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Lynda Mitchell <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Milk/Casein/Lactose-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 20 Feb 1999 14:44:23 EST
text/plain (30 lines)
In a message dated 2/20/99 11:05:52 AM Eastern Standard Time,
[log in to unmask] writes:

> I would like to hear from any other mothers who had an infant with milk
>  allergy. The doctors say many babies outgrow this by 1year. I am wondering
> if
>  you were able to continue breastfeeding or if you switched to formula. If
>  how did this work out for the baby?

I don't know where you heard the "doctors say many babies outgrow this by 1
year" but I don't believe that is accurate.  Most milk allergic babies outgrow
the allergy by age 3 and you can boost the chances by witholding all milk
product exposure until age 3.

My son developed a milk allergy from breastmilk exposure to milk products.
When I switched to formulas and my son developed a soy allergy and had
reactions also to the "hypoallergenic formulas" as well.  Many of the
hypoallergenic formulas are derived from casein, a milk derivative.  The
casein is "hydrosylated" to break it down to be tolerable by most, but not
all, milk allergic babies.  Up to 25% of milk allergic babies will react to
hydrosylate formulas.

So, if you can keep up a milk free diet and don't mind breastfeeding for a
while longer I would say that you might be better off.  But if you do decide
to switch to formula, you will probably be safer with soy formulas than the
hypoallergenic formulas since you already are dealing with a milk allergy.
