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FERNANDO BOTELHO <[log in to unmask]>
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VICUG-L: Visually Impaired Computer Users' Group List
Thu, 5 Nov 1998 12:29:12 -0500
TEXT/PLAIN (2732 lines)
Jamal,  as credible as this leaked  memo is, don't 
you think that it is awefully convenient to paint Linux as a credible
threat right when they are being  sued by the government  for possible
monopolistic abuses?

I think Gates is smarter than you guys and the media is assuming he is.


Fernando H. F. Botelho
Work e-mail: [log in to unmask]
Personal e-mail: [log in to unmask]

On Thu, 5 Nov 1998, Jamal Mazrui wrote:

> >From the web page
>                     { The Halloween Document }
>  Open Source Software
> A (New?) Development Methodology
> { The body of the Halloween Document is an internal strategy
> memorandum on Microsoft's possible responses to the Linux/Open
> Source phenomenon. It smells too strongly of Microsoft's unique
> corporate culture (as revealed by independent resources such as
> The Borg) to be other than genuine.
> The list of collaborators mentioned at the end includes some
> people who are known to be key players at Microsoft, and the
> document reads as though the research effort had the cooperation
> of top management; it may even have been commissioned as a
> policy white paper for Bill Gates's attention (the author seems
> to have expected that Gates would read it).
> Accordingly, it provides us with a very valuable look past
> Microsoft's dismissive marketing spin about Open Source at what
> the company is actually thinking -- which, as you'll see, is an
> odd combination of astuteness and institutional myopia.
> Since the author quoted my analyses of open-source community
> dynamics ( The Cathedral and the Bazaar) and Homesteading the
> Noosphere) extensively, it seems fair that I should respond on
> behalf of the community. :-)
> Here are some notable quotes from the document, with hotlinks to
> where they are embedded. It's helpful to know that ``OSS'' is
> the author's abbreviation for ``Open Source Software''.
>      * OSS poses a direct, short-term revenue and platform
>      threat to Microsoft, particularly in server space.
>      Additionally, the intrinsic parallelism and free idea
>      exchange in OSS has benefits that are not replicable
>      with our current licensing model and therefore present
>      a long term developer mindshare threat.
>      * Recent case studies (the Internet) provide very
>      dramatic evidence ... that commercial quality can be
>      achieved / exceeded by OSS projects.
>      * understand how to compete against OSS, we must
>      target a process rather than a company.
>      * OSS is long-term credible ... FUD tactics can not be
>      used to combat it.
>      * Linux and other OSS advocates are making a
>      progressively more credible argument that OSS software
>      is at least as robust ¨C if not more ¨C than
>      commercial alternatives. The Internet provides an
>      ideal, high-visibility showcase for the OSS world.
>      * Linux has been deployed in mission critical,
>      commercial environments with an excellent pool of
>      public testimonials. ... Linux outperforms many other
>      UNIXes ... Linux is on track to eventually own the x86
>      UNIX market ...
>      * Linux can win as long as services / protocols are
>      commodities.
>      * OSS projects have been able to gain a foothold in
>      many server applications because of the wide utility
>      of highly commoditized, simple protocols. By extending
>      these protocols and developing new protocols, we can
>      deny OSS projects entry into the market.
>      * The ability of the OSS process to collect and
>      harness the collective IQ of thousands of individuals
>      across the Internet is simply amazing. More
>      importantly, OSS evangelization scales with the size
>      of the Internet much faster than our own
>      evangelization efforts appear to scale.
> Comments in green, surrounded by curly brackets, are me ( Eric
> S. Raymond). I have highlighted what I believe to be key points
> in the original text by turning them red. I have inserted
> comments near these key points; you can skim the document by
> surfing through this comment index in sequence.
> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
> 25 26 27
> I've embedded a few other comments in green that aren't
> associated with key points and aren't indexed. These additional
> comments are only of interest if you're reading the entire
> document.
> I have otherwise left the document completely as-is, so you can
> read what Bill Gates is reading about Open Source. It's a bit
> long, but persevere. An accurate fix on the opposition's
> thinking is worth some effort -- and there are one or two really
> startling insights buried in the corporatespeak.
> This annotated version of the VinodV memorandum was prepared
> over the weekend of 31 Oct-1 Nov 1998. It is in recognition of
> the date, and my fond hope that publishing it will help realize
> Microsoft's worst nightmares, that I named it the ``Halloween
> Document"'.
> Grab a copy now; Microsoft might just sue to suppress this
> thing. }
> ¡¡
> ¡¡
> Vinod Valloppillil (VinodV)
> Aug 11, 1998 ¨C v1.00
> Microsoft Confidential
> Table of Contents
> Table of Contents *
> Executive Summary *
> Open Source Software *
> What is it? *
> Software Licensing Taxonomy *
> Open Source Software is Significant to Microsoft *
> History *
> Open Source Process *
> Open Source Development Teams *
> OSS Development Coordination *
> Parallel Development *
> Parallel Debugging *
> Conflict resolution *
> Motivation *
> Code Forking *
> Open Source Strengths *
> OSS Exponential Attributes *
> Long-term credibility *
> Parallel Debugging *
> Parallel Development *
> OSS = ¡®perfect¡¯ API evangelization / documentation *
> Release rate *
> Open Source Weaknesses *
> Management Costs *
> Process Issues *
> Organizational Credibility *
> Open Source Business Models *
> Secondary Services *
> Loss Leader -- Market Entry *
> Commoditizing Downstream Suppliers *
> First Mover ¨C Build Now, $$ Later *
> Linux *
> What is it? *
> Linux is a real, credible OS + Development process *
> Linux is a short/medium-term threat in servers *
> Linux is unlikely to be a threat on the desktop *
> Beating Linux *
> Netscape *
> Organization & LIcensing *
> Strengths *
> Weaknesses *
> Predictions *
> Apache *
> History *
> Organization *
> Strengths *
> Weaknesses *
> IBM & Apache *
> Other OSS Projects *
> Microsoft Response *
> Product Vulnerabilities *
> Capturing OSS benefits -- Developer Mindshare *
> Capturing OSS benefits ¨C Microsoft Internal Processes *
> Extending OSS benefits -- Service Infrastructure *
> Blunting OSS attacks *
> Other Interesting Links *
> Acknowledgments *
> Revision History *
> ¡¡
> Open Source Software
> A (New?) Development Methodology
> Executive Summary
> Open Source Software (OSS) is a development process which
> promotes rapid creation and deployment of incremental features
> and bug fixes in an existing code / knowledge base. In recent
> years, corresponding to the growth of Internet, OSS projects
> have acquired the depth & complexity traditionally associated
> with commercial projects such as Operating Systems and mission
> critical servers.
> Consequently, OSS poses a direct, short-term revenue and
> platform threat to Microsoft ¨C particularly in server space.
> Additionally, the intrinsic parallelism and free idea exchange
> in OSS has benefits that are not replicable with our current
> licensing model and therefore present a long term developer
> mindshare threat.
> { OK, this establishes that Microsoft isn't asleep at the
> switch. }
> However, other OSS process weaknesses provide an avenue for
> Microsoft to garner advantage in key feature areas such as
> architectural improvements (e.g. storage+), integration (e.g.
> schemas), ease-of-use, and organizational support.
> { This summary recommendation is mainly interesting for how it
> fails to cover the specific suggestions later on in the document
> about de-commoditizing protocols etc. }
> Open Source Software
> What is it?
> Open Source Software (OSS) is software in which both source and
> binaries are distributed or accessible for a given product,
> usually for free. OSS is often mistaken for ¡°shareware¡± or
> ¡°freeware¡± but there are significant differences between these
> licensing models and the process around each product.
> Software Licensing Taxonomy
> Software Type  | ¡¡  | ¡¡  | ¡¡  | ¡¡  | ¡¡  | ¡¡  | ¡¡
> Commercial  | ¡¡  | ¡¡  | ¡¡  | ¡¡  | ¡¡  | ¡¡  | ¡¡
> Trial Software  |
> X
> (Non-full featured)  |
> X  |
> Non-Commercial Use  |
> X
> (Usage dependent)  |
> X  | ¡¡  | ¡¡  | ¡¡  | ¡¡  | ¡¡
> Shareware  |
> X-(Unenforced licensing)  |
> X  | ¡¡  | ¡¡  | ¡¡  | ¡¡  | ¡¡
> Royalty-free binaries (¡°Freeware¡±)  |
> X  |
> X  |
> X  | ¡¡  | ¡¡  | ¡¡  | ¡¡
> Royalty-free libraries  |
> X  |
> X  |
> X  |
> X  | ¡¡  | ¡¡  | ¡¡
> Open Source (BSD-Style)  |
> X  |
> X  |
> X  |
> X  |
> X  | ¡¡  | ¡¡
> Open Source (Apache Style)  |
> X  |
> X  |
> X  |
> X  |
> X  |
> X  | ¡¡
> Open Source (Linux/GNU style)  |
> X  |
> X  |
> X  |
> X  |
> X  |
> X  |
> X
> License Feature  |
> Zero Price Avenue  |
> Redistributable  |
> Unlimited Usage  |
> Source Code Available  |
> Source Code Modifiable  |
> Public ¡°Check-ins¡± to core codebase  |
> All derivatives must be free
> ¡¡
> The broad categories of licensing include:
>     * Commercial software
> Commercial software is classic Microsoft bread-and-butter. It
> must be purchased, may NOT be redistributed, and is typically
> only available as binaries to end users.
>     * Limited trial software
> Limited trial software are usually functionally limited versions
> of commercial software which are freely distributed and intend
> to drive purchase of the commercial code. Examples include
> 60-day time bombed evaluation products.
>     * Shareware
> Shareware products are fully functional and freely
> redistributable but have a license that mandates eventual
> purchase by both individuals and corporations. Many internet
> utilities (like ¡±WinZip¡±) take advantage of shareware as a
> distribution method.
>     * Non-commercial use
> Non-commercial use software is freely available and
> redistributable by non-profit making entities. Corporations,
> etc. must purchase the product. An example of this would be
> Netscape Navigator.
>     * Royalty free binaries
> Royalty-free binaries consist of software which may be freely
> used and distributed in binary form only. Internet Explorer and
> NetMeeting binaries fit this model.
>     * Royalty free libraries
> Royalty-free libraries are software products whose binaries and
> source code are freely used and distributed but may NOT be
> modified by the end customer without violating the license.
> Examples of this include class libraries, header files, etc.
>     * Open Source (BSD-style)
> A small, closed team of developers develops BSD-style open
> source products & allows free use and redistribution of binaries
> and code. While users are allowed to modify the code, the
> development team does NOT typically take ¡°check-ins¡± from the
> public.
>     * Open Source (Apache-style)
> Apache takes the BSD-style open source model and extends it by
> allowing check-ins to the core codebase by external parties.
