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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List


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Print Reply
Wed, 7 Jan 1998 23:50:02 EST
Jim Lyles <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (61 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Miscellaneous Notes:

The Frankenmuth Bavarian Inn reports in a letter dated December 17,
1997 that the following items on their menu are gluten-free:  broiled
chicken, broiled whitefish, broiled cod, baked potato,
cranberry-orange relish, tossed salad, fresh fruit (apples-oranges),
fresh carrots, and fresh celery-tomato appetizer.  The letter was
signed by Joe Putnam, food production manager.  You are advised to
call 1-800-228-2742 and make reservations if possible, and to inform
them of your special dietary needs.  [Frankenmuth is about 30 miles
north of Flint, just off of I-75.]


To the Husband of a Celiac:  In this day of prepared foods and
wonderful restaurants, eating is a joy.  Call for a Pizza, get
prepared pasta, bring home Arby's or Subway.  Enjoy the delicious
breads at the restaurants.  No need to cook.  This is not true if your
wife has celiac disease (CD).  Eating out can be a traumatic and
difficult experience.

If you are the husband of a Celiac, you will be patient and not insist
on leading the kind of life she no longer can lead.  Let your wife
know that you enjoy meals prepared at home.  Become a meat and
potatoes man like your father was.  Help her make cooking a fun thing
instead of a drudgery.  Learn about the gluten-free (GF) diet, help
her cook, and share her GF food with praise and not complaint
(especially when the GF bread does not come out just right).

Encourage your wife to stay on the diet so she won't break bones,
develop lymphoma, or suffer any of the other possible celiac side
effects.  If you haven't gotten "with it" yet, do so quickly.  Your
wife needs you.--from the husband of a celiac


Hygrade Food Products has a new phone number:  1-888-317-5867.  Please
make a note of it, as the old number apparently results in an
unpleasant phone experience.


You know you're a celiac if...

   ...you've installed floor-to-ceiling bookcases in your bathroom.
   ...you've ever driven more than 40 miles to buy flour.
   ...it takes you 4 hours to grocery shop and your eyesight is
   ...you hyperventilate when passing by the bakery counter.
   ...you've ever deliberately rammed your cart into a Shredded Wheat
   ...you refer to the CSA/USA and TCCSSG Shopping Guides as "The
   ...you've ever had to take out a loan to pay the grocery bill.
   ...you'd gladly pay any price for a pretzel that doesn't taste like
   ...Betty Crocker makes you sick.--Diane Wright