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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List


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Tue, 11 Jul 1995 23:02:00 EST
James Lyles <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (115 lines)
<<Disclaimer:  Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

In several postings the subject of contacting manufacturers has come
up.  My wife and I are currently involved with updating our local
support group's shopping guide, and have written to many
manufacturers.  Some of the product contact information I've posted
in the past has come directly from this effort.

It occurred to me that you might wish to see the actual letter we send
out to manufacturers, for two reasons:

1.  You could use the letter as an example when you write or call

2.  You would know what kinds of questions we asked and therefore
    could decide for yourselves the reliability of the information I
    post for a given product.

Our letter makes references to our local support group's name and to
the computer database we use, so I changed the version included here
to read as if written by a single individual.  Other than that, it is
the same letter we use.

You will note that we've chosen to be extremely (perhaps overly)
cautious, as the letter includes several items that some people feel
are safe for celiacs (millet, grain alcohol, grain vinegar, etc.).
This is in keeping with our local support group's wishes.  You must
use your own judgement in determining which of these items to include
on your "forbidden" list.

====================== Food Manufacturer Letter =====================
                                                        (Month, Year)
Dear Consumer Affairs Representative:

I have been diagnosed with Celiac Sprue disease, also known as celiac
(coeliac) disease, gluten-sensitive enteropathy, or gluten
intolerance.  Treatment for the disease is quite simple:  Life-long
adherence to a gluten-free diet.  The diet must exclude all sources
of the the following grains, which are toxic for me: wheat, rye,
barley, oats, millet, spelt, and their derivatives.  (Note that corn
gluten is not a problem; both corn and rice are safe for celiac

The above mentioned grains are SOMETIMES used to produce the
following ingredients in the USA:

   Additives                         Hydrolyzed vegetable protein
   Alcohol (distilled from grain)    Malt
   Artificial flavorings             Mono- & di-glycerides
   Caramel color                     Natural flavorings
   Colorings and dyes                Preservatives
   Dextrins                          Spices (anti-caking agents)
   Emulsifiers & softeners           Starches, modified food starches
   Extracts (in grain alcohol)       Vegetable gums
   Flavorings (in grain alcohol)     Vinegar (distilled from grain)
   Hydrolyzed plant protein

This partial listing of potentially harmful ingredients shows areas
of concern with any product's label.  Unless the composition of these
non-specific ingredients is known, celiac patients cannot safely use
the product.

I am also concerned about the processing (flour on conveyor belts,
etc.) and packaging of your product.  No gluten-containing ingredient
can be used in the processing or packaging of a product if it is to
be safe for celiac patients.

Could you please send me a current list of gluten-free products that
your company produces?  Also, if you know the grain source of any of
the above-listed ingredients used in your products, could you share
that information with me?  I in turn will share this information with
other celiac families, so they will know which of your products they
can use.

If you have previously sent me this information, thank you.  However,
I am requesting it again because formulations and ingredient
suppliers can change, making previous lists invalid.  Also, you may
have introduced new products since my last request.

A review of the label for ___________________________________________
shows examples of ingredients for which clarification would be

Thank you for your assistance.


                            (your name)
                            (your address)

================ End of Food Manufacturer Letter ====================

For companies that produce health and beauty aids, pharmaceuticals,
etc., we add an additional paragraph just after the first paragraph:

   Non-food products such as medications, lipsticks, and toothpaste
   may contain gluten.  In addition, other health & beauty aids that
   are not ingested in normal use may be accidentally ingested when
   fingers come in contact with the mouth.  In rare cases, just the
   skin contact with gluten can cause a reaction.

Also, we add a few other ingredients that can crop up and cause
problems in non-food items:

   Inert ingredients

If you have any comments, suggestions, or improvements for this
letter, please send them PRIVATELY to the e-mail address listed
below;  I'll summarize any significant changes and post them to the
list at a later date.

--- Jim Lyles, [log in to unmask] ---
--------- Holly, Michigan, USA --------