>     * Open Source (CopyLeft, Linux-style)
> CopyLeft or GPL (General Public License) based software takes
> the Open Source license one critical step farther. Whereas BSD
> and Apache style software permits users to ¡°fork¡± the codebase
> and apply their own license terms to their modified code (e.g.
> make it commercial), the GPL license requires that all
> derivative works in turn must also be GPL code. ¡°You are free
> to hack this code as long as your derivative is also hackable¡±
> { It's interesting to note how differently these last three
> distinctions are framed from the way the open-source community
> generally views them.
> To us, open-source licensing and the rights it grants to users
> and third parties are primary, and specific development practice
> varies ad-hoc in a way not especially coupled to our license
> variations. In this Microsoft taxonomy, on the other hand, the
> central distinction is who has write access to a privileged
> central code base.
> This reflects a much more centralized view of reality, and
> reflects a failure of imagination or understanding on the
> memo-authors's part. He doesn't grok our distributed-development
> tradition fully. This is hardly surprising... }
> Open Source Software is Significant to Microsoft
> This paper focuses on Open Source Software (OSS). OSS is acutely
> different from the other forms of licensing (in particular
> ¡°shareware¡±) in two very important respects:
>         * There always exists an avenue for completely
>           royalty-free purchase of the core code base
>         * Unlike freely distributed binaries, Open Source
>           encourages a process around a core code base and
>           encourages extensions to the codebase by other
>           developers.
> OSS is a concern to Microsoft for several reasons:
>     * OSS projects have achieved ¡°commercial quality¡±
> A key barrier to entry for OSS in many customer environments has
> been its perceived lack of quality. OSS advocates contend that
> the greater code inspection & debugging in OSS software results
> in higher quality code than commercial software.
> Recent case studies (the Internet) provide very dramatic
> evidence in customer¡¯s eyes that commercial quality can be
> achieved / exceeded by OSS projects. At this time, however there
> is no strong evidence of OSS code quality aside from anecdotal.
> { These sentences, taken together, are rather contradictory
> unless the ``recent case studies'' are all ``anecdotal''. But if
> so, why call them ``very dramatic evidence''?
> It appears there's a bit of self-protective backing and filling
> going on in the second sentence. Nevertheless, the first
> sentence is a huge concession for Microsoft to make (even
> internally). }
>     * OSS projects have become large-scale & complex
> Another barrier to entry that has been tackled by OSS is project
> complexity. OSS teams are undertaking projects whose size &
> complexity had heretofore been the exclusive domain of
> commercial, economically-organized/motivated development teams.
> Examples include the Linux Operating System and Xfree86 GUI.
> OSS process vitality is directly tied to the Internet to provide
> distributed development resources on a mammoth scale. Some
> examples of OSS project size:
>                            Project  |
>                           Lines of Code
>                    Linux Kernel (x86 only)  |
>                             500,000
>                       Apache Web Server  |
>                              80,000
>                           SendMail  |
>                              57,000
>                   Xfree86 X-windows server  |
>                           1.5 Million
>                   ¡°K¡± desktop environment  |
>                              90,000
>                    Full Linux distribution  |
>                           ~10 Million
>   * OSS has a unique development process with unique
>     strengths/weaknesses
> The OSS process is unique in its participants¡¯ motivations and
> the resources that can be brought to bare down on problems. OSS,
> therefore, has some interesting, non-replicable assets which
> should be thoroughly understood.
> History
> Open source software has roots in the hobbyist and the
> scientific community and was typified by ad hoc exchange of
> source code by developers/users.
> Internet Software
> The largest case study of OSS is the Internet. Most of the
> earliest code on the Internet was, and is still based on OSS as
> described in an interview with Tim O¡¯Reilly
> ( ):
> TIM O'REILLY: The biggest message that we started out with was,
> "open source software works." ¡ BIND has absolutely dominant
> market share as the single most mission-critical piece of
> software on the Internet. Apache is the dominant Web server.
> SendMail runs probably eighty percent of the mail servers and
> probably touches every single piece of e-mail on the Internet
> Free Software Foundation / GNU Project
> Credit for the first instance of modern, organized OSS is
> generally given to Richard Stallman of MIT. In late 1983,
> Stallman created the Free Software Foundation (FSF) ¨C
> -- with the goal of
> creating a free version of the UNIX operating system. The FSF
> released a series of sources and binaries under the GNU moniker
> (which recursively stands for ¡°Gnu¡¯s Not Unix¡±).
> The original FSF / GNU initiatives fell short of their original
> goal of creating a completely OSS Unix. They did, however,
> contribute several famous and widely disseminated applications
> and programming tools used today including:
>         * GNU Emacs ¨C originally a powerful character-mode text
>           editor, over time Emacs was enhanced to provide a
>           front-end to compilers, mail readers, etc.
>         * GNU C Compiler (GCC) ¨C GCC is the most widely used
>           compiler in academia & the OSS world. In addition to
>           the compiler a fairly standardized set of intermediate
>           libraries are available as a superset to the ANSI C
>           libraries.
>         * GNU GhostScript ¨C Postscript printer/viewer.
> CopyLeft Licensing
> FSF/GNU software introduced the ¡°copyleft¡± licensing scheme
> that not only made it illegal to hide source code from GNU
> software but also made it illegal to hide the source from work
> derived from GNU software. The document that described this
> license is known as the General Public License (GPL).
> Wired magazine has the following summary of this scheme & its
> intent (
> The general public license, or GPL, allows users to sell, copy,
> and change copylefted programs - which can also be copyrighted -
> but you must pass along the same freedom to sell or copy your
> modifications and change them further. You must also make the
> source code of your modifications freely available.
> The second clause ¨C open source code of derivative works ¨C has
> been the most controversial (and, potentially the most
> successful) aspect of CopyLeft licensing.
> Open Source Process
> Commercial software development processes are hallmarked by
> organization around economic goals. However, since money is
> often not the (primary) motivation behind Open Source Software,
> understanding the nature of the threat posed requires a deep
> understanding of the process and motivation of Open Source
> development teams.
> In other words, to understand how to compete against OSS, we
> must target a process rather than a company.
> { This is a very important insight, one I wish Microsoft had
> missed. The real battle isn't NT vs. Linux, or Microsoft vs. Red
> Hat/Caldera/S.u.S.E. -- it's closed-source development versus
> open-source. The cathedral versus the bazaar.
> This applies in reverse as well, which is why bashing Microsoft
> qua Microsoft misses the point -- they're a symptom, not the
> disease itself. I wish more Linux hackers understood this.
> On a practical level, this insight means we can expect
> Microsoft's propaganda machine to be directed against the
> process and culture of open source, rather than specific
> competitors. Brace for it... }
> Open Source Development Teams
> Some of the key attributes of Internet-driven OSS teams:
>     * Geographically far-flung. Some of the key developers of
>       Linux, for example, are uniformly distributed across
>       Europe, the US, and Asia.
> { It's very interesting that the author recognizes this, but
> doesn't go on to discuss either Linux's edge in
> internationalization or the extent to which Linux's success
> overseas (especially in Europe) is driven by a fear of U.S.
> technological domination. This omission may represent an
> exploitable blind spot in Microsoft's strategy. }
>     * Large set of contributors with a smaller set of core
>       individuals. Linux, once again, has had over 1000 people
>       submit patches, bug fixes, etc. and has had over 200
>       individuals directly contribute code to the kernel.
>     * Not monetarily motivated (in the short run). These
>       individuals are more like hobbyists spending their free
>       time / energy on OSS project development while maintaining
>       other full time jobs. This has begun to change somewhat as
>       commercial versions of the Linux OS have appeared.
> OSS Development Coordination
> Communication ¨C Internet Scale
> Coordination of an OSS team is extremely dependent on
> Internet-native forms of collaboration. Typical methods employed
> run the full gamut of the Internet¡¯s collaborative technologies:
>         * Email lists
>         * Newsgroups
>         * 24x 7 monitoring by international subscribers
>         * Web sites
> OSS projects the size of Linux and Apache are only viable if a
> large enough community of highly skilled developers can be
> amassed to attack a problem. Consequently, there is direct
> correlation between the size of the project that OSS can tackle
> and the growth of the Internet.
> Common Direction
> In addition to the communications medium, another set of factors
> implicitly coordinate the direction of the team.
> Common Goals
> Common goals are the equivalent of vision statements which
> permeate the distributed decision making for the entire
> development team. A single, clear directive (e.g. ¡°recreate
> UNIX¡±) is far more efficiently communicated and acted upon by a
> group than multiple, intangible ones (e.g. ¡°make a good
> operating system¡±).
> Common Precedents
> Precedence is potentially the most important factor in
> explaining the rapid and cohesive growth of massive OSS projects
> such as the Linux Operating System. Because the entire Linux
> community has years of shared experience dealing with many other
> forms of UNIX, they are easily able to discern ¨C in a
> non-confrontational manner ¨C what worked and what didn¡¯t.
> There weren¡¯t arguments about the command syntax to use in the
> text editor ¨C everyone already used ¡°vi¡± and the developers
> simply parcelled out chunks of the command namespace to develop.
> Having historical, 20:20 hindsight provides a strong, implicit
> structure. In more forward looking organizations, this structure
> is provided by strong, visionary leadership.
> { At first glance, this just reads like a brown-nose-Bill
> comment by someone expecting that Gates will read the memo --
> you can almost see the author genuflecting before an icon of the
> Fearless Leader.
> More generally, it suggests a serious and potentially
> exploitable underestimation of the open-source community's
> ability to enable its own visionary leaders. We didn't get Emacs
> or Perl or the World Wide Web from ``20:20 hindsight'' -- nor is
> it correct to view even the relatively conservative Linux kernel
> design as a backward-looking recreation of past models.
> Accordingly, it suggest that Microsoft's response to open source
> can be wrong-footed by emphasizing innovation in both our
> actions and the way we represent what we're doing to the rest of
> the world. }
> Common Skillsets
> NatBro points out that the need for a commonly accepted skillset
> as a pre-requisite for OSS development. This point is closely
> related to the common precedents phenomena. From his email:
> A key attribute ¡ is the common UNIX/gnu/make skillset that OSS
> taps into and reinforces. I think the whole process wouldn't
> work if the barrier to entry were much higher than it is ¡ a
> modestly skilled UNIX programmer can grow into doing great
> things with Linux and many OSS products. Put another way -- it's
> not too hard for a developer in the OSS space to scratch their
> itch, because things build very similarly to one another, debug
> similarly, etc.
> Whereas precedents identify the end goal, the common skillsets
> attribute describes the number of people who are versed in the
> process necessary to reach that end.
> The Cathedral and the Bazaar
> A very influential paper by an open source software advocate ¨C
> Eric Raymond ¨C was first published in May 1997
> ( Raymond¡¯s
> paper was expressly cited by (then) Netscape CTO Eric Hahn as a
> motivation for their decision to release browser source code.
