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Milk/Casein/Lactose-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Tori Hocking <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 28 Apr 1998 09:56:08 +0930
Milk/Casein/Lactose-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (36 lines)
>   Also have a 10 yr. old boy who still wets the bed,
> and cries easily - found out that could be dairy related.
I don't know about the bed wetting but from personal experience crying
easily is definitely dairy related.

I know this may sound far fetched but when dairy was a big part of my
diet (all my life until about 21 years - I am now 28) I just couldn't
cope, everything was too difficult, I would be crying and depressed on
almost a daily basis about average every day occurrences.  I couldn't
cope if the cat was miaowing too loudly! and if my boyfriend said the
wrong thing I went off in hysterics.  I went and saw a psychologist for
about a year for what I thought was depression

I stopped consuming dairy products when I was 21 because I always felt
like I had a cold.  It wasn't until months later I realised how much
better I was coping.  Now I would regard myself as a competent,
responsible person who doesn't let the little in things in life bother
her.  I take pretty much everything in my stride and get on with life.
It is a MUCH better way to be.

Even now however if I eat something containing dairy it's like a fog
descends on my brain and I can't work my way through things.  Usually I
am able to realise this feeling as dairy related, and although that
knowledge doesn't lighten the feeling at all (it's very hard to shake),
I know that I just have to sit tight for a few hours (12 -24) and I'll
be OK again.

Anyway, I know this probably sounds a bit loopy but I thought maybe
hearing about someone else's experience may in some way help validate
your son's behaviour.