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Kelly Pierce <[log in to unmask]>
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VICUG-L: Visually Impaired Computer Users' Group List
Fri, 4 Sep 1998 05:50:03 -0500
TEXT/PLAIN (415 lines)
It appears that Microcrap is growing more inwardly focused and obsessed 
with itself with each passing day.


from the New York times 

August 13, 1998 

Braindump on the Blue Badge: A Guide to Microspeak


     Detroit and Hollywood have invented scores of words and phrases
     that have become part of America's speech and psyche.
     Tail fin, mini-series and sitcom quickly come to mind.
   The workers in Bill Gates's kingdom have coined enough words, phrases
   and definitions to make a grown man gronk.
     Now that role falls to Microsoft. The company that has shaped the
     way hundreds of millions of people use computers is helping to
     shape the way people talk as well, with words like facemail and
     self-toast and new meanings for terms like dog food and ask.
     Microspeak is a slangy company jargon made up of dozens of words
     and phrases commonly used at Microsoft. This Microjargon, which
     includes word usages unique to Microsoft as well as usages from
     elsewhere in the high-tech and low-tech worlds, has been documented
     in an informal lexicon written by current and former workers at the
     company, based in Redmond, Wash.
     At Microsoft, "dog food" means software not fit for public
     consumption but good enough for internal purposes.
     "Code warrior" refers to a developer who writes code for software.
     The workers at the Redmond campus now utter sentences like, "It's
     kind of a klugey solution, but we don't have the cycles to clean it
     More than a dozen current and former Microsoft blue badges
     (permanent Microsoft employees) and orange badges (temporary
     workers and independent contractors) are among the contributors to
     the lexicon of Microspeak, which can be seen on the Web at "The
     Microsoft Lexicon." Ken Barnes, the principal compiler and editor
     of the lexicon, was editor of Microsoft's Music Central site when
     he left the company in June; he gave Circuits permission to reprint
     some of the definitions.
     While the lexicon began life as a semi-underground enterprise, it
     eventually won some kind of company sanction. The company's
     corporate newsletter, Micro News, ran a story on it, and it was
     posted on Microsoft's company Web site in all its irreverence --
     around the time that the company, Barnes said, began creating a
     similar list of its own. This may prove two things: not only that
     the lexicon is a good read but also that language is the ultimate

photo credit:
                                      Robert Sorbo for The New York Times