> Raymond dissected his OSS project in order to derive
> rules-of-thumb which could be exploited by other OSS projects in
> the future. Some of Raymond¡¯s rules include:
> Every good work of software starts by scratching a developer's
> personal itch
> This summarizes one of the core motivations of developers in the
> OSS process ¨C solving an immediate problem at hand faced by an
> individual developer ¨C this has allowed OSS to evolve complex
> projects without constant feedback from a marketing / support
> organization.
> Good programmers know what to write. Great ones know what to
> rewrite (and reuse).
> Raymond posits that developers are more likely to reuse code in
> a rigorous open source process than in a more traditional
> development environment because they are always guaranteed
> access to the entire source all the time.
> Widely available open source reduces search costs for finding a
> particular code snippet.
> ``Plan to throw one away; you will, anyhow.''
> Quoting Fred Brooks, ``The Mythical Man-Month'', Chapter 11.
> Because development teams in OSS are often extremely far flung,
> many major subcomponents in Linux had several initial prototypes
> followed by the selection and refinement of a single design by
> Linus.
> Treating your users as co-developers is your least-hassle route
> to rapid code improvement and effective debugging.
> Raymond advocates strong documentation and significant developer
> support for OSS projects in order to maximize their benefits.
> Code documentation is cited as an area which commercial
> developers typically neglect which would be a fatal mistake in
> OSS.
> Release early. Release often. And listen to your customers.
> This is a classic play out of the Microsoft handbook. OSS
> advocates will note, however, that their release-feedback cycle
> is potentially an order of magnitude faster than commercial
> software¡¯s.
> { This is an interestingly arrogant statement, as if they think
> I was somehow inspired by the Microsoft way of binary-only
> releases.
> But it suggests something else -- that even though the author
> intellectually grasps the importance of source code releases, he
> doesn't truly grok how powerful a lever the early release
> specifically of source code truly is. Perhaps living within
> Microsoft's assumptions makes that impossible. }
> Given a large enough beta-tester and co-developer base, almost
> every problem will be characterized quickly and the fix obvious
> to someone.
> This is probably the heart of Raymond¡¯s insight into the OSS
> process. He paraphrased this rule as ¡°debugging is
> parallelizable¡±. More in depth analysis follows.
> { Well, he got that right, anyway. }
> Parallel Development
> Once a component framework has been established (e.g. key API¡¯s
> & structures defined), OSS projects such as Linux utilize
> multiple small teams of individuals independently solving
> particular problems.
> Because the developers are typically hobbyists, the ability to
> ¡®fund¡¯ multiple, competing efforts is not an issue and the OSS
> process benefits from the ability to pick the best potential
> implementation out of the many produced.
> Note, that this is very dependent on:
>     * A large group of individuals willing to submit code
>     * A strong, implicit componentization framework (which, in
>       the case of Linux was inherited from UNIX architecture).
> Parallel Debugging
> The core argument advanced by Eric Raymond is that unlike other
> aspects of software development, code debugging is an activity
> whose efficiency improves nearly linearly with the number of
> individuals tasked with the project. There are little/no
> management or coordination costs associated with debugging a
> piece of open source code ¨C this is the key ¡®break¡¯ in
> Brooks¡¯ laws for OSS.
> Raymond includes Linus Torvald¡¯s description of the Linux
> debugging process:
> My original formulation was that every problem ``will be
> transparent to somebody''. Linus demurred that the person who
> understands and fixes the problem is not necessarily or even
> usually the person who first characterizes it. ``Somebody finds
> the problem,'' he says, ``and somebody else understands it. And
> I'll go on record as saying that finding it is the bigger
> challenge.'' But the point is that both things tend to happen
> quickly
> Put alternately:
> ``Debugging is parallelizable''. Jeff [Dutky
> <[log in to unmask]>] observes that although debugging requires
> debuggers to communicate with some coordinating developer, it
> doesn't require significant coordination between debuggers. Thus
> it doesn't fall prey to the same quadratic complexity and
> management costs that make adding developers problematic.
> One advantage of parallel debugging is that bugs and their fixes
> are found / propagated much faster than in traditional
> processes. For example, when the TearDrop IP attack was first
> posted to the web, less than 24 hours passed before the Linux
> community had a working fix available for download.
> ¡°Impulse Debugging¡±
> An extension to parallel debugging that I¡¯ll add to Raymond¡¯s
> hypothesis is ¡°impulsive debugging¡±. In the case of the Linux
> OS, implicit to the act of installing the OS is the act of
> installing the debugging/development environment. Consequently,
> it¡¯s highly likely that if a particular user/developer comes
> across a bug in another individual¡¯s component ¨C and
> especially if that bug is ¡°shallow¡± ¨C that user can very
> quickly patch the code and, via internet collaboration
> technologies, propagate that patch very quickly back to the code
> maintainer.
> Put another way, OSS processes have a very low entry barrier to
> the debugging process due to the common development/debugging
> methodology derived from the GNU tools.
> Conflict resolution
> Any large scale development process will encounter conflicts
> which must be resolved. Often resolution is an arbitrary
> decision in order to further progress the project. In commercial
> teams, the corporate hierarchy + performance review structure
> solves this problem ¨C How do OSS teams resolve them?
> In the case of Linux, Linus Torvalds is the undisputed
> ¡®leader¡¯ of the project. He¡¯s delegated large components
> (e.g. networking, device drivers, etc.) to several of his
> trusted ¡°lieutenants¡¯ who further de-facto delegate to a
> handful of ¡°area¡± owners (e.g. LAN drivers).
> Other organizations are described by Eric Raymond:
> (
> homesteading-15.html):
> Some very large projects discard the `benevolent dictator' model
> entirely. One way to do this is turn the co-developers into a
> voting committee (as with Apache). Another is rotating
> dictatorship, in which control is occasionally passed from one
> member to another within a circle of senior co-developers (the
> Perl developers organize themselves this way).
> ¡¡
> Motivation
> This section provides an overview of some of the key reasons OSS
> developers seek to contribute to OSS projects.
> Solving the Problem at Hand
> This is basically a rephrasing of Raymond¡¯s first rule of thumb
> ¨C ¡°Every good work of software starts by scratching a
> developer¡¯s personal itch¡±.
> Many OSS projects ¨C such as Apache -- started as a small team
> of developers setting out to solve an immediate problem at hand.
> Subsequent improvements of the code often stem from individuals
> applying the code to their own scenarios (e.g. discovering that
> there is no device driver for a particular NIC, etc.)
> Education
> The Linux kernel grew out of an educational project at the
> University of Helsinki. Similarly, many of the components of
> Linux / GNU system (X windows GUI, shell utilities, clustering,
> networking, etc.) were extended by individuals at educational
> institutions.
>     * In the Far East, for example, Linux is reportedly growing
>       faster than internet connectivity ¨C due primarily to
>       educational adoption.
>     * Universities are some of the original proponents of OSS as
>       a teaching tool.
>     * Research/teaching projects on top of Linux are easily
>       ¡®disseminated¡¯ due to the wide availability of Linux
>       source. In particular, this often means that new research
>       ideas are first implemented and available on Linux before
>       they are available / incorporated into other platforms.
> Ego Gratification
> The most ethereal, and perhaps most profound motivation
> presented by the OSS development community is pure ego
> gratification.
> In ¡°The Cathedral and the Bazaar¡±, Eric S. Raymond cites:
> The ``utility function'' Linux hackers are maximizing is not
> classically economic, but is the intangible of their own ego
> satisfaction and reputation among other hackers.
> And, of course, ¡°you aren¡¯t a hacker until someone else calls
> you hacker¡±
> Homesteading on the Noosphere
> A second paper published by Raymond ¨C ¡°Homesteading on the
> Noosphere¡±
> (,
> discusses the difference between economically motivated exchange
> (e.g. commercial software development for money) and ¡°gift
> exchange¡± (e.g. OSS for glory).
> ¡°Homesteading¡± is acquiring property by being the first to
> ¡®discover¡¯ it or by being the most recent to make a
> significant contribution to it. The ¡°Noosphere¡± is loosely
> defined as the ¡°space of all work¡±. Therefore, Raymond posits,
> the OSS hacker motivation is to lay a claim to the largest area
> in the body of work. In other words, take credit for the biggest
> piece of the prize.
> { This is a subtle but significant misreading. It introduces a
> notion of territorial `size' which is nowhere in my theory. It
> may be a personal error of the author, but I suspect it reflects
> Microsoft's competition-obsessed culture. }
> >From ¡°Homesteading on the Noosphere¡±:
> Abundance makes command relationships difficult to sustain and
> exchange relationships an almost pointless game. In gift
> cultures, social status is determined not by what you control
> but by what you give away.
> ¡
> For examined in this way, it is quite clear that the society of
> open-source hackers is in fact a gift culture. Within it, there
> is no serious shortage of the `survival necessities' -- disk
> space, network bandwidth, computing power. Software is freely
> shared. This abundance creates a situation in which the only
> available measure of competitive success is reputation among
> one's peers.
> More succinctly
> (
> SIMS: So the scarcity that you looked for was the scarcity of
> attention and reward?
> RAYMOND: That¡¯s exactly correct.
> Altruism
> This is a controversial motivation and I¡¯m inclined to believe
> that at some level, Altruism ¡®degenerates¡¯ into a form of the
> Ego Gratification argument advanced by Raymond.
> One smaller motivation which, in part, stems from altruism is
> Microsoft-bashing.
> { What a very fascinating admission, coming from a Microserf! Of
> course, he doesn't analyze why this connection exists; that
> might hit too close to home... }
> Code Forking
> A key threat in any large development team ¨C and one that is
> particularly exacerbated by the process chaos of an
> internet-scale development team -- is the risk of code-forking.
> Code forking occurs when over normal push-and-pull of a
> development project, multiple, inconsistent versions of the
> project¡¯s code base evolve.
> In the commercial world, for example, the strong, singular
> management of the Windows NT codebase is considered to be one of
> it¡¯s greatest advantages over the ¡®forked¡¯ codebase found in
> commercial UNIX implementations (SCO, Solaris, IRIX, HP-UX,
> etc.).
> Forking in OSS ¨C BSD Unix
> Within OSS space, BSD Unix is the best example of forked code.
> The original BSD UNIX was an attempt by U-Cal Berkeley to create
> a royalty-free version of the UNIX operating system for teaching
> purposes. However, Berkeley put severe restrictions on
> non-academic uses of the codebase.
> In order to create a fully free version of BSD UNIX, an ad hoc
> (but closed) team of developers created FreeBSD. Other
> developers at odds with the FreeBSD team for one reason or
> another splintered the OS to create other variations (OpenBSD,
> NetBSD, BSDI).
> There are two dominant factors which led to the forking of the
> BSD tree:
>         * Not everyone can contribute to the BSD codebase. This
>           limits the size of the effective ¡°Noosphere¡± and
>           creates the potential for someone else to credibly
>           claim that their forked code will become more dominant
>           than the core BSD code.
