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African Association of Madison, Inc.


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AAM (African Association of Madison)
Tue, 21 Dec 1999 07:49:19 -0600
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On the way to slaughter, one sheep said to another, "Be quiet before you
get us all killed!"

Slaves were required to respond to the masters with "Yes suh or No suh".
Regardless of their politeness, slaves remained as slaves.

At the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI), African Americans
were polite.  Yet, they are still treated like dirt.  I know because I was
on DPI's affirmative action committee for five years  --  I heard the
laments of African Americans.  Politeness was a distinction without a
difference -- we were all treated like dirt.

We should be doing actions to become free; not actions to win an etiquette
award.  Emily Post will not set us free.

For hundreds of years, we have excellent studies on "the problem".  We only
need to select any study and implement its recommendations.  Re-inventing a
study is like re-inventing the wheel.  Study groups will not set us free.

Freedom is a constant struggle!!  We're climbing up on the rough side of
the mountain.

The Conduit
An African American Newspaper
Nathaniel Harwell

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