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Sam Troia <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
VICUG-L: Visually Impaired Computer Users' Group List
Thu, 5 Feb 1998 11:31:51 -0500
text/plain (44 lines)
Elizabeth Layton <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>Come on, youse guys,  tell me which computer equipment is the best
>that's out there now,

This is not really the best manner in which to seek information.  When
you ask which item, be it screen reader, reading system, etc., is the
best you're opening a Pandora's box of subjective reactions which will
inevitably clash with one another and cause needless hostilities.  It
would be much better for you to ask people what their experiences are
with various products.  And there is some evaluative literature which
you should take a look at.  Then, based on others' responses and your
own reading, you can make a decision that's right for you concerning
which equipment to buy.  The absolute best way to determine what's best
for you is to get hands-on experience with various products.  Since this
isn't always possible you should then fall back on reading reports and
talking to users of those products which you wish to consider.

All that having been said I will give you my point of view and,
remember, it is just that:  my point of view.  I read some literature
that I interpreted, as best I could, as saying that JAWS For Windows and
Window-Eyes out-performed other Windows screen readers.  And I spent
much time talking to users of both readers before finally deciding to go
with Window-Eyes in my new system, due to arrive soon.  I decided
personally that I didn't want to deal with JFW's macro language and I
felt that Window-Eyes might be more intuitive to learn.  But, please, in
all fairness, I have nothing bad to say about JFW.

The other thing I decided because of budgetary concerns was not to by a
proprietary reading system; I.E., one made specifically for the blind.
I was going to choose Omni Page Pro but in talking to G.W. Micro they
said that Window-Eyes works extremely well with Text Bridge Pro, both of
which are off the shelf software.  Text Bridge Pro is only $85.00.  Of
course it still remains to be seen what its features are and how well it
functions with speech.

Well, those are some of my thoughts; hope this helps you.


--Sam Troia, Midi Composer
(Your Alternative Uncle Sam)
New York City
Phone:  (212) 627-7639