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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List


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Sun, 15 Feb 1998 20:01:37 -0700
Reesa Zuber <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (94 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

To all of you that sent me information regarding ham before the first of
the year.  Here is a summary of the responses that I recieved.  I will
tell you that I located a local butcher who makes hams.  He add
nothing.  It was wonderful.  Apples have been my friend since too.  When
my son suggested I get a ham at the grocery store I turned down the
store product and will purchase one at the butcher shop.

I had my sixth month follow up in November which was also a part of my
message.  I am much improved but not completely healed.  So many years
of damage won't be healed in a short time.  Thanks to all of you.  You
are a great wealth of knowledge and support.   Reesa


***Was soy sauce used to cure the ham?  Beware Farmer John brand pork

***hi - did some local research here in pittsburgh on hams.  I called a local
manufacturer Silver Star and asked them if they had any wheat starch in their
ham.  The fellow on the phone sounded incredulous that I would ask but
promised he would research for me.  Well three days later and much to his
surprise he called to say that the filler in the ham was soy not wheat.  He
did not even know that his suppliers might use wheat starch.  But happily we
have been able to have a local provider of gf hams for the holidays.  good
luck to you.  P.S.  - roughage can be a problem initially when digestion and
absorption are challenged by cd.

***It would have helped if you gave us the brand that you bought.  I have
found gluten buried in Hormel's Cure|81 ham.  It was hidden in a banner that
said in Natural Juices.  Another euphemism for HVP.

Someone I knew who worked in the food industry told me that they put food
starch in all cold cuts and if it below a certain percentage (I am not sure
what that number is) they do not have to list it on the label.

I do know for a fact that turkey breast sold at the deli counters in
supermarkets often has food starch, so I would assume that ham does

Just for clarification food starch is considered wheat based unless the
label states that it is made from corn or soy.

***>I've been suffering with bad indigestion today.  That is my typical
>reaction to gluten ingestion.

        Reesa, for what it's worth...I have problems with apples, apple
juice, apple sauce, oranges, orange juice,etc.  I am not a diagnosed Celiac,
but I believe that is in error and I follow the gluten-free diet because it
is the only way for me to have any quality life.  As for questions to ask
your Dr.--why not ask HIM if citris bothers many Celiacs?  Maybe it has to do
with the acid.  Others on the list will probably have more questions for you
to ask.

***It could be the combination of the fruit and the animal protein; in
alternative health circles that is a very bad combo.  The saying is for
fruit, "Eat it alone or leave it alone."  I know this is the case for me.  Of
course, the ham might not have been GF as well.

***You may be one of those lucky few like myself.  I can't eat apples because
of the malic acid, and I can't eat ham because of the sulphites.  My reaction
to these foods is just like a gluten reaction.

***Sometimes hams can have modified food starch, caramel coloring or HVP
added.  I run across this a lot.  I really watch the meats I get from a
deli.  If I don't know the source of the added items I leave them alone.
Sometime I find a ham that appears OK, then I have a problem.  Maybe it
wasn't an ingredient, but how it was processed.  I've always been
concerned about when I'm having lunchmeat sliced, is the slicer clean or
did the previous meat being cut contain "gluten".

***Sometimes apples and other fruit and vegetables are coated with a spray
that has gluten.  Perhaps you did not wash the apple well enough.

***There are some of us who cannot tolerate red apples.  Green (Granny Smith
type) apples seem to cause no problem.  On the other hand, I have problems
with the sodium nitrite in most ham.  Who knows what caused your problem.

***I know when I look for hams, alot of them have dextrose.  Dextrose is
supposed to be from corn.  But, I'm wondering that if it can be from wheat
also.  I've seen some conflicting info on that.  This is a question I have,
because dextrose is a common ingredient.  I'm probably going to post this
inquiry soon.

***Ham is often NOT gf because of it's processing. You might also
want to try organic apples or remove the skin of the apples you
eat. I find myself bloating if I leave the skin on. One culprit
might be the chemicals they spray on apples to achieve whatever
the goal might be...

Thanks to all of you for your responses.  Reesa in Yakima