At 08:30 PM 10/10/98 -0400, you wrote:
>syntax I'm using has included:
>device=c:\sb16\drv\sbcd.sys /d:mscd000 /p:220 /n:4 {on one attempt}
>device=c:\sb16\drv\sbcd.sys /d1:mscd000 /d2:mscd001 /d3:mscd003 /d4:mscd004
>/p:220 /n:4
>The mscdex.exe line in autoexec.bat looks like:
>mscdex.exe /d:mscd000 /d:mscd001 /d:mscd002 /d:mscd003
I don't know much about this, but I'll bet that you have to have four
separate lines in CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT as shown below, unless the
"N" parameter tells the system how many drives are to be serviced by that
device=c:\sb16\drv\sbcd.sys /d:mscd000 /p:220 /n:4
device=c:\sb16\drv\sbcd.sys /d:mscd001 /p:220 /n:4
device=c:\sb16\drv\sbcd.sys /d:mscd002 /p:220 /n:4
device=c:\sb16\drv\sbcd.sys /d:mscd003 /p:220 /n:4
mscdex.exe /d:mscd000 /L:W
mscdex.exe /d:mscd001 /L:X
mscdex.exe /d:mscd002 /L:Y
mscdex.exe /d:mscd003 /L:Z
The lines in the CONFIG.SYS each load and identify a driver for a CD drive.
The MSCDEX lines associate the drive letter given by the "L" parameter
with the driver identified by the "D" parameter.
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