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Mark Senk <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
VICUG-L: Visually Impaired Computer Users' Group List
Fri, 18 Apr 1997 13:51:56 -0400
TEXT/PLAIN (172 lines)



                         APRIL 11, 1997

   Robert Croneberger, Director of Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh
(CLP), convened a meeting of people who had attended meetings of
the Electronic Information Network (EIN) Board and expressed the
need for assistive technology to access electronic information
available in the public library.  During the March 31, 1997 EIN
Board Meeting Mr. Croneberger indicated that he would work to make
speech-output assistive technology available at CLP by National
Library Week, the week of April 14.

   The Assistive Technology Meeting was held April 11, 1997 at 5:30
p.m. in the Humanities Department of Carnegie Library of
Pittsburgh's Main Library, 4400 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA
15213.  The meeting began with the introduction of participants.
Present were:

Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh staff:
     Robert Croneberger, Loretta O'Brien, Sue Murdock, Kathleen
     Kappel, Sheila Jackson, Anne New, Tracey Morsek, Linda Gmiter,
     Aimee Sgourakis and Melissa McKenna

EIN representatives:
     Dan Iddings, Dr. Margaret Kimmel

Assistive Technology Advocates:
     Samuel DePiero, Joyce Driben, Dan Dunfee, Anthony Evancic,
     Christine Hunsinger, Douglas Hunsinger, Jane Leone, Samuel
     Master, Isabella Mauri, Carol McGoldrick, Gene Rossi, Margaret
     Schmitt, Mark Senk, Susan Silliman, Victoria Vaughn, Fran
     Vitulla, Peggy Walsh, Joseph Wasserman, Connie Woods.

For advocates who arrived late or are inadvertently not included
above, please contact Sue Murdock (687-2440, or [log in to unmask])
for a status report.

   Robert Croneberger began the meeting by describing the
relationships and differences between Carnegie Library of
Pittsburgh and the Electronic Information Network.  He explained
that CLP manages the EIN, and that Dan Iddings is CLP's Assistant
Director for Networked and Automated Services as well as EIN
Program Manager.  CLP receives its operating funds from the
Regional Assets District (RAD) funds;  the EIN has been funded by
a combination of Allegheny County and private funds. The EIN is
placing hardware and software in all Allegheny County libraries who
are members of the EIN.  CLP is an EIN-member library;  it is
composed of its Main Library and Branches, all located in the City
of Pittsburgh.

   Mr. Croneberger emphasized that the EIN network is running in
the Windows NT environment, and that the EIN is committed to making
access to its electronic resources available through assistive
technology.  The EIN is awaiting the availability of screen reader
software which works in the Windows NT environment;  when that
software is available, the EIN plans to purchase it to make
accessible all EIN public workstations located in libraries
throughout Allegheny County.

   Mr. Croneberger stated that, in the meantime, he wants Carnegie
Library of Pittsburgh to form an Assistive Technology Advisory
Committee to provide input into solutions for electronic access.
These solutions will be used on an interim basis until technology
allows the EIN to fulfill its promise to make all EIN public
workstations accessible.  He described that the makeup of public
libraries in Allegheny County includes Carnegie Library of
Pittsburgh, located within the limits of the City of Pittsburgh,
and a number of community libraries located outside of Pittsburgh
but within Allegheny County.  He plans to share information about
Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh's work with assistive technology
with other community libraries in Allegheny County.

   To show CLP's intent to provide access, Mr. Croneberger
announced that Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh has purchased a
personal computer, a DEC Talk Unit, and a test copy of PW WebSpeak,
a web browser which produces speech output.  He indicated that at
this point Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh needs input from users on
how best to further develop interim access to electronic
information available to CLP patrons.

  Sue Murdock, Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped's
Agency Head, then described the equipment on hand and the initial
intent to provide speech-output access to electronic information
available at CLP.  She indicated that during the week of April 14
the introductory and reference materials describing the PW WebSpeak
package will be produced in accessible formats (cassette and
braille), and the test system will be rolled out for public use in
the Humanities Department.

   This is a preliminary step.  PW WebSpeak is being used in a
number of public libraries and libraries for the blind and
physically handicapped across the country.  At this point CLP is
seeking advice from people with print disabilities to determine
whether to proceed with PW WebSpeak, and how to further extend
speech access to the EIN's electronic information.

   There was a wide-ranging discussion concerning the EIN's choice
of the Windows NT environment, vs. other technology such as DOS.
Mr. Croneberger described the funding of the EIN and Carnegie
Library of Pittsburgh.  Advocates questioned how much of the EIN
funding was and would continue to be available for assistive

technology.  Some advocates said that they wanted the EIN's
commitment "in writing".

   Dr. Margaret Kimmel, a member of the EIN Board and a Trustee of
Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, emphasized that the EIN is
committed to providing access for people with disabilities via the
EIN's public workstations.  She said that the EIN Board publicly
committed to providing access at their Board meetings.  Dr. Kimmel
said that the EIN Board has required the EIN to form an Assistive
Technology Committee to obtain input from advocates.

   Discussion followed concerning whether there should be one
committee working to advise CLP and the EIN, or whether there
should be separate committees.  The group agreed that there could
be one committee working on both CLP and EIN issues.  Robert
Croneberger and Sue Murdock will chair the CLP committee.  Dan
Iddings will represent the EIN.  Dr. Kimmel said that the EIN Board
would have to approve this joint committee.  (They did so at their
April 12, 1997 meeting.)

   The following advocates volunteered to be members of the
Assistive Technology Committee:

     Dan Dunfee
     Tony Evancic
     Doug Hunsicker
     Carol McGoldrick
     Margaret Schmitt
     Mark Senk
     Sue Silliman
     Vickie Vaughn
     Connie Woods.

   The first meeting of the Assistive Technology Committee is
scheduled for Monday, April 21, 1997 at 6:00 p.m. at the Library
for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, 4724 Baum Boulevard,
Pittsburgh, PA  15213.  The initial goal of the Committee will be
to determine whether to continue to offer PW WebSpeak for access to
the WWW, and to determine how to provide broader speech access to
electronic information available to library patrons through the
EIN.  Once these items are decided, CLP will install the technology
at four sites.  Right now the intent is to place the equipment at:
Humanities Department (Main Library), the Library Center
(Downtown), the Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped,
and South Side Branch.

   Before the meeting adjourned, Tracey Morsek, LBPH's Automated
Systems Librarian, demonstrated the PW WebSpeak software.  During
the week of April 14 LBPH will prepare instructions in accessible
formats, and further refine the software installation.  PW WebSpeak
will be available for use in CLP's Humanities Department by
Saturday, April 19, 1997.  Prior to the meeting, advocates who
arrived early had an opportunity to review the Oscar Reading
Machine and the PW WebSpeak system.

Prepared by:   Sue Murdock
               Agency Head
               Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped
               Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh
