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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List


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Fri, 20 Mar 1998 09:37:55 EST
text/plain (84 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I wrote wanting to know if anyone had problems with Mary Kay cosmetics, and
whether they were supposed to be gluten free.

As suggested, I called my consultant and she said she will check on the
ingredients for the products I ordered. I also contacted Mary Kay directly and
they are supposed to have someone call me back.

Since there are several products offered by Mary Kay, and since some people
have had no problems and others have, I decided to do a little copying &
pasting to let you read the responses and decide for yourself. I have decided
to continue using some of the products and return others. You will have to
judge for yourself depending on what you buy.

Following is the summary of responses. Thanks to all that took time to give
responses and advice!

"I had a bad experience, and Mary Kay graciously took back my
purchase and gave me a substitute.  Unfortunately, I find I am allergic
to witch hazel as well.  Nutrogena is safe for me."

"I use Mary Kay cosmetics, and also, my friends sells it.  When I was first
diagnosed, it was right after I had bought tons of the makeup, and I had my
friend chsck everyhting that I bought, no ingredients indicated any kind of
gluten.  I sue the skin care products, and make up, mainly eyeshadows,
lipsticks and eyeliners.  That was a year ago, and I never had any trouble
with them.  I'm really sensitive,t oo.  I break out in the DH rash if anything
comes into contact with my skin."

"I have been using Mary Kay for years and have never had any problems.  I
can't say if their GF or not, but they have been OK for me.  I use the make-up
eye make up, liner lipstick cleanser..."

"I use the creme foundation and liquid foundation with no problems.  The
number at Mary Kay is 1-800-MARYKAY if you would care to contact them."

"I am newly diagnosed, and was wondering the same thing.  The packages that I
have are for a moisturizer, and the SunBlock SPF 30.  The ingredient label
sounds okay. But my new lipstick, a waterproof lip color crayon, has wheat
germ glycerides listed.  Since lipstick gets eaten I plan to return it. The
phone number is 1 800-627-9529, if you want to call them."

"A friend sent me your posting concerning Mary Kay Cosmetics.  Could you tell
me what your questions are?  I will be calling our Med-line tomorrow morning
and will get any answer you would like."

"I am a MK consultant and have a book showing ingredients.  You could ask your
consultant to check for you, or if you e mail me the specific products you
need information on I would be happy to look it up for you. I use many of the
products, including lipsticks without problems, but I am no ultra sensitive to
gluten.  Let me know if you need help"

"I recently went to a friends Mary Kay party and she is a consultant. I
did not really think about the problems that I might encounter. I do not
have DH but I do believe gluten is absorbed throught the skin. My skin
was so rough for days after and my skin is usually very smooth. I did
order nail treatment and mascara and both had wheat in them. I am sure
the others did also. You could just read the ingredients on the bottles
or ask your consultant. Good luck!"

"I switched to Mary Kay products about three months ago.  Recently I  broke
out in a rash and had problems with dry patches.  I haven't had a chance to
check the ingredients with the company.  My rep. didn't know if it was GF.  I
have stopped using the skin care products (cleanser, mask, toner and
foundation) and my skin has cleared up.  I don't seem to have a reaction to
the lipsticks, though.  I also don't seem to be bothered by the  face
Look forward to hearing the other responses."

"I use Mary Kay Cosmetics.  Have had allergies to other brands, but do
not have any problem with these.  I do not have DH, just CD."

"I use MK products and have no problems.  The only product that seems to be in
question is their special body lotion (very expensive - can't think of the
My sister, who also has CD, was using it and was sick all the time, until she
re-read the label and there was wheat gluten in it."

"The lady I buy Mary Kay products from has a complete ingredient list.  Some
of their products are not gf, especially the lipsticks, where you would for
sure eat the gluten.  I use the oil-free day radiance and it seems OK."