> { Wow. This is an insight I never had -- that forking can
> actually be driven by the belief that the forker could
> accumulate a bigger bazaar than the current project. It
> certainly explains EGCS and the BSD-spinoff-group-of-the-week
> phenomenon, though probably not the Emacs/XEmacs split.
> OK, we've learned something now. This may in fact explain the
> couinterintuitive fact that the projects which open up
> development the most actually have the least tendency to fork...
> }
>         * Unlike GPL, BSD¡¯s license places no restrictions on
>           derivative code. Therefore, if you think your
>           modifications are cool enough, you are free to fork
>           the code, charge money for it, change its name, etc.
> Both of these motivations create a situation where developers
> may try to force a fork in the code and collect royalties
> (monetary, or ego) at the expense of the collective BSD society.
> (Lack of) Forking in Linux
> In contrast to the BSD example, the Linux kernel code base
> hasn¡¯t forked. Some of the reasons why the integrity of the
> Linux codebase has been maintained include:
>     * Universally accepted leadership
> Linus Torvalds is a celebrity in the Linux world and his
> decisions are considered final. By contrast, a similar celebrity
> leader did NOT exist for the BSD-derived efforts.
> Linus is considered by the development team to be a fair,
> well-reasoned code manager and his reputation within the Linux
> community is quite strong. However, Linus doesn¡¯t get involved
> in every decision. Often, sub groups resolve their ¨C often
> large ¨C differences amongst themselves and prevent code forking.
>     * Open membership & long term contribution potential.
> In contrast to BSD¡¯s closed membership, anyone can contribute
> to Linux and your ¡°status¡± ¨C and therefore ability to
> ¡®homestead¡¯ a bigger piece of Linux ¨C is based on the size of
> your previous contributions.
> Indirectly this presents a further disincentive to code forking.
> There is almost no credible mechanism by which the forked,
> minority code base will be able to maintain the rate of
> innovation of the primary Linux codebase.
>     * GPL licensing eliminates economic motivations for code
>       forking
> Because derivatives of Linux MUST be available through some free
> avenue, it lowers the long term economic gain for a minority
> party with a forked Linux tree.
>     * Forking the codebase also forks the ¡°Noosphere¡±
> Ego motivations push OSS developers to plant the biggest stake
> in the biggest Noosphere. Forking the code base inevitably
> shrinks the space of accomplishment for any subsequent
> developers to the new code tree.
> Open Source Strengths
> What are the core strengths of OSS products that Microsoft needs
> to be concerned with?
> OSS Exponential Attributes
> Like our Operating System business, OSS ecosystems have several
> exponential attributes:
>     * OSS processes are growing with the Internet
> The single biggest constraint faced by any OSS project is
> finding enough developers interested in contributing their time
> towards the project. As an enabler, the Internet was absolutely
> necessary to bring together enough people for an Operating
> System scale project. More importantly, the growth engine for
> these projects is the growth in the Internet¡¯s reach.
> Improvements in collaboration technologies directly lubricate
> the OSS engine.
> Put another way, the growth of the Internet will make existing
> OSS projects bigger and will make OSS projects in ¡°smaller¡±
> software categories become viable.
>     * OSS processes are ¡°winner-take-all¡±
> Like commercial software, the most viable single OSS project in
> many categories will, in the long run, kill competitive OSS
> projects and ¡®acquire¡¯ their IQ assets. For example, Linux is
> killing BSD Unix and has absorbed most of its core ideas (as
> well as ideas in the commercial UNIXes). This feature confers
> huge first mover advantages to a particular project
>     * Developers seek to contribute to the largest OSS platform
> The larger the OSS project, the greater the prestige associated
> with contributing a large, high quality component to its
> Noosphere. This phenomena contributes back to the
> ¡°winner-take-all¡± nature of the OSS process in a given segment.
>     * Larger OSS projects solve more ¡°problems at hand¡±
> The larger the project, the more development/test/debugging the
> code receives. The more debugging, the more people who deploy
> it.
> Long-term credibility
> Binaries may die but source code lives forever
> One of the most interesting implications of viable OSS
> ecosystems is long-term credibility.
> Long-Term Credibility Defined
> Long term credibility exists if there is no way you can be
> driven out of business in the near term. This forces change in
> how competitors deal with you.
> For example, Airbus Industries garnered initial long term
> credibility from explicit government support. Consequently, when
> bidding for an airline contract, Boeing would be more likely to
> accept short-term, non-economic returns when bidding against
> Lockheed than when bidding against Airbus.
> Loosely applied to the vernacular of the software industry, a
> product/process is long-term credible if FUD tactics can not be
> used to combat it.
> OSS is Long-Term Credible
> OSS systems are considered credible because the source code is
> available from potentially millions of places and individuals.
> { We are deep inside the Microsoft world-view here. I realize
> that a typical hacker's reaction to this kind of thinking will
> be to find it nauseating, but it reflects a kind of instrumental
> ruthlessness about the uses of negative marketing that we need
> to learn to cope with.
> The really interesting thing about these two statements is that
> they imply that Microsoft should give up on FUD as an effective
> tactic against us.
> Most of us have been assuming that the DOJ antitrust suit is
> what's keeping Microsoft from hauling out the FUD guns. But if
> His Gatesness bought this part of the memo, Microsoft may
> believe that they need to develop a more substantive response
> because FUD won't work.
> This could be both good and bad news. The good news is that
> Microsoft would give up attack marketing, a weapon which in the
> past has been much more powerful than its distinctly inferior
> technology. The bad news is that, against us, giving it up would
> actually be better strategy; they wouldn't be wasting energy any
> more and might actually evolve some effective response. }
> The likelihood that Apache will cease to exist is orders of
> magnitudes lower than the likelihood that WordPerfect, for
> example, will disappear. The disappearance of Apache is not tied
> to the disappearance of binaries (which are affected by
> purchasing shifts, etc.) but rather to the disappearance of
> source code and the knowledge base.
> Inversely stated, customers know that Apache will be around 5
> years from now -- provided there exists some minimal sustained
> interested from its user/development community.
> One Apache customer, in discussing his rationale for running his
> e-commerce site on OSS stated, ¡°because it¡¯s open source, I
> can assign one or two developers to it and maintain it myself
> indefinitely. ¡°
> Lack of Code-Forking Compounds Long-Term Credibility
> The GPL and its aversion to code forking reassures customers
> that they aren¡¯t riding an evolutionary ¡®dead-end¡¯ by
> subscribing to a particular commercial version of Linux.
> The ¡°evolutionary dead-end¡± is the core of the software FUD
> argument.
> { Very true -- and there's another glaring omission here. If the
> author had been really honest, he'd have noted that OSS
> advocates are well positioned to turn this argument around and
> beat Microsoft to death with it.
> By the author's own admission, OSS is bulletproof on this score.
> On the other hand, the exploding complexity and schedule
> slippage of the just-renamed ``Windows 2000'' suggest that it is
> an evolutionary dead end.
> The author didn't go on to point that out. But we should. }
> Parallel Debugging
> Linux and other OSS advocates are making a progressively more
> credible argument that OSS software is at least as robust ¨C if
> not more ¨C than commercial alternatives. The Internet provides
> an ideal, high-visibility showcase for the OSS world.
> { It's a handful of amateurs, most of us unpaid and almost all
> part-time, against an entrenced multimillion-dollar propaganda
> machine run by some of the top specialists in the
> technology-marketing business.
> And the amateurs are ``making a progressively more credible
> argument''. By Microsoft's own admission, we're actually winning.
> Maybe there's a message about the underlying products here? }
> In particular, larger, more savvy, organizations who rely on OSS
> for business operations (e.g. ISPs) are comforted by the fact
> that they can potentially fix a work-stopping bug independent of
> a commercial provider¡¯s schedule (for example, UUNET was able
> to obtain, compile, and apply the teardrop attack patch to their
> deployed Linux boxes within 24 hours of the first public attack)
> Parallel Development
> Alternatively stated, ¡°developer resources are essentially free
> in OSS¡±. Because the pool of potential developers is massive,
> it is economically viable to simultaneously investigate multiple
> solutions / versions to a problem and chose the best solution in
> the end.
> For example, the Linux TCP/IP stack was probably rewritten 3
> times. Assembly code components in particular have been
> continuously hand tuned and refined.
> OSS = ¡®perfect¡¯ API evangelization / documentation
> OSS¡¯s API evangelization / developer education is basically
> providing the developer with the underlying code. Whereas
> evangelization of API¡¯s in a closed source model basically
> defaults to trust, OSS API evangelization lets the developer
> make up his own mind.
> NatBro and Ckindel point out a split in developer capabilities
> here. Whereas the ¡°enthusiast developer¡± is comforted by OSS
> evangelization, novice/intermediate developers ¨Cthe bulk of the
> development community ¨C prefer the trust model + organizational
> credibility (e.g. ¡°Microsoft says API X looks this way¡±)
> { Whether it's really true that most developers prefer the
> `trust' model or not is an extremely interesting question.
> Twenty years of experience in the field tells me not; that, in
> general, developers prefer code even when their non-technical
> bosses are naive enough to prefer `trust'. Microsoft, obviously,
> wants to believe that its `organizational credibility' counts --
> I detect some wishful thinking here.
> On the other hand, they may be right. We in the open-source
> community can't afford to dismiss that possibility. I think we
> can meet it by developing high-quality documentation. In this
> way, `trust' in name authors (or in publishers of good repute
> such as O'Reilly or Addison-Wesley) can substitute for `trust'
> in an API-defining organization.) }
> Release rate
> Strongly componentized OSS projects are able to release
> subcomponents as soon as the developer has finished his code.
> Consequently, OSS projects rev quickly & frequently.
> Open Source Weaknesses
> The weaknesses in OSS projects fall into 3 primary buckets:
>     * Management costs
>     * Process Issues
>     * Organizational Credibility
> Management Costs
> The biggest roadblock for OSS projects is dealing with
> exponential growth of management costs as a project is scaled up
> in terms of rate of innovation and size. This implies a limit to
> the rate at which an OSS project can innovate.
> Starting an OSS project is difficult
> >From Eric Raymond:
> It's fairly clear that one cannot code from the ground up in
> bazaar style. One can test, debug and improve in bazaar style,
> but it would be very hard to originate a project in bazaar mode.
> Linus didn't try it. I didn't either. Your nascent developer
> community needs to have something runnable and testable to play
> with.
> Raymond ¡®s argument can be extended to the difficulty in
> starting/sustaining a project if there are no clear precedent /
> goal (or too many goals) for the project.
> Bazaar Credibility
> Obviously, there are far more fragments of source code on the
> Internet than there are OSS communities. What separates ¡°dead
> source code¡± from a thriving bazaar?
> One article (
> provides the following credibility criteria:
> "....thinking in terms of a hard minimum number of participants
> is misleading. Fetchmail and Linux have huge numbers of beta
> testers *now*, but they obviously both had very few at the
> beginning.
> What both projects did have was a handful of enthusiasts and a
> plausible promise. The promise was partly technical (this code
> will be wonderful with a little effort) and sociological (if you
> join our gang, you'll have as much fun as we're having). So
> what's necessary for a bazaar to develop is that it be credible
> that the full-blown bazaar will exist!"
> I¡¯ll posit that some of the key criteria that must exist for a
> bazaar to be credible include:
>     * Large Future Noosphere ¨C The project must be cool enough
>       that the intellectual reward adequately compensates for
>       the time invested by developers. The Linux OS excels in
>       this respect.
>     * Scratch a big itch ¨C The project must be important /
>       deployable by a large audience of developers. The Apache
>       web server provides an excellent example here.
>     * Solve the right amount of the problem first ¨C Solving too
>       much of the problem relegates the OSS development
>       community to the role of testers. Solving too little
>       before going OSS reduces ¡°plausible promise¡± and
>       doesn¡¯t provide a strong enough component framework to
>       efficiently coordinate work.
> { These three points are well-thought-out and actually improve
> on my characterization in ``The Cathedral and the Bazaar.''. The
> distinction he makes between `Large Future Noosphere' and
> `Scratch a big itch' is particularly telling. }
> Post-Parity Development
> When describing this problem to JimAll, he provided the perfect
> analogy of ¡°chasing tail lights¡±. The easiest way to get
> coordinated behavior from a large, semi-organized mob is to
> point them at a known target. Having the taillights provides
> concreteness to a fuzzy vision. In such situations, having a
> taillight to follow is a proxy for having strong central
> leadership.
> Of course, once this implicit organizing principle is no longer
> available (once a project has achieved ¡°parity¡± with the
> state-of-the-art), the level of management necessary to push
> towards new frontiers becomes massive.
> { Nonsense. In the open-source world, all it takes is one person
> with a good idea.
> Part of the point of open source is to lower the energy barriers
> that retard innovation. We've found by experience that the
> `massive management' the author extols is one of the worst of
> these barriers.
> In the open-source world, innovators get to try anything, and
> the only test is whether users will volunteer to experiment with
> the innovation and like it once they have. The Internet
> facilitates this process, and the cooperative conventions of the
> open-source community are specifically designed to promote it.
> The third alternative to ``chasing taillights'' or ``strong
> central leadership'' (and more effective than either) is an
> evolving creative anarchy, in which there are a thousand leaders
> and ten thousand followers linked by a web of peer review and
> subject to rapid-fire reality checks.
> Microsoft cannot beat this. I don't think they can even really
> understand it, not on a gut level. }
> This is possibly the single most interesting hurdle to face the
> Linux community now that they¡¯ve achieved parity with the state
> of the art in UNIX in many respects.
> { The Linux community has not merely lept this hurdle, but
> utterly demolished it. This fact is at the core of open-source's
> long-term advantage over closed-source development. }
> Un-sexy work
> Another interesting thing to observe in the near future of OSS
> is how well the team is able to tackle the ¡°unsexy¡± work
> necessary to bring a commercial grade product to life.
> In the operating systems space, this includes small, essential
> functions such as power management, suspend/resume, management
> infrastructure, UI niceties, deep Unicode support, etc.
> For Apache, this may mean novice-administrator functionality
> such as wizards.
> Integrative/Architectural work
> Integrative work across modules is the biggest cost encountered
> by OSS teams. An email memo from Nathan Myrhvold on 5/98, points
> out that of all the aspects of software development, integration
> work is most subject to Brooks¡¯ laws.
> Up till now, Linux has greatly benefited from the integration /
> componentization model pushed by previous UNIX¡¯s. Additionally,
> the organization of Apache was simplified by the relatively
> simple, fault tolerant specifications of the HTTP protocol and
> UNIX server application design.
> Future innovations which require changes to the core
> architecture / integration model are going to be incredibly hard
> for the OSS team to absorb because it simultaneously devalues
> their precedents and skillsets.
>  { This prediction is of a piece with the author's earlier
> assertion that open-source development relies critically on
> design precedents and is unavoidably backward-looking. It's
> myopic -- apparently things like Python, Beowulf, and Squeak (to
> name just three of hundreds of innovative projects) don't show
> on his radar.
> We can only hope Microsoft continues to believe this, because it
> would hinder their response. Much will depend on how they
> interpret innovations such as (for example) the SMPization of
> the Linux kernel. }
> Process Issues
> These are weaknesses intrinsic to OSS¡¯s design/feedback
> methodology.
> Iterative Cost
> One of the key¡¯s to the OSS process is having many more
> iterations than commercial software (Linux was known to rev
> it¡¯s kernel more than once a day!). However, commercial
> customers tell us they want fewer revs, not more.
> { This is why commercial Linux distributors exist -- to mediate
> between the rapid-development process and customers who don't
> want to follow every twist of it. The kernel may rev once a day,
> but Red Hat only revs once in six months. }
> ¡°Non-expert¡± Feedback
> The Linux OS is not developed for end users but rather, for
> other hackers. Similarly, the Apache web server is implicitly
> targetted at the largest, most savvy site operators, not the
> departmental intranet server.
> The key thread here is that because OSS doesn¡¯t have an
> explicit marketing / customer feedback component, wishlists ¨C
> and consequently feature development -- are dominated by the
> most technically savvy users.
> One thing that development groups at MSFT have learned time and
> time again is that ease of use, UI intuitiveness, etc. must be
> built from the ground up into a product and can not be pasted on
> at a later time.
> { This demands comment -- because it's so right in theory, but
> so hideously wrong in Microsoft practice. The wrongness implies
> an exploitable weakness in the implied strategy (for Microsoft)
> of emphasizing UI.
> There are two ways to build in ease of use "from the ground up".
> One (the Microsoft way) is to design monolithic applications
> that are defined and dominated by their UIs. This tends to
> produce ``Windowsitis'' -- rigid, clunky, bug-prone
> monstrosities that are all glossy surface with a hollow
> interior.
> Programs built this way look user-friendly at first sight, but
> turn out to be huge time and energy sinks in the longer term.
> They can only be sustained by carpet-bomb marketing, the main
> purpose of which is to delude users into believing that (a) bugs
> are features, or that (b) all bugs are really the stupid user's
> fault, or that (c) all bugs will be abolished if the user bends
> over for the next upgrade. This approach is fundamentally broken.
> The other way is the Unix/Internet/Web way, which is to separate
> the engine (which does the work) from the UI (which does the
> viewing and control). This approach requires that the engine and
> UI communicate using a well-defined protocol. It's exemplified
> by browser/server pairs -- the engine specializes in being an
> engine, and the UI specializes in being a UI.
> With this second approach, overall complexity goes down and
> reliability goes up. Further, the interface is easier to
> evolve/improve/customize, precisely because it's not tightly
> coupled to the engine. It's even possible to have multiple
> interfaces tuned to different audiences.
> Finally, this architecture leads naturally to applications that
> are enterprise-ready -- that can be used or administered
> remotely from the server. This approach works -- and it's the
> open-source community's natural way to counter Microsoft.
> The key point is here is that if Microsoft wants to fight the
> open-source community on UI, let them -- because we can win that
> battle, too, fighting it our way. They can write
> ever-more-elaborate Windows monoliths that spot-weld you to your
> application-server console. We'll win if we write clean
> distributed applications that leverage the Internet and the Web
> and make the UI a pluggable/unpluggable user choice that can
> evolve.
> Note, however, that our win depends on the existence of
> well-defined protocols (such as HTTP) to communicate between UIs
> and engines. That's why the stuff later in this memo about
> ``de-commoditizing protocols'' is so sinister. We need to guard
> against that. }
> The interesting trend to observe here will be the effect that
> commercial OSS providers (such as RedHat in Linux space, C2Net
> in Apache space) will have on the feedback cycle.
> Organizational Credibility
> How can OSS provide the service that consumers expect from
> software providers?
> Support Model
> Product support is typically the first issue prospective
> consumers of OSS packages worry about and is the primary feature
> that commercial redistributors tout.
> However, the vast majority of OSS projects are supported by the
> developers of the respective components. Scaling this support
> infrastructure to the level expected in commercial products will
> be a significant challenge. There are many orders of magnitude
> difference between users and developers in IIS vs. Apache.
> { The vagueness of this last sentence is telling. Had the author
> continued, he would have had to acknowledge that Apache is
> clobbering the crap out of IIS in the marketplace (Apache's
> share 54% and climbing; IIS's somewhere around 14% and dropping).
> This would have led to a choice of unpalatable (for Microsoft)
> alternatives. It may be that Apache's informal user-support
> channels and `organizational credibility' actually produce
> better results than Microsoft's IIS organization can offer. If
> that's true, then it's hard to see in principle why the same
> shouldn't be true of other open-source projects.
> The alternative -- that Apache is so good that it doesn't need
> much support or `organizational credibility' -- is even worse.
> That would mean that all of Microsoft's heavy-duty support and
> marketing battalions were just a huge malinvestment, like
> crumbling Stalinist apartment blocks forty years later.
> These two possible explanations imply distinct but parallel
> strategies for open-source advocates. One is to build software
> that's so good it just doesn't need much support (but we'd do
> this anyway, and generally have). The other is to do more
> intensely what we're already doing along the lines of support
> mailing lists, newsgroups, FAQs, and other informal but
> extremely effective channels. }
> For the short-medium run, this factor alone will relegate OSS
> products to the top tiers of the user community.
> Strategic Futures
> A very sublime problem which will affect full scale consumer
> adoption of OSS projects is the lack of strategic direction in
> the OSS development cycle. While incremental improvement of the
> current bag of features in an OSS product is very credible,
> future features have no organizational commitment to guarantee
> their development.
> { No. In the open-source community, new features are driven by
> the novelty- and territory-seeking behavior of individual
> hackers. This certainly is not a force to be despised. The
> Internet and the Web were built this way -- not because of
> `organizational commitment', but because somebody, somewhere,
> thought ``Hey -- this would be neat...''.
> Perhaps we're fortunate that `organizational credibility' looms
> so large in the Microsoft world-view. The time and energy they
> spend worrying about that and believing it's a prerequisite is
> resources they won't spend doing anything that might be
> effective against us. }
> What does it mean for the Linux community to ¡°sign up¡± to help
> build the Corporate Digital Nervous System? How can Linux
> guarantee backward compatibility with apps written to previous
> API¡¯s? Who do you sue if the next version of Linux breaks some
> commitment? How does Linux make a strategic alliance with some
> other entity?
