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Fri, 19 Dec 1997 19:43:55 +0000
"Melissa C." <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (49 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi friends!!

You were so helpful before, I am coming to you with an update and new

I wrote before about my 8 month old daughter, Mary Elizabeth.  She is
now 9 1/2 months old, and in the last 1 1/2 months has been to the
doc 3 times.  She had two ear infections, which cleared and then had
chest congestion, (cleared) and (now) slight ear infection.  Now we
all have colds.  Very hay fever like.

She did have the allergy blood test, but all the results came back
negative.  Fortunately, the doc still thinks she has allergies, but
may be to young for them to show in a blood test.  They also tested
thyroid level - normal, and she was slightly anemic, and is now on
iron drops.  She is also on Vantin(GF? it's liquid, but very gel
like) for the last ear infection.  This is the last antibiotic she
will be on.  (Having antibiotic/yeast problems myself, I know this is
not good for her.  She does have loose stools, and a rash.)  She went
from Trimox, to Biaxin, which did work very well, but the ear thing
came back.  So now this one.  Her next appointment is Dec. 29.  And I
am wondering if I should try an elimination diet on her, maybe I
missed a reaction to something.  Admittedly, I was looking for hives
or a rash, not even thinking of congestion, or runny noses as
reaction.  She is currently GF, if she's getting gluten, it's hidden
in baby food.

Does anyone have a website or book where I can find out what one can
eat on the elimination diet?  And how long you need to be on it
before trying new things?  And how long between new foods should you
wait for a reaction?

Any ideas on the anemia?  She hasn't wanted half as many bottles now
that she's eating baby food.  She takes Isomil, which is Iron
fortified.  Maybe that's why.

Some people did mention that ear infections were occuring in their CD
children.  But I realize there are many causes.  She doesn't drink or
eat lying down flat, she is always propped on a pillow, or semi
reclined.  We also have our 16 month old nephew living with us, and I
know no matter how careful you are, germs get passed around.  He will
be having a full physical in January, when he gets picked up by our

TIA & God bless!
Melissa and Mary Elizabeth