I use an external modem on one of my PCs and there is one time when the *
pretty lights * are helpful. If I am downloading a huge amount which will
take 6 plus hours it is nice to turn off the monitor ....but I can still
glance over to the modem and see the lights twinkling and I know everything
is working ok. It is also nice to be able to shut down the modem with it's
power switch if you have a lockup.....you can recover without a reboot.
Ok Jim I admit it ...I like the flashing lights !
>Dan Dodder wrote:
>> While we're on the subject...is there any advantage to using an external
>> modem as opposed to an internal one?
>An external modem has pretty lights to let you know what is happening.
>BUT an external modem means one more wire in that tangled spaghetti
>patch behind the PC AND... one more AC plug crying for a socket to suck
>it's 'lectric from.
>Jim Meagher