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John Mattioli <[log in to unmask]>
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VICUG-L: Visually Impaired Computer Users' Group List
Mon, 16 Mar 1998 09:37:25 -0500
text/plain (51 lines)

        A quick note on the audio e-mail program...

        I think this is a pretty darn cool idea.  I think the marketing behind it
is horrible and the author really needs to examine his market long and
hard.  Marketing such a product to blind users is foolish.  I know dozens
of sighted computer users who would love to talk instead of write.  This
isn't because they can't write, it's because they type all day!  I've seen
mainstream voice e-mail packages that lacked the accessibility features
needed by blind users.  As far as I'm concerned, this product could easily
have been marketed as a mainstream voice e-mail package plus the
accessibility features needed by blind users.

        A final note.  I was down right insulted by the author's introductory
message on his website.  Using his wonderful new package to encode some
nice audio he told me in his very own voice that "this program is so easy
even a blind guy can use it."  Perhaps this was meant in jest, perhaps I
simply took his meaning wrong, but I'd like to register this product and if
I can get past his implication that I'm a less intelligent individual due
to my blindness perhaps I will.


> From: Steve Zielinski <[log in to unmask]>
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Re: Audio Recorder And Player Announcement By Phil Scovell
> Date: Saturday, March 14, 1998 1:12 AM
> Nice little advertisement about the audio e-mail, but, like many an add,
> little hyped up I should think.  Are we really going to the point, or
> promoting the notion, that all of us, or especially the blind, should
> up their abilities to write?  I don't think so.  I'm not saying that this
> is the intent of the message.  I am saying the ability to write clearly
> will always be treasured in the sighted world as it should be among the
> blind.  I view the use of audio e-mail as just another mode of
> transmitting ideas, not a replacement for literacy. Let's see if teachers
> of the blind promote audio e-mail for the
> blind instead of keyboarding in the future.
> I wouldn't be surprised if that were to be
> the case, like tape recording lectures is
> today.  But that's another matter.
> +----------------------------+ |
> Steve Zielinski (N8UJS) | | [log in to unmask] |
> +----------------------------+