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Milk/Casein/Lactose-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Tracy Price <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 22 Feb 2001 22:08:10 -0500
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Milk/Casein/Lactose-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
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----- Original Message -----
From: "Zenzele Bell" <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Monday, February 12, 2001 10:46 PM
Subject: Re: Tofutti slices online?

> > there anyone here besides me that doesn't eat dairy
> > because of health reasons and not because of an allergy?  Just curious.

To the person with the question about "health reasons" versus "allergies", I
apologize if the tone of my message was curt.  I simply meant that, in order
to determine an appropriate response to your question, it would be helpful
if you could better define what you needed.  I then offered a list of
possible options.  There is also some question about what falls into the
category of allergies.  It is much more broad than just sinus, which is what
most people call allergies.  I was just trying to define the question.  As
for me, I don't stopped drinking milk because I developed a severe lactose
intollerance to it.  I wouldn't drink milk now for 'health' reasons,
including allergies, even if I didn't have the lactose problem.  I have not
yet completely switched over, but have been doing extensive research into
vegetarianism.  What I learned is that the health benefits of milk are
minute compared to all the harm it can potentially do.  I would be glad to
provide you with some references if you like that may help. Feel free to
email me privately. ([log in to unmask])

 ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Zenzele Bell" <[log in to unmask]>
> > Sent: Monday, February 12, 2001 10:46 PM
> Excuse Me.  There is no scientific proof that all these problems are
> to milk consumption.
> Let's cut the nonesence!

As far as this comment goes, I am sorry that this person considers the
latest research on the detriments of milk consumption as nonsense.  I have
included the following quotes from well respected physicians as only a
little bit of evidence.  Also, the list I gave was only potential
consequences.  Not everyone reacts to everything the same way.  But they are
all problems that can be caused by drinking cows milk.

In children, drinking milk is linked to ear infections, asthma, autism,
intestinal bleeding and juvenile diabetes, a disease that can cause

"There's no reason to drink cow's milk at any time in your life.  It was
designed for calves, not humans, and we should all stop drinking it
oday."  -
Dr.  Frank A. Oski, former director of pediatrics, Johns Hopkins University,
author of the physicians' textbook: The Portabl Pediatrician.

"I no longer recommend dairy products...there was a time when cow's milk was
considered very desirable.  But research, along with clinical experience,
forced doctors and nutritionists to rethink this recommendation."  - Dr.
Benjamin Spock

I have suffered from allergies, illness, chronic fatigue, etc, for over 10
years.  And I have spent a large portion of that time researching potential
causes for my problems.  During that search, I have read case studies,
practical evidence from physicians, and had my own personal experiences in
this area.  I wound up at an environmental allergist's office last year as
part of my journey.  Two physicians that treat patients from all over the US
and even out of the country, for the types of problems I was having.  Two of
the first things they asked me, had I been on antibiotics, and do I drink
milk.  I also told them of problems my two little girls were having with ear
infections, sinuses, and behavior problems.  The first thing they said was
to get them off milk.  These are physicians with over 30 years experience in
this area of expertise.  No more ear infections.  Sinuses cleared up.  While
kids will be kids, their behavior has improved.  All colds have gone away
with turning into infections requiring antibiotics.  Changes were noticable
in two weeks time.  I don't need science to tell me what worked here, but
evidence is starting to mount.

What I have come to understand is simply this.  The evidence is there, but
you have to be willing to look for it and read it.  You will not find it on
the Television, because the dairy industry has too much influence there.  It
is not currently mainstream thought either.  We have been so innundated with
"milk does a body good", that most people really have to have a need to
motivate them to look for real answers and to accept the evidence that is
out there.

I hope this clarifies my statement some.