photo caption:
      Ken Barnes, compiler of a lexicon of slang that Microsoft built, at
                                                         home in Seattle.
     Adminisphere Organizationally speaking, the levels starting
     directly above you, characterized by their general cluelessness
     about issues you're well versed in and tendencies to make policy
     decisions that ignore your expert input.
     Ask Used as a noun, preceded by "the," as in, "What's the ask?"
     which basically means, "What are you asking?" or, "What's the
     Bandwidth A cumbersome synonym for "time," as in, "I don't have the
     bandwidth to deal with that issue," but with implications beyond
     the merely temporal, encompassing the larger issue of mental
     resources or capacity.
     Binary problem A method of paring down a complex issue to a
     two-possible-solutions scenario (yes or no, 1 or 0). Described by a
     resident Microsoft philosopher as "classic MS reductivism" and
     "clearly an economical way of thinking since it eliminates all need
     to consider the vast gray area that occupies the psychic space of
     most issues and problems."
     Bitstorm A volume of traffic on a service high enough to cause the
     digital equivalent of gridlock.
     Black hole A project requiring infinite amounts of work.
     Bleeding edge Synonym for "cutting edge," with an added implication
     of the pioneer's vulnerability.
     Example: "We're really on the bleeding edge with this product. Hope
     it sells through."
     Bloatware Software that takes up a huge amount of space on your
     hard drive.
     Synonym: spacehog.
     Blue badge (Sometimes, slightly derogatorily, blue badger.) Synonym
     for full-time Microsoft employees, the Brahmins of the deeply
     ingrained Microsoft caste system, whose card keys have a blue
     background rather than the orange used for contractors and green
     for vendors. Derivative terms include "turn blue," meaning to earn
     full-time status.
     BOOP One of at least 10,000 peculiar-to-Microsoft acronyms. There
     are so many casually-tossed-off acronyms (most of three letters,
     like OOF, for Out of Facility) in daily use that there is even an
     acronym for the concept itself: T.L.A. (three-letter acronym).
     This particular four-letter acronym is especially disarming; it
     stands for "Bill and the Office of the President," meaning Bill
     Gates and his three top honchos. After a reorganization on Dec. 3,
     1996, BOOP was replaced by the less-endearing Executive Committee.
     Bouncing Cybernetic equivalent of going off the air for repairs, a
     new app or other internal tinkering.
     "The system is bouncing at 4:30 and should be up in 20 minutes."
     Braindump A process by which a departing Microsoft employee or
     contractor imparts the essential information vital to performing
     his or her job to the designated replacement.
     The process normally consumes no more than five minutes immediately
     prior to the incumbent's departure from the company, nevermore to
     Bug All-purpose term for mistake, error, glitch. Despite its
     universal acceptance, the term is deliberately avoided by Microsoft
     technical support personnel when referring to Microsoft software.
     Employed instead are such euphemisms as "issue" or more highly
     evolved doublespeak terms like "undocumented feature," "challenge"
     or "design side effect." Company loyalists insist, however, that
     one reason for this circumlocution is that in Microspeak, "bug" has
     the all-inclusive definition of any problem or complaint filed
     about a product, whether valid or not, as opposed to the general
     usage, which refers only to actual problems.
     Build The drive to complete a project or new version of a product.
     "The IE 4.0 build is eating up all our dev resources."
     Bump Synonym for "push back," i.e., readdress an issue after an
     unsatisfactory or dilatory response.
     As in "You'll need to bump legal again on the permissions issue."
     Buttoned down Compliment, meaning tightly reasoned, clear, concise,
     Not often heard of late.
     Buyoff Approval from above; green light. "We need BOOP's buyoff
     before this project's a go."
     C.L.M. Three-Letter Acronym for "career-limiting move." Badmouthing
     adminispheric dictates, no matter how ill-considered, can be a
     Context-switch A verb, unbelievably, meaning "change subjects."
     Example: "Enough about outsourcing issues.
     Let's context-switch to planning the rollout."
     Crisp Well-reasoned, precisely reasoned. Opposite of random.
     Cycles Another approximate synonym for "time," as in, "There aren't
     enough cycles in the day to drive this issue." Often used in tandem
     with the verb "burn," as in, "He's really burning a lot of cycles
     trying to resolve those U.I. issues."
     Death march The long, lingering final countdown to a ship date,
     involving 16- to 25-hour days, catnaps on couches and plenty of
     "flat food" (food, mostly from vending machines, that you can slip
     under people's doors so they can keep working).
     Disambiguate A remarkably unclear way to say "clarify."
     Drive To push; to captain the initiative on a particular issue or
     "Ed is driving the HTML issue for the product."
     E.O.D. Endemic T.L.A. (three-letter acronym) meaning "end of day."
     Example: "I need your take-away from the off-site by E.O.D.
     Eye candy A commonly used term denoting visually attractive
     material, analogous to "ear candy" in the music business.
     Facemail Technologically backward means of communication, clearly
     inferior to voice mail or E-mail.
     Involves actually walking to someone's office and speaking to him
     or her face to face. Considered highly inefficient and déclassé.
     Feature Euphemism for bug.
     Dysfunctional attributes in a product are often "explained" away by
     apologists with the phrase, "It's not a bug, it's a feature." As a
     result, "it's a feature" became synonymous with "it's a bummer."
     Feewall A barrier of demarcation for financial responsibility.
     "Does this project fall on our side of the feewall?" translates
     directly as, "Do we have to pay for this?"
     Fiber media Material published on the hopelessly archaic medium of
     paper. Example: "Yeah, I used to be a writer in fiber media, but
     now I'm a content provider in cybermedia."
     Freeze Point in a project's time span after which no more changes