> { The author has been overtaken by events here. He should ask
> Microsoft's buddies at Intel, who bought a minority stake in Red
> Hat less than two months after this memo was written. }
> Open Source Business Models
> In the last 2 years, OSS has taken another twist with the
> emergence of companies that sell OSS software, and more
> importantly, hiring full-time developers to improve the code
> base. What¡¯s the business model that justifies these salaries?
> In many cases, the answers to these questions are similar to
> ¡°why should I submit my protocol/app/API to a standards body?¡±
> Secondary Services
> The vendor of OSS-ware provides sales, support, and integration
> to the customer. Effectively, this transforms the OSS-ware
> vendor from a package goods manufacturer into a services
> provider.
> Loss Leader -- Market Entry
> The Loss Leader OSS business model can be used for two purposes:
>         * Jumpstarting an infant market
>         * Breaking into an existing market with entrenched,
>           closed-source players
> Many OSS startups ¨C particularly those in Operating Systems
> space -- view funding the development of OSS products as a
> strategic loss leader against Microsoft.
> Linux distributors, such as RedHat, Caldera, and others, are
> expressly willing to fund full time developers who release all
> their work to the OSS community. By simultaneously funding these
> efforts, Red Hat and Caldera are implicitly colluding and
> believe they¡¯ll make more short term revenue by growing the
> Linux market rather than directly competing with each other.
> An indirect example is O¡¯Reilly & Associates employment of
> Larry Wall ¨C ¡°leader¡± and full time developer of PERL. The #1
> publisher of PERL reference books, of course is O¡¯Reilly &
> Associates.
> For the short run, especially as the OSS project is at the
> steepest part of it¡¯s growth curve, such investments generate
> positive ROI. Longer term, ROI motivations may steer these
> developers towards making proprietary extensions rather than
> releasing OSS.
> Commoditizing Downstream Suppliers
> This is very closely related to the loss leader business model.
> However, instead of trying to get marginal service returns by
> massively growing the market, these businesses increase returns
> in their part of the value chain by commoditizing downstream
> suppliers.
> The best examples of this currently are the thin server vendors
> such as Whistle Communications, and Cobalt Micro who are
> actively funding developers in SAMBA and Linux respectively.
> Both Whistle and Cobalt generate their revenue on hardware
> volume. Consequently, funding OSS enables them to avoid today¡¯s
> PC market where a ¡°tax¡± must be paid to the OS vendor (NT
> Server retail price is $800 whereas Cobalt¡¯s target MSRP is
> around $1000).
> The earliest Apache developers were employed by cash-strapped
> ISPs and ICPs.
> Another, more recent example is IBM¡¯s deal with Apache. By
> declaring the HTTP server a commodity, IBM hopes to concentrate
> returns in the more technically arcane application services it
> bundles with it¡¯s Apache distribution (as well as hope to reach
> Apache¡¯s tremendous market share).
> First Mover ¨C Build Now, $$ Later
> One of the exponential qualities of OSS ¨C successful OSS
> projects swallow less successful ones in their space ¨C implies
> a pre-emption business model where by investing directly in OSS
> today, they can pre-empt / eliminate competitive projects later
> ¨C especially if the project requires API evangelization. This
> is tantamount to seizing a first mover advantage in OSS.
> In addition, the developer scale, iteration rate, and
> reliability advantages of the OSS process are a blessing to
> small startups who typically can¡¯t afford a large in¨Chouse
> development staff.
> Examples of startups in this space include (making
> a commercially supported version of the sendmail mail transfer
> agent) and C2Net (makes commercial and encrypted Apache)
> Notice, that no case of a successful startup originating an OSS
> project has been observed. In both of these cases, the OSS
> project existed before the startup was formed.
> Sun Microsystem¡¯s has recently announced that its ¡°JINI¡±
> project will be provided via a form of OSS and may represent an
> application of the pre-emption doctrine.
> Linux
> The next several sections analyze the most prominent OSS
> projects including Linux, Apache, and now, Netscape¡¯s OSS
> browser.
> A second memo titled ¡°Linux OS Competitive Analysis¡± provides
> an in-depth review of the Linux OS. Here, I provide a top-level
> summary of my findings in Linux.
> What is it?
> Linux (pronounced ¡°LYNN-ucks¡±) is the #1 market share Open
> Source OS on the Internet. Linux is derives strongly from the
> 25+ years of lessons learned on the UNIX operating system.
> Top-Level Features:
>     * Multi-user / Multi-threaded (kernel & user)
>     * Multi-platform (x86, Alpha, MIPS, PowerPC, SPARC, etc.)
>     * Protected 32-bit memory space for apps; Virtual Memory
>       support (64-bit in development)
>     * SMP (Intel & Sun CPU¡¯s)
>     * Supports multiple file systems (FAT16, FAT32, NTFS,
>       Ext2FS)
>     * High performance networking
>       * NFS/SMB/IPX/Appletalk networking
>       * Fastest stack in Unix vs. Unix perf tests
>     * Disk Management
>       * Striping, mirroring, FAT16, FAT32, NTFS
>     * Xfree86 GUI
> Linux is a real, credible OS + Development process
> Like other Open Source Software (OSS) products, the real key to
> Linux isn¡¯t the static version of the product but rather the
> process around it. This process lends credibility and an air of
> future-safeness to customer Linux investments.
>     * Trusted in mission criticial environments. Linux has been
>       deployed in mission critical, commercial environments with
>       an excellent pool of public testimonials.
>     * Linux = Best of Breed UNIX. Linux outperforms many other
>       UNIX¡¯s in most major performance category (networking,
>       disk I/O, process ctx switch, etc.). To grow their
>       featurebase, Linux has also liberally stolen features of
>       other UNIX¡¯s (shell features, file systems, graphics, CPU
>       ports)
>     * Only Unix OS to gain market share. Linux is on track to
>       eventually own the x86 UNIX market and has been the only
>       UNIX version to gain net Server OS market share in recent
>       years. I believe that Linux ¨C moreso than NT ¨C will be
>       the biggest threat to SCO in the near future.
>     * Linux¡¯s process iterates VERY fast. For example, the
>       Linux equivalent of the TransmitFile() API went from idea
>       to final implementation in about 2 weeks time.
> { All true. I couldn't have put it better myself :-). }
> Linux is a short/medium-term threat in servers
> The primary threat Microsoft faces from Linux is against NT
> Server.
> Linux¡¯s future strength against NT server (and other UNIXes) is
> fed by several key factors:
>     * Linux uses commodity PC hardware and, due to OS
>       modularity, can be run on smaller systems than NT. Linux
>       is frequently used for services such as DNS running on old
>       486¡¯s in back closets.
>     * Due to it¡¯s UNIX heritage, Linux represents a lower
>       switching cost for some organizations than NT
>     * UNIX¡¯s perceived Scaleability, Interopability,
>       Availability, and Manageability (SIAM) advantages over NT.
>     * Linux can win as long as services / protocols are
>       commodities
> { We sense a theme developing here...
> To put it slightly differently: Linux can win if services are
> open and protocols are simple, transparent. Microsoft can only
> win if services are closed and protocols are complex, opaque.
> To put it even more bluntly: "commodity" services and protocols
> are good things for customers; they promote competition and
> choice. Therefore, for Microsoft to win, the customer must lose.
> The most interesting revelation in this memo is how close to
> explicitly stating this logic Microsoft is willing to come. }
> Linux is unlikely to be a threat on the desktop
> Linux is unlikely to be a threat in the medium-long term on the
> desktop for several reasons:
>     * Poor end-user apps & focus. OSS development process are
>       far better at solving individual component issues than
>       they are at solving integrative scenarios such as
>       end-to-end ease of use.
> { The easy and obvious counter to this is to observe that
> Microsoft is pretty bad at `end-to-end ease of use' itself; what
> it's good at is creating systems that look at first sight as
> though they have that quality, but don't actually deliver on it
> (and, over time, have a far higher total cost in productivity
> lost to bugs and missing features than does Linux).
> Though this is true, it evades an important issue -- which is
> that that Microsoft's own meretriciousness on this score doesn't
> make its criticism any less valid. Open-source development
> really is poor at addressing this class of issues, because it
> doesn't involve systematic ease-of-use-testing with non-hackers.
> This genuinely will slow down Linux's advance on the desktop. It
> is not likely to stall it forever, however -- not if efforts
> like GNOME and KDE get time to mature. }
>     * Switching costs for desktop installed base. Switching
>       desktops is hard and a challenger must be able to prove a
>       significant marginal advantage. Linux¡¯s process is more
>       focused on second-mover advantages (e.g. copying what¡¯s
>       been proven to work) and is therefore unlikely to provide
>       the first-mover advantage necessary to provide switching
>       impetus.
> { There's a hidden presumption here that innovation and ``first
> mover advantage'' are the only ways to defray the preceived cost
> of switching. This is a dangerous assumption for Microsoft; it
> may be that the superior reliability and stability of Linux is
> sufficient.
> Even granting the author's presumption, the possibility that
> Linux can grab a sufficient `first-mover' advantage is not
> safely foreclosed unless the open-source mode really is
> incapable of generating innovation -- and we already know that's
> not true. }
>     * UNIX heritage will slow encroachment. Ease of use must be
>       engineered from the ground up. Linux¡¯s hacker orientation
>       will never provide the ease-of-use requirements of the
>       average desktop user.
> { My previous comments on ease-of-use engineering, and the
> open-source community's way to beat this rap, apply here. We
> need to wrong-foot Microsoft by building systems that use
> openness to support users readily evolving their environments to
> optimum, in the way that the Web does. }
> Beating Linux
> In addition to the attacking the general weaknesses of OSS
> projects (e.g. Integrative / Architectural costs), some specific
> attacks on Linux are:
>     * Beat UNIX
> All the standard product issues for NT vs. Sun apply to Linux.
>     * Fold extended functionality into commodity protocols /
>       services and create new protocols
> Linux¡¯s homebase is currently commodity network and server
> infrastructure. By folding extended functionality (e.g. Storage+
> in file systems, DAV/POD for networking) into today¡¯s commodity
> services, we raise the bar & change the rules of the game.
> { Here, as in the earlier comment on how Linux can win, we start
> to see the actual outlines of a Microsoft strategy emerge from
> the fog of corporatese. And it ain't pretty; in fact, it's ugly
> enough to make it appropriate that it's pushing midnight on
> Halloween as I write.
> What the author is driving at is nothing less than trying to
> subvert the entire "commodity network and server" infrastructure
> (featuring TCP/IP, SMTP, HTTP, POP3, IMAP, NFS, and other open
> standards) into using protocols which, though they might have
> the same names, have actually been subverted into customer- and
> market-control devices for Microsoft (this is what the author
> really means when he exhorts Microserfs to ``raise the bar &
> change the rules of the game'').
