like and, will not only be able to scour the Net for nuggets
     of information but also to execute simple or complex tasks, such as
     finding the lowest cost on a new VCR, buying it and having it
     shipped. Netsage's automated assistants -- like the animated paper
     clip that offers guidance in Microsoft Word's word processing
     software -- will eventually take photorealistic human form.

     Many shoppers, and merchants as well, are discovering that the hard
     part of E-commerce often comes after the sale. "Retailers still
     need to keep their eyes on the basics, things like customer service
     and fulfillment, and that's where things get sticky," said Fiona
     Swerdlow, a digital commerce analyst with Jupiter Communications in
     New York City. "If the product is not delivered on time, if you are
     out of stock on an item and your site is still selling it, that's
     bad. If you can't provide good customer service, that's very, very
     bad. Retailers need to concentrate on the basics before getting
     caught up in the whiz-bang stuff."

     The next step is to enable customers to talk to service
     representatives using the Internet connection, with a microphone
     and speakers instead of a telephone. The technology, developed by
     Lipstream, is currently demonstrated on Excite's People and Chat
     service ( Two or more
     people can open a Voice Chat screen and carry on conversations as
     they would using walkie-talkies, but without long-distance
     telephone charges.

     As voice technology proliferates, Internet businesses will enable
     customers to click a button on any given Web page to open a voice
     link with a service representative. In some cases, sites will offer
     a call-back button that lets consumers request that a service
     representative call them on the telephone at a certain time.

     One of the great marriages in commerce is the instant ordering made
     possible by the Internet and overnight delivery made possible by
     companies like Federal Express and Airborne Express. Last
     Christmas, shoppers discovered on some sites, like the one for the
     computer products dealer PC Connection, that they could place an
     order by midnight on Dec. 23 and have the item in hand by Christmas

     Several new companies, including (, are
     experimenting with same-day courier fulfillment, meaning the
     customer can place an order and receive it the same day. The
     service is currently limited to the Los Angeles and San Francisco
     areas, with plans to expand to New York City, Chicago and several
     other large cities in 2000.

     Will customers be willing to pay for rapid delivery? While some
     balk at the "hidden" charges for shipping and handling, others find
     it more convenient to pay than to spend the afternoon driving from
     store to store looking for an item.

     "At first I questioned whether we should even put $1.95 stuff in
     our store," said Daniel Head of CBS Sportsline. "What customer is
     going to spend $5.95 for shipping and handling for a $1.95 boat
     bracket? It turns out the customer was in New York City, and $5.95
     was a bargain when you consider the cost of a cab, or parking, and
     just the hassle of looking for the part in the city."

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