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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 25 Feb 1998 17:28:03 -0800
text/plain (31 lines)
Excellent point, Hans. The problem is, what else is in the supplements?
(sugar, starch, etc)  They may say hypoallergenic,etc but how do we know??

Not only that, but how can I play god or goddess and know what to take? I am
not trying to be mean, I have struggled with this very issue, I think gosh,
what am I missing on my diet? I am trying right now almost no supplements
and my son continues to improve, on no supplements. We do try to eat green
veggies like collard greens to get our calcium.

I think simply NOT eating wheat is about the biggest benefit I have given my
system, not to mention no more candy, cake, etc. I still think that there is
no supplement in the world that could have overcome my previous diet, or
that of anyone on the SAD.  My teeth are loaded with mercury from my "old" diet.

In case anyone is wondering, there is continual improvement, yesterday we
had another boy over to play and for part of the time you would not know
anything was wrong, that my son even ever had a diagnosis. I don't know how
much better it can get. HIs brain must have been starved for nutrients for
quite some while and is just now finally getting nourished. So, all bets are
off, it depends on how much a brain can recover from
vaccines/antibiotics/leaky gut!

 His immune system is benefitting immeasurably from paleo. I read today  on
the AUTISM list of a mom who institutionalized her 6 year old son for
"behaviors" and I gently wrote and suggested she try the paleo diet, as many
of these behaviors are caused by the toxins emitted by bad bacteria in the
gut nourished by wheat, sugar and starch. That could have been ME, if it had
not been for this paleo  diet.

Ray, thanks for writing your book!!