> The `folding extended functionality' here is a euphemism for
> introducing nonstandard extensions (or entire alternative
> protocols) which are then saturation-marketed as standards, even
> though they're closed, undocumented or just specified enough to
> create an illusion of openness. The objective is to make the new
> protocols a checklist item for gullible corporate buyers, while
> simultaneously making the writing of third-party symbiotes for
> Microsoft programs next to impossible. (And anyone who succeeds
> gets bought out.)
> This game is called ``embrace and extend''. We've seen Microsoft
> play this game before, and they're very good at it. When it
> works, Microsoft wins a monopoly lock. Customers lose.
> Open-source advocates can counter by pointing out exactly how
> and why customers lose (reduced competition, higher costs, lower
> reliability, lost opportunities). Open-source advocates can also
> make this case by showing the contrapositive -- that is, how
> open source and open standards increase vendor competition,
> decrease costs, improve reliability, and create opportunities.
> Once again, as Microsoft conceded earlier in the memo, the
> Internet is our poster child. Our best stop-thrust against
> embrace-and-extend is to point out that Microsoft is trying to
> close up the Internet. }
> Netscape
> In an attempt to renew it¡¯s credibility in the browser space,
> Netscape has recently released and is attempting to create an
> OSS community around it¡¯s Mozilla source code.
> Organization & LIcensing
> Netscape¡¯s organization and licensing model is loosely based on
> the Linux community & GPL with a few differences. First, Mozilla
> and Netscape Communicator are 2 codebases with Netscape¡¯s
> engineers providing synchronization.
>         * Mozilla = the OSS, freely distributable browser
>         * Netscape Communicator = Branded, slightly modified
>           (e.g. homepage default is set to
>           version of Mozilla.
> Unlike the full GPL, Netscape reserves the final right to reject
> / force modifications into the Mozilla codebase and Netscape¡¯s
> engineers are the appointed ¡°Area Directors¡± of large
> components (for now).
> Strengths
> Capitalize on Anti-MSFT Sentiment in the OSS Community
> Relative to other OSS projects, Mozilla is considered to be one
> of the most direct, near-term attacks on the Microsoft
> establishment. This factor alone is probably a key galvanizing
> factor in motivating developers towards the Mozilla codebase.
> New credibility
> The availability of Mozilla source code has renewed Netscape¡¯s
> credibility in the browser space to a small degree. As BharatS
> points out in http://ie/specs/Mozilla/default.htm:
> ¡°They have guaranteed by releasing their code that they will
> never disappear from the horizon entirely in the manner that
> Wordstar has disappeared. Mozilla browsers will survive well
> into the next 10 years even if the user base does shrink. ¡°
> Scratch a big itch
> The browser is widely used / disseminated. Consequently, the
> pool of people who may be willing to solve ¡°an immediate
> problem at hand¡± and/or fix a bug may be quite high.
> Weaknesses
> Post parity development
> Mozilla is already at close to parity with IE4/5. Consequently,
> there no strong example to chase to help implicitly coordinate
> the development team.
> Netscape has assigned some of their top developers towards the
> full time task of managing the Mozilla codebase and it will be
> interesting to see how this helps (if at all) the ability of
> Mozilla to push on new ground.
> Small Noosphere
> An interesting weakness is the size of the remaining
> ¡°Noosphere¡± for the OSS browser.
>     * The stand-alone browser is basically finished.
> There are no longer any large, high-profile segments of the
> stand-alone browser which must be developed. In otherwords,
> Netscape has already solved the interesting 80% of the problem.
> There is little / no ego gratification in debugging / fixing the
> remaining 20% of Netscape¡¯s code.
>     * Netscape¡¯s commercial interests shrink the effect of
>       Noosphere contributions.
> Linus Torvalds¡¯ management of the Linux codebase is arguably
> directed towards the goal of creating the best Linux. Netscape,
> by contrast, expressly reserves the right to make code
> management decisions on the basis of Netscape¡¯s commercial /
> business interests. Instead of creating an important product,
> the developer¡¯s code is being subjugated to Netscape¡¯s stock
> price.
> Integration Cost
> Potentially the single biggest detriment to the Mozilla effort
> is the level of integration that customers expect from features
> in a browser. As stated earlier, integration development /
> testing is NOT a parallelizable activity and therefore is hurt
> by the OSS process.
> In particular, much of the new work for IE5+ is not just
> integrating components within the browser but continuing
> integration within the OS. This will be exceptionally painful to
> compete aga inst.
> Predictions
> The contention therefore, is that unlike the Apache and Linux
> projects which, for now, are quite successful, Netscape¡¯s
> Mozilla effort will:
>     * Produce the dominant browser on Linux and some UNIX¡¯s
>     * Continue to slip behind IE in the long run
> Keeping in mind that the source code was only released a short
> time ago (April ¡¯98), there is already evidence of waning
> interest in Mozilla. EXTREMELY unscientific evidence is found in
> the decline in mailing list volume on Mozilla mailing lists from
> April to June.
>                     Mozilla Mailing List  |
>                           April 1998  |
>                           June 1998  |
>                             % decline
>                       Feature Wishlist  |
>                             1073  |
>                              450  |
>                               58%
>                         UI Development  |
>                              285  |
>                               76  |
>                               73%
>                       General Discussion  |
>                             1862  |
>                              687  |
>                               63%
> Internal mirrors of the Mozilla mailing lists can be found on
> Apache
> History
> Paraphrased from
> In February of 1995, the most popular server software on the Web
> was the public domain HTTP daemon developed by NCSA, University
> of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. However, development of that
> httpd had stalled after mid-1994, and many webmasters had
> developed their own extensions and bug fixes that were in need
> of a common distribution. A small group of these webmasters,
> contacted via private e-mail, gathered together for the purpose
> of coordinating their changes (in the form of "patches"). By the
> end of February ¡®95, eight core contributors formed the
> foundation of the original Apache Group. In April 1995, Apache
> 0.6.2 was released.
> During May-June 1995, a new server architecture (code-named
> Shambhala) was developed which included a modular structure and
> API for better extensibility, pool-based memory allocation, and
> an adaptive pre-forking process model. The group switched to
> this new server base in July and added the features from 0.7.x,
> resulting in Apache 0.8.8 (and its brethren) in August.
> Less than a year after the group was formed, the Apache server
> passed NCSA's httpd as the #1 server on the Internet.
> Organization
> The Apache development team consists of about 19 core members
> plus hundreds of web site administrators around the world
> who¡¯ve submitted a bug report / patch of one form or another.
> Apache¡¯s bug data can be found at:
> A description of the code management and dispute resolution
> procedures followed by the Apache team are found on
> Leadership:
> There is a core group of contributors (informally called the
> "core") which was formed from the project founders and is
> augmented from time to time when core members nominate
> outstanding contributors and the rest of the core members agree.
> Dispute resolution:
> Changes to the code are proposed on the mailing list and usually
> voted on by active members -- three +1 (yes votes) and no -1 (no
> votes, or vetoes) are needed to commit a code change during a
> release cycle
> Strengths
> Market Share!
> Apache far and away has #1 web site share on the Internet today.
> Possession of the lion¡¯s share of the market provides extremely
> powerful control over the market¡¯s evolution.
> In particular, Apache¡¯s market share in web server space
> presents the following competitive hurdles:
>     * Lowest common denominator HTTP protocol ¨C slows our
>       ability to extend the protocol to support new applications
>     * Breathe more life into UNIX ¨C Where Apache goes, Unix
>       must follow.
> 3rd Party Support
> The number of tools / modules / plug-ins available for Apache
> has been growing at an increasing rate.
> Weaknesses
> Performance
> In the short run, IIS soundly beats Apache on SPECweb. Moving
> further, as IIS moves into kernel and takes advantage deeper
> integration with the NT, this lead is expected to increase
> further.
> Apache, by contrast, is saddled with the requirement to create
> portable code for all of its OS environments.
> HTTP Protocol Complexity & Application services
> Part of the reason that Apache was able to get a foothold and
> take off was because the HTTP protocol is so simple. As more and
> more features become layered on top of the humble web server
> (e.g. multi-server transaction support, POD, etc.) it will be
> interesting to see how the Apache team will be able to keep up.
> ASP support, for example is a key driver for IIS in corporate
> intranets.
> IBM & Apache
> Recently, IBM announced it¡¯s support for the Apache codebase in
> its WebSphere application server. The actual result of the press
> furor is still unclear however:
>     * IBM still ships and supports both Apache and Domino¡¯s GO
>       web server
>     * IBM¡¯s commitment appears to be:
>       * Helping Apache port to strategic IBM platforms (AS/400,
>         etc.)
>       * Redistributing Apache binaries to customers who request
>         Apache support
>       * Support for Apache binaries (only if they were purchased
>         through IBM?)
>     * IBM has developers actively participating in Apache
>       development / discussion groups.
>     * IBM is taking a lead role in optimizing Apache for NT
> Other OSS Projects
> Some other OSS projects:
>     * Gimp ¨C ¨C Gimp (GNU Image
>       Manipulation Program) is an OSS project to create an Adobe
>       Photoshop clone for Unix workstations. Feature-wise,
>       however, their version 1.0 project is more akin to
>       PaintBrush.
>     * WINE / WABI ¨C ¨C Wine (Wine Is Not an
>       Emulator) is an OSS windows emulation library for UNIX.
>       Wine competes (somewhat) with Sun¡¯s WABI project which is
>       non-OSS. Older versions of Office, for example, are able
>       to run in WINE although performance remains to be
>       evaluated.
>     * PERL ¨C ¨C PERL (Practical Evaluation
>       and Reporting Language) is the defacto standard scripting
>       language for all Apache web servers. PERL is very popular
>       on UNIX in particular due to its powerful text/string
>       manipulation and UNIX¡¯s reliance on command line
>       administration of all functionality.
>     * BIND ¨C ¨C BIND (Berkeley Internet
>       Name Daemon) is the de facto DNS server for the Internet.
>       In many respects, DNS was developed on top of BIND.
>     * Sendmail ¨C ¨C Sendmail is the #1
>       share mail transfer agent on the Internet today.
>     * Squid ¨C ¨C Squid is an OSS Proxy
>       server based on the ICP protocol. Squid is somewhat
>       popular with large international ISPs although it¡¯s
>       performance is lacking.
>     * SAMBA ¨C ¨C SAMBA provides an SMB
>       file server for UNIX. Recently, the SAMBA team has managed
>       to reverse engineer and develop an NT domain controller
>       for UNIX as well. SGI employs one of the SAMBA leads.
>       linux-19980714-phq.html: ¡°By the end of the year ¡ Samba
>       will be able to completely replace all primary NT Server
>       functions.¡±
>     * KDE ¨C ¨C ¡°K¡± Desktop Environment.
>       Combines integrated browser, shell, and office suite for
>       Unix desktops. Check out the screen shots at:
> and
>     * Majordomo ¨C the dominant mail list server on the Internet
>       is writtenentirely in PERL via OSS.
