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Sun, 22 Mar 1998 04:47:59 -0500
SANDRA P FOURNIER <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (78 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hello Listmates,
  I am going to try my best to summarize the results of my request for info
about lactose intolerance.
  First of all, I must thank everyone who responded, you people are
amazing!!  I received over 20 responses, and I can't say enough about the
way all of you help fellow listmates.
  I guess I wasn't clear in my original question, as I did understand how
Celiacs become lactose intolerant, I have read the archives and understand
about the villi damage.  What I didn't understand, and I'm still not sure I
do, is why, if it's lactose intolerance, I would react when I had 100%
lactose reduced milk, or took GF Lactaid.  I did find out from people that
it's not at all unusual to have these responses.  A couple people said that
100% lactose reduced milk is not necessarily 100%, as there might still be
a small percentage of lactose in the milk.  Several people said that many
people react no matter how much lactaid they used.
  I was found to be Celiac 14 years ago, but after awhile I started to eat
gluten again, as I had no idea of the damage that would be caused.  About 1
1/2 yrs. ago I started to have symptoms again.  I have tried to stay GF
since, but apparently am not as I seem to be getting worse.  Before I had a
computer, I only knew about modified food starch and obvious things, but
thanks to you people I have learned so much.  I was to see a nutritionist
last week to try and figure out where I am getting gluten, but
unfortunately we had a sleet storm, and the clinic is on a big hill, so I
didn't dare drive.  I can't see her now until 29 April.  I do see a GE on
the 26th, hope he knows a lot about CD, as I've become wary after reading
the list for awhile.
  Many people said that MAYBE I can tolerate dairy again when my intestines
get better.  I hope so, but I am very aware that I may never tolerate it
again.  Just when I found a GF pizza crust!  It seems very cruel, as that
is what I miss the most.
  Two people suggested the paleo diet, which seems to make sense, but I
think it's even more restrictive than GF and dairy-free.
  Special thanks to the people who went out of their way to do research for
me, I did go to every website that was recommended, and learned much.  A
HUGE thank you to the kind gentleman who told me the biopsy was a piece of
cake, as I'm nervous about that.  When I was diagnosed with CD, it was
because I was so anemic I nearly died, and my Dr. found the diagnosis after
several days of research, so I didn't have a small bowel biopsy.  I had a
horrible bone marrow biopsy, which was made worse because my bone marrow
was so depressed that twice he tried, but could not aspirate any marrow, so
had to take a core out of my hipbone. Ironically, the Dr. who did that bone
marrow biopsy is the same Dr. I now have to see, as he is the GE.  Not
looking forward to it, as I really don't like him, but he's nearby, and I
don't drive to Worcester, so I'm going to try him first, and if I'm not
happy with him, I'll see if my husband, niece or friend can take me to the
other specialist.
  I think that I will follow the advice I received most, which is to stay
away from dairy for at least six months after I'm truly GF, and then try a
small amount at a time.  I think my priority now is to find the hidden
gluten I'm apparently getting from something.  This is difficult, as I've
called so many manufacturers, and I can't find it.  I have been so careful,
and don't eat out, so I'm having a hard time identifying the source.  I
don't get much of a reaction except when I have dairy, but I have a history
of no obvious symptoms to gluten, so I think I must be getting it somewhere
or I wouldn't be lactose intolerant.  I do hope the Dr. will do a biopsy,
so that I can know for sure whether or not I am getting it.  I am trying so
hard to be careful, it's very difficult to know for sure what's going on.
  Whew! I didn't mean to ramble so.  I just hope that I expressed my deep
gratitude to everyone who responded, I have never encountered so many
people who are willing to help total strangers (and, yes, it is difficult
to discuss these things with strangers, as one respondent noted!)  I hope
we can find out just what's going on.
  Thanks again to everyone.  I wish I had more answers to the people who
wrote to ask me to let them know what I learned.  I think a lot is going to
depend on the findings from the GE.  Meantime, no dairy, and I'll try
harder to figure the gluten thing out. Thanks also to the kind person who
researched lactose-free cheese.  I found some American at my market, but
will have to venture a little further to find some fake mozzarella that has
no gluten or dairy.
  I did see something on the list about cigarette smoke possibly containing
gluten, I'll have to find out about that.

Thanks again,

Sandi Fournier