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The Holt's <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Milk/Casein/Lactose-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 3 Jan 1998 22:05:51 -0600
text/plain (27 lines)

My daughter (18 mos) was having vomiting/diarrhea from chewable Augmentin,
(which is Amoxicillin boosted with clavulanic acid)... as soon as we
stopped giving her the med, she stopped having the symptoms.  Our ped then
prescribed Zithromax (azithromycin) suspension which not only is NOT
causing her problems, but it is also the first medicine of ANY kind that
she will take without a fit of hysteria (sometimes the kid knows best...)

She hasn't been officially allergy tested, but her 3 year old brother is
allergic to milk among other things, so I suspect she is too-- she is still
nursing, but even after ear tubes has had several ear infections so I've
gone dairy-free myself in case the infections are allergy-related.  (My
allergies can still give me ear problems at the ripe old age of 33.)

And, wouldn't you know it, the "winter rash" that has made ME claw my skin
bloody for years has disappeared since I gave up the cow.  (Darn it.  That
one didn't show on my allergy test!)

Anyway, I don't know about the Zithromax ingredients but it's a once-a-day
for 5 days antibiotic from Pfizer labs.  If my daughter is dairy-allergic
like I think she is, this seems to be a good med to go with.

Good luck.

Jeanne (Braelyn's mom)