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[log in to unmask][log in to unmask] 9812A 1374 30 22_Nature's Life products18_Mildred [log in to unmask], 3 Dec 1998 17:07:52 -0500416_- <<Disclaimer: Verify this information befor: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I responded to Peggy Smith's original post dated 8/19, and provided some
law information that I found. I raised a couple of more questions to
which I did not know how to obtain the information. Shawn Anderson
personally responded to the questions I raised; therefore, I am
forwarding this information to the list for archival purposes. [...]40_22Aug199816:58:[log in to unmask] 9808D 257 19 30_milk substitute summary (long)12_maureen [log in to unmask], 22 Aug 1998 21:07:45 -0400719_- <<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Boy do you all know your milk alternatives. Thank you! Here is a list of

Lactaid 100 skim, EngerGSoyQuick - good for baking, use 2/3the amount, Westsoy
plus, Soymoo, add powdered calcium to whatever you use for more calcuim, Sovex
Better than Milk liquid and powder, Soyvex Instead of Yogurt, Westbrae rice
milk, Dari Free reconstitute liquid & poder, Rich's milk substute, soy Baby
formular from Carnation's Alsoy (2 cans water to one can Alsoy, Soym from Trader
Joes. Two internet sites: http://www.fastlane.net/homepages/thodge/malkalt and
send GET CELIAC MILKALT to [...]39_22Aug199821:07:[log in to unmask] 9808D 277 162 30_The hornet's nest: quinoa LONG22_George & Gayle [log in to unmask], 22 Aug 1998 18:07:45 -0400380_- <<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

There has been a lot of mail heading my way relating to the post about
quinoa and other unusual grains being called "grains to avoid" by CSA/USA.
As I was asked to summarize, I'll do so, but this time without names, as
some people have requested anonymity. [...]38_22Aug199818:07:[log in to unmask] 9808D 440 8 10_Canola oil12_maureen [log in to unmask], 22 Aug 1998 21:10:14 -0400162_- <<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Is canola oil ok, I can't figure out what's in it.
thank you39_22Aug199821:10:[log in to unmask] 9808D 449 17 18_St. Louis shopping13_C. [log in to unmask], 22 Aug 1998 19:19:53 -0700599_- <<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I'd like to find someone in the area who is familiar with the
supermarket chain, Schnucks.

I was there on a brief trip recently and had the good fortune to sample
the 'Homestyle Mustard Potato Salad" sold in their deli. It was the
market on Lindberg Blvd near Big Bend Blvd - we stayed at the Best
Western Kirkwood Inn --- I have obtained an ingredients list, (modified
food starch!) - bad for us! What I would love, is to get the RECIPE so
I could modify it to CD [...]49_22Aug199819:19:[log in to unmask] 9808D 467 25 50_Wasa Original Crispbread Gluten & Wheat Free - [log in to unmask], 22 Aug 1998 23:26:58 EDT680_- <<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

In reference to a comment in George and Gayle Kennedy's posting: The hornet's
nest:quinoa, a comment was made in item 11 about corn & rice Wasa crackers.

I have a box of Wasa, Original Crispbread, Gluten & Wheat Free--Corn in my
hands that was purchased from a local Health Food Store in the Detroit,
Michigan area.. The ingredien
Sat, 22 Aug 1998 11:56:57 -0700
text/plain (44 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

In the past Gayle Kennedy has raised issue with regard to CSA's position
regarding grains.

I understand her frustrations with certain edicts from CSA/USA regarding
some grains and other questionable items.  The following comments are my
view of this situation.  CSA/USA Executive Director and the medical
advisors believe in the conservative approach; i.e., the safety of the
most sensitive celiac, especially those who are quite new to a
gluten-free diet and know little.  (I believe Gluten Intolerance Group
of Seattle also subscribes to the same basic philosophy.) You and I know
there are stages of celiac damage and different levels of sensitivity to
gluten.  We also know that even small amounts of gliadin do damage in
the small intestine, even without overt symptoms.

It seems there are some grains that are questionable as to gluten
content; i.e., buckwheat, amaranth and quinoa. A well-known cereal
chemist believes these grains are not biologically close to those
containing gluten.  I would like to see some explanation given by CSA
rather than a blanket statement; however, be that as it may, these
grains could be suspect due to cross contamination. The likelihood of
cross contamination with quinoa is much less.  However, remember that
many celiacs tend to have individual sensitivities. Unfortunately, there
are no "absolutes" in the gluten-free world.

The celiac community in general is pretty well educated about the
disease and diet issues.  We have the right to decide for ourselves what
route we personally should take, living in the real world.  I believe it
is our own responsibility to avoid every bit of gluten we know about
because we are still getting gluten in unknown amounts hidden in some
products. I believe the keys to coping with CD are education about the
disease and diet and learning to plan in advance.

I am sorry you want to blame a good organization that has the welfare of
all celiacs at heart. Isn't it wonderful that you can choose how to
follow a gluten-free diet using many resources available?

I would recommend attending a national celiac conference, like CSA's in
Rhode Island on Halloween weekend this year, to see for yourself the
many viewpoints of other doctors.

Sincerely, Janet Rinehart in Houston, CSA/USA President