> Microsoft Response
> In general, a lot more thought/discussion needs to put into
> Microsoft¡¯s response to the OSS phenomena. The goal of this
> document is education and analysis of the OSS process,
> consequently in this section, I present only a very superficial
> list of options and concerns.
> Product Vulnerabilities
> Where is Microsoft most likely to feel the ¡°pinch¡± of OSS
> projects in the near future?
> Server vs. Client
> The server is more vulnerable to OSS products than the client.
> Reasons for this include:
>     * Clients ¡°task switch¡± more often ¨C the average client
>       desktop is used for a wider variety of apps than the
>       server. Consequently, integration, ease-of-use, fit &
>       finish, etc. are key attributes.
>     * Servers are more task specific -- OSS products work best
>       if goals/precedents are clearly defined ¨C e.g. serving up
>       commodity protocols
>     * Commodity servers are a lower ¡°commitment¡± than clients
>       ¨C Replacing commodity servers such as file, print,
>       mail-relay, etc. with open source alternatives doesn¡¯t
>       interfere with the end-user¡¯s experience. Also, in these
>       commodity services, a ¡°throw-away¡± ¡°experimental¡±
>       solution will often by entertained by an organization.
>     * Servers are professionally managed ¨C This plays into
>       OSS¡¯s strengths in customization and mitigates weaknesses
>       in lack of end-user ease of use focus.
> Capturing OSS benefits -- Developer Mindshare
> The ability of the OSS process to collect and harness the
> collective IQ of thousands of individuals across the Internet is
> simply amazing. More importantly, OSS evangelization scales with
> the size of the Internet much faster than our own evangelization
> efforts appear to scale.
> { That is, Microsoft is being both out-thought and out-marketed
> by Open Source -- and knows it! }
> How can Microsoft capture some of the rabid developer mindshare
> being focused on OSS products?
> Some initial ideas include:
>     * Capture parallel debugging benefits via broader code
>       licensing -- Be more liberal in handing out source code
>       licenses to NT to organizations such as universities and
>       certain partners.
>     * Provide entry level tools for low cost / free ¨C The
>       second order effect of tools is to generate a common
>       skillset / vocabulary tacitly leveraged by developers. As
>       NatBro points out, the wide availability of a consistent
>       developer toolset in Linux/UNIX is a critical means of
>       implicitly coordinating the system.
>     * Put out parts of the source code ¨C try to generate hacker
>       interest in adding value to MS-sponsored code bases. Parts
>       of the TCP/IP stack could be a first candidate. OshM
>       points out, however that the challenge is to find some
>       part of MS¡¯s codebase with a big enough Noosphere to
>       generate interest.
>     * Provide more extensibility ¨C The Linux ¡°enthusiast
>       developer¡± loves writing to / understanding undocumented
>       API¡¯s and internals. Documenting / publishing some
>       internal API¡¯s as ¡°unsupported¡± may be a means of
>       generating external innovations that leverage our systems
>       investments. In particular, ensuring that more components
>       from more teams are scriptable / automatable will help
>       ensure that power users can play with our components.
>     * Creating Community/Noosphere. MSDN reaches an extremely
>       large population. How can we create social structures that
>       provide network benefits leveraging this huge developer
>       base? For example, what if we had a central VB showcase on
> which allowed VB developers to post &
>       published full source of their VB projects to share with
>       other VB developers? I¡¯ll contend that many VB developers
>       would get extreme ego gratification out of having their
>       name / code downloadable from
>     * Monitor OSS news groups. Learn new ideas and hire the
>       best/brightest individuals.
> Capturing OSS benefits ¨C Microsoft Internal Processes
> What can Microsoft learn from the OSS example? More
> specifically: How can we recreate the OSS development
> environment internally? Different reviewers of this paper have
> consistently pointed out that internally, we should view
> Microsoft as an idealized OSS community but, for various reasons
> do not:
>     * Different development ¡°modes¡±. Setting up an NT
>       build/development environment is extremely complex &
>       wildly different from the environment used by the Office
>       team.
>     * Different tools / source code managers. Some teams use
>       SLM, other use VSS. Different bug databases. Different
>       build processes.
>     * No central repository/code access. There is no central set
>       of servers to find, install, review the code from projects
>       outside your immediate scope. Even simply providing a
>       central repository for debug symbols would be a huge
>       improvement. NatBro:
> ¡°a developer at Microsoft working on the OS can¡¯t scratch an
> itch they¡¯ve got with Excel, neither can the Excel developer
> scratch their itch with the OS ¨C it would take them months to
> figure out how to build & debug & install, and they probably
> couldn¡¯t get proper source access anyway¡±
>     * Wide developer communication. Mailing lists dealing with
>       particular components & bug reports are usually closed to
>       team members.
>     * More component robustness. Linux and other OSS projects
>       make it easy for developers to experiment with small
>       components in the system without introducing regressions
>       in other components: DavidDs:
> ¡°People have to work on their parts independent of the rest so
> internal abstractions between components are well documented and
> well exposed/exported as well as being more robust because they
> have no idea how they are going to be called. The linux
> development system has evolved into allowing more devs to party
> on it without causing huge numbers of integration issues because
> robustness is present at every level. This is great, long term,
> for overall stability and it shows.¡±
> The trick of course, is to capture these benefits without
> incurring the costs of the OSS process. These costs are
> typically the reasons such barriers were erected in the first
> place:
>     * Integration. A full-time developer on a component has a
>       lot of work to do already before trying to analyze &
>       integrate fixes from other developers within the company.
>     * Iterative costs & dependencies. The potential for
>       mini-code forks between ¡°scratched¡¯ versions of the OS
>       being used by one Excel developer and ¡°core¡± OS used by
>       a different Excel developer.
> Extending OSS benefits -- Service Infrastructure
> Supporting a platform & development community requires a lot of
> service infrastructure which OSS can¡¯t provide. This includes
> PDC¡¯s, MSDN, ADCU, ISVs, IHVs, etc.
> The OSS communities ¡°MSDN¡± equivalent, of course, is a loose
> confederation of web sites with API docs of varying quality. MS
> has an opportunty to really exploit the web for developer
> evangelization.
> Blunting OSS attacks
> Generally, Microsoft wins by attacking the core weaknesses of
> OSS projects.
> De-commoditize protocols & applications
> OSS projects have been able to gain a foothold in many server
> applications because of the wide utility of highly commoditized,
> simple protocols. By extending these protocols and developing
> new protocols, we can deny OSS projects entry into the market.
> David Stutz makes a very good point: in competing with
> Microsoft¡¯s level of desktop integration, ¡°commodity protocols
> actually become the means of integration¡± for OSS projects.
> There is a large amount of IQ being expended in various IETF
> working groups which are quickly creating the architectural
> model for integration for these OSS projects.
> { In other words, open protocols must be locked up and the IETF
> crushed in order to ``de-commoditize protocols & applications''
> and stop open-source software.
> Once again, open-source advocates' best response is to point out
> to customers that when things are ``de-commoditized'', vendors
> gain and customers lose. }
> Some examples of Microsoft initiatives which are extending
> commodity protocols include:
>     * DNS integration with Directory. Leveraging the Directory
>       Service to add value to DNS via dynamic updates, security,
>       authentication
>     * HTTP-DAV. DAV is complex and the protocol spec provides an
>       infinite level of implementation complexity for various
>       applications (e.g. the design for Exchange over DAV is
>       good but certainly not the single obvious design). Apache
>       will be hard pressed to pick and choose the correct first
>       areas of DAV to implement.
>     * Structured storage. Changes the rules of the game in the
>       file serving space (a key Linux/Apache application).
>       Creates a compelling client-side advantage which can be
>       extended to the server as well.
>     * MSMQ for Distributed Applications. MSMQ is a great example
>       of a distributed technology where most of the value is in
>       the services and implementation and NOT in the wire
>       protocol. The same is true for MTS, DTC, and COM+.
> Make Integration Compelling ¨C Especially on the server
> The rise of specialty servers is a particularly potent and dire
> long term threat that directly affects our revenue streams. One
> of the keys to combating this threat is to create integrative
> scenarios that are valuable on the server platform. David Stutz
> points out:
> The bottom line here is whoever has the best network-oriented
> integration technologies and processes will win the commodity
> server business. There is a convergence of embedded systems,
> mobile connectivity, and pervasive networking protocols that
> will make the number of servers (especially "specialist
> servers"??) explode. The general-purpose commodity client is a
> good business to be in - will it be dwarfed by the
> special-purpose commodity server business?
>     * System Management. Systems management functionality
>       potentially touches all aspects of a product / platform.
>       Consequently, it is not something which is easily grafted
>       onto an existing codebase in a componentized manner. It
>       must be designed from the start or be the result of a
>       conscious re-evaluation of all components in a given
>       project.
>     * Ease of Use. Like management, this often must be designed
>       from the ground up and consequently incurs large
>       development management cost. OSS projects will
>       consistently have problems matching this feature area
>     * Solve Scenarios. ZAW, dial up networking, wizards, etc.
>     * Client Integration. How can we leverage the client base to
>       provide similar integration requirements on our servers?
>       For example, MSMQ, as a piece of middleware, requires
>       closely synchronized client and server codebases.
>     * Middleware control is critical. Obviously, as servers and
>       their protocols risk commoditization higher order
>       functionality is necessary to preserve margins in the
>       server OS business.
> Organizational Credibility
>     * Release / Service pack process. By consolidating and
>       managing the arduous task of keeping up with the latest
>       fixes, Microsoft provides a key customer advantage over
>       basic OSS processes.
>     * Long-Term Commitments. Via tools such as enterprise
>       agreements, long term research, executive keynotes, etc.,
>       Microsoft is able to commit to a long term vision and
>       create a greater sense of long term order than an OSS
>       process.
> Other Interesting Links
>     * -- summarizes the weeks events in
>       Linux development world.
>     * Slashdot ¨C -- daily news /
>       discussion in the OSS community
>     *
>     *
>     * -- info on the latest open
>       source releases & project updates
> Acknowledgments
> Many people provided, datapoints, proofreading, thoughtful
> email, and analysis on both this paper and the Linux analysis:
> Nat Brown
> Jim Allchin
> Charlie Kindel
> Ben Slivka
> Josh Cohen
> George Spix
> David Stutz
> Stephanie Ferguson
> Jackie Erickson
> Michael Nelson
> Dwight Krossa
> David D¡¯Souza
> David Treadwell
> David Gunter
> Oshoma Momoh
> Alex Hopman
> Jeffrey Robertson
> Sankar Koundinya
> Alex Sutton
> Bernard Aboba
> ¡¡
> Revision History
> Date  |
> Revision  |
> Comments
> 8/03/98  |
> 0.95  | ¡¡
> 8/10/98  |
> 0.97  |
> Started revision table
> Folded in comments from JoshCo
> 8/11/98  |
> 1.00  |
> More fixes, printed copies for PaulMa review
> ----------
> End of Document
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