     can be permitted. Or, as Cityspeak Dictionary puts it, "Point in
     product development after which the answer to all great new ideas
     is no."
     Generating content Writing.
     "We'll need to hire some content providers to generate content by
     Milestone 1."
     Global fix A programmatic trick to correct all instances of a
     recurring error.
     "Ed's working on a global fix to turn all the commas in the CD-ROM
     into semicolons."
     Granular Generally used in tandem with the verb "to get," as in,
     "We need to get granular on this issue," meaning to examine the
     fine details.
     Gronk The sound of a computer embroiled in bandwidth issues.
     "I tried to reboot, but my computer just sat there gronking until I
     had to call Help Desk."
     Issue All-purpose term for practically anything relating to a
     product, from a particular characteristic or bug to a delicate
     diplomatic initiative.
     Klugey (Also kludgey; pronounced CLUE-gee.) Clunky, inefficient,
     "It's kind of a klugey solution, but we don't have the cycles to
     clean it up." Also used in noun form as kluge or kludge.
     Live Odd biomorphic usage, sort of an electronic half-life. "Where
     will this data live?" means, "Where will this data be located?"
     Mapping Targeting.
     "Mapping a user group" is synonymous with "targeting an audience."
     Media Content that isn't words.
     Media can include photos, song clips, illustrations.
     N.D.A. For Nondisclosure Agreement, meaning Keep Your Mouth Shut. A
     legal document, invoked by Microsoft lawyers for anything more
     sensitive than setting a lunch date, that allows them to crucify
     anyone who reveals confidential information.
     Net Summarize.
   Cyberslang, once a touch rebellious, now has Microsoft's imprimatur.
     "Ed really knows how to net a presentation." Related command: Net
     it out, meaning boil it down.
     New paradigm Pompous way of essentially saying "unique": "This Web
     site establishes a new paradigm on the Net."
     Nonlinear Becoming nonlinear means becoming irrationally angry.
     "When he found out the R.T.M. date was slipping, Ed went totally
     Offline A synonym for "in private" or "confidentially"; "Let's take
     this offline" equals "let's talk about this in private." Often used
     as a semipolite way of saying, "Shut up about that, you impolitic
     OOF A T.L.A. (three-letter acronym) that has turned into a word of
     its own.
     Stands for "out of office." Historians tell us that OOF originally
     meant "out of facility." Occasionally used, rather irritatingly, in
     conversation: "I'm OOF next Friday; you'll have to drive on it."
     Open the kimono A marvelous phrase of non-Microsoft origin,
     probably stemming from the rash of Japanese acquisitions of
     American enterprises in the 80's, that has been adopted into the
     Microspeak marketing lexicon.
     Basically a somewhat sexist synonym for "open the books," it means
     to reveal the inner workings of a project or company to a
     prospective new partner.
     Orange badge Contractor, temp.
     From the background color of the photo ID badge-card key used for
     temporary workers.
     Own To take responsibility for an issue.
     Ownership is even more serious than drivership; you can drive an
     issue without owning it, but it's unlikely that you would own it
     without also driving it.
     Ping A reminder, or (used as a verb, which is slightly more common)
     to remind: "I need to ping my program manager to get some more test
     Quality bar The remarkably flexible level of acceptability in a
     Tends inexorably to drop as the pressure of an impending milestone
     or other deadline builds.
     Random A pejorative term to describe poorly reasoned analysis.
     Antonym: crisp.
     Randomize To distract or throw off track by constantly changing
     course or emphasizing irrelevant details.
     "Marketing randomized him by shifting the goalposts every week."
     Reality distortion field When a team deludes itself that it can
     achieve impossibly tight milestones and solve insurmountable tech
     Self-toast To fatally contradict yourself.
     Extension of the widespread mainstream usage of "toast" as
     "history," "dead," "burned out."
     Showstopper A function, object or issue important enough to
     jeopardize a ship date.
     In other words, a really big bug.
     Spec Used as both noun and verb: as verb, to analyze a field of
     information prior to the commencement of a project; as noun, the
     analysis of that information.
     Also, a preliminary plan or prospectus. "Ed will spec the song
     clips to see which ones we need to swap out"; "Ed, have you
     finished the song-clip spec yet?"
     Take-away Not, as might be suspected, food to go, but impressions
     gleaned from a meeting or message.
     "My take-away from his E-mail was that he wasn't ready to drill
     down yet."
     Taxonomy of options A greatly murkier (and therefore infinitely
     preferable) way of saying "range of choices."
     T.L.A. Three-letter acronym.
     A widespread general term in computer-speak, but refined to a way
     of life (if not a metalanguage) at Microsoft.
     Touch skin Same basic meaning as facemail or face time. A meeting
     arranged to counter the austerity of communicating in cyberspace.
     "We flew that guy to Redmond just so we could touch skin."
     Truline (From screenwriting jargon.) One-sentence summary of a
     project's projected appeal or purpose.
     Uninstalled Fired, canned, dismissed.
     Vaporware A Microsoft classic, dating back to at least the early
     90's) and now escaped into the world at large.
     Software that was conceived (and probably promoted and advertised)
     but never came to fruition; by extension, a foolish or fanciful
     Weasel text A message on a Microsoft Web site explaining why a
     popular feature or option has been discontinued.
     Weasel user What the outside world has learned to label "computer
     nerd." Specifically, a buyer of a Microsoft product who bombards
     P.S.S. (the company's customer support apparatus) with constant and
     generally ludicrous technical complaints.
     Zero-bug release Not, as you might suspect, a version of a software
     product that's error-free, but a release with the major bugs
     eliminated, retaining plenty of less significant problems.
   Copyright 1998 The New York Times Company

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