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Kelly Pierce <[log in to unmask]>
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VICUG-L: Visually Impaired Computer Users' Group List
Mon, 14 Dec 1998 20:24:14 -0600
TEXT/PLAIN (125 lines)
Apparently some are getting our message that a simple design benefits all.


from the new York Times

      December 13, 1998

Click Here for Less Confusion


     In the beginning, there was darkness. O.K., maybe not complete
     darkness -- just black text on a grim, gray background. Even in its
     infancy, the World Wide Web offered a lot of information, but the
     presentation was relentlessly dull. No flashy graphics, no video,
     no audio clips. No photo-filled shrines to the cast of "Buffy the
     Vampire Slayer," no animated Naked Dancing Llama Home Page. Yawn.

     Created roughly a decade ago by scientists in Geneva wishing to
     exchange data electronically, the Web quickly transcended its
     laboratory origins. As millions of outsiders discovered the art of
     browsing, pictures and graphics started studding Web pages,
     creating a new kind of illuminated manuscript -- and feeding the
     human hunger for cool-looking stuff.

     Yet this hunger has not always inspired good design. Indeed, a love
     of electronic embellishment has led to a proliferation of Web sites
     that are trendy showcases, full of razzle-dazzle but lacking all
     sense of placement and clarity. Befuddled users often find
     themselves staring at the screen, wondering, "Where do I go from

     As a result, the top Web designers today are trying to pare down
     their pages, creating sites that are logical as well as luscious.
     "Web design is the perfect battle of form versus function,"
     observes Karen Kane, a freelance designer who has worked in both
     the print and Web worlds.

     "Web surfers have a very short attention span, and considering how
     slow modems are today, it's a challenge to attract someone
     quickly," says Jeffrey Veen, the executive director of Interface
     for Wired Digital, and the man responsible for the streamlined
     looks of the Hotbot search engine and the Wired News page. "We try
     to grab someone's attention in less than 10 seconds. That means
     using almost no complex images -- just text and simple colors for
     visual cues." The Hotbot site gets most of its visual zip from the
     juxtaposition of neon green and fire-engine red. These bright color
     blocks signpost key functional features, from "Find People" to
     "Help." Says Veen: "What many designers forget is they need to
     explain to their audience how to use a page, as well as how to read

     Other Web sites aren't quite so supple. The home page for the Sony
     Corporation displays links to various parts of its empire in a
     relatively forthright manner. But the page has an Achilles' heel: a
     row of small images, right below the main links, are constantly
     changing and flashing at you, pulling your eye from the minimal
     amounts of text. It's like trying to read by strobe light.

     It could be worse. Take, for example, the former ICQ home page.
     This company offers free Web-chat software, and it was a feat to
     peruse its site without melting your eyeballs from the brassy
     rainbow of colored buttons all over the page. It was the "Jeopardy"
     board reincarnated as a navigational device. After months of
     withering criticism of its site, the ICQ designers threw up the
     white flag, redesigning the site as an all-text page.

     Time Warner's Pathfinder site similarly stuffs its page with
     information, including headlines from its various magazines, a
     scrolling news wire, an online shopping area, a link to free e-mail
     and a few ads thrown in for good measure. While each individual
     link leads to something interesting, the layout is simply too
     dense. Imagine trying to find that one copy of "Fountain Pen
     Monthly" on an overstuffed (and un-alphabetized) magazine rack, and
     you'll get the idea.

     Fortunately, not all corporate Web pages have become noisy,
     animated, "interactive" affairs. With a minimalist dab of animation
     and headings that respond to the user's mouse movements, the
     official site for Ikea, the home-furnishings chain, conveys a
     laid-back, easy-browsing atmosphere, much like the real-life store.
     The contents page doesn't spill over with excess text; there's just
     enough to guide you along. Another retail stalwart, the Gap has a
     site that also captures the essence of the in-store experience: no
     muss, no fuss, and they just wanna sell you some pants. The clean
     Helvetica typography evokes the Gap's print ads, and the product
     categories are up there in big links, just waiting to be clicked
     on. Curiously, though, the only two buttons on the page read
     SHOPPING BAG and SUBMIT. Perhaps it's a subliminal message from the

     Another widely admired site is the home page for Volvo. Min Kyung
     Chang, a Web designer in New York, lauds it for its savvy mix of
     animation, content and layout, saying: "Car sites have to be
     intriguing, with a touch of drama." The page loads a quick
     animation of type fading in and out next to a shimmery picture of a
     Volvo. After this brief show, the site automatically transports you
     to the main page of links. Guessing that you probably came there to
     look at the cars, the first link on the page is "Showroom," which
     logically leads to another page where you can check out the recent
     models, find a dealer and even read about Volvo's financing plan.

     Even better is the official "X-Files" site. With its moody
     black-and-white images and just a hint of color, the site
     consistently evokes the noirish atmosphere of its TV parent.
     Detectives Scully and Mulder stand together in ghostly chiaroscuro
     on the opening page next to a stripped-down menu of options. The
     accompanying pages, from a chat room to an episode guide, employ a
     sexy silvery type that's easy to read. It's not a cutting-edge bit
     of technology, but in terms of design, the site merits the highest
     praise this Web surfer can give: a bookmark on my browser.

   Copyright 1998 The New York Times Company

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