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Sat, 28 Mar 1998 14:02:31 +0600
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

      Predisposition to spastic constipation in CD

                    Have                    Have not
 G1:   6 G2:  25  N1    í1  +/- m1     N2    í2  +/- m2
Heartburn or
regurgitation     5   80.0    20.0     24   20.8    8.5    P<0.01
Hemorrhoids       6  100.0     0.0     25   48.0   10.2    P<0.05
Constipations with
fragmented stool  6  100.0     0.0     25    0.0    0.0

                 Hemorrhoids  in CD

                     Have                  Have not
 G1:  18 G2:  14  N1    í1  +/- m1      N2    í2  +/- m2
AGE               18  50.491   2.318    14  41.245   4.132   P<0.05
Hemorrhoids       18 100.0     0.0      14   0.0     0.0
Constipations with
fragmented stool  18  33.3    11.4      13   0.0     0.0     P<0.05

      Predisposition to atonic  constipation in CD

                               Have               Have not
 G1:   7 G2:  22           N1    í1  +/- m1      N2    í2  +/- m2
Frequent or chronic
infections                 7   71.4    18.4     22   22.7    9.1    P<0.05
Skin dryness               6  100.0     0.0     19   57.9   11.6    P<0.05
Atonic  constipation       7  100.0     0.0     22    0.0    0.0
Predisposed to  allergy    7  100.0     0.0     20   60.0   11.2    P<0.05

        Scaling dermatites in CD

                               Have               Have not
 G1:  13 G2:  18      N1    í1  +/- m1      N2    í2  +/- m2
Hairloss              13   46.2    14.4     18    5.6    5.6  P<0.01
Hair dryness          12   75.0    13.1     18   22.2   10.1  P<0.01
Nail wall fragility   13   61.5    14.0     16   18.8   10.1  P<0.05
Lip dryness           13   92.3     7.7     18   61.1   11.8  P<0.05
Skin roughness in the
nasolabial region     12   50.0    15.1     15   13.3    9.1  P<0.05
Cyanotic marbled
skin                  12   25.0    13.1     16    0.0    0.0  P<0.05
Skin dryness          11  100.0     0.0     15   46.7   13.3  P<0.01
Scaling dermatitis    13  100.0     0.0     18    0.0    0.0
hyperkeratosis         7   42.9    20.2     14    7.1    7.1  P<0.05
Rough skin of hands   13   92.3     7.7     18   61.1   11.8  P<0.05
Red spots with
scaling               11   63.6    15.2     15    0.0    0.0  P<0.01
Itching               13   84.6    10.4     18   50.0   12.1  P<0.05
Gum bleeding after
tooth brushing        11   63.6    15.2     17   23.5   10.6  P<0.05

              Dry elbows in CD

                              Have               Have not
 G1:  14 G2:  17    N1    í1  +/- m1      N2    í2  +/- m2
Hairloss            14   50.0    13.9     17    5.9    5.9    P<0.01
Nail wall fragility 14   57.1    13.7     16   18.8   10.1    P<0.05
Lip dryness         14  100.0     0.0     17   52.9   12.5    P<0.01
Lip cyanosis        12  25.0     13.1     15    0.0    0.0    P<0.05
Skin roughness in the
nasolabial region   14  50.0     13.9     14    7.1    7.1    P<0.01
Scaling or roughness
around the eyes or
above the brows     14  71.4     12.5     16   18.8   10.1   P<0.01
Changed skin on
the ears            14  35.7     13.3     16    0.0    0.0   P<0.01
Cyanotic marbled
skin                11  36.4     15.2     17    0.0    0.0   P<0.01
Skin dryness        12  91.7      8.3     15   46.7   13.3   P<0.01
Scaling dermatitis  13  84.6     10.4     17   11.8    8.1   P<0.01
hyperkeratosis       7  57.1     20.2     13    0.0    0.0   P<0.01
Rough skin of hands 14  92.9      7.1     17   58.8   12.3   P<0.05
Patch-shaped foci
of hyperkeratosis   12  50.0     15.1     16   12.5    8.5   P<0.05
Red spots with
scaling             13  46.2     14.4     14    7.1    7.1   P<0.05
Itching             14  85.7      9.7     17   47.1   12.5   P<0.05
Foot cyanosis       12  25.0     13.1     14    0.0    0.0   P<0.05
Chronic candidiasis 11  27.3     14.1     13    0.0    0.0   P<0.05
Heartburn or belch  13  53.8     14.4     17   17.6    9.5   P<0.05
Intestinal murmur
after food          13  69.2     13.3     16   31.2   12.0   P<0.05
Predisposed to
allergy             13  92.3      7.7     16   56.2   12.8   P<0.05

            Epigastric pains  in CD

                              Have               Have not
 G1:  14 G2:  16  N1    í1  +/- m1      N2    í2  +/- m2
Hairloss          11   0.818   0.122    15   0.133   0.091  P<0.01
Lip cyanosis      13   0.385   0.140    15   0.000   0.000  P<0.01
Epigastric pains  14   1.000   0.000    16   0.000   0.000

      Epigastric pains or nausea on fasting in CD

                              Have               Have not
 G1:  11 G2:  20          N1    í1  +/- m1      N2    í2  +/- m2
Lip cyanosis              10   30.0   15.3      17     0.0    0.0   P<0.05
Skin roughness in the     11   54.5   15.7      17    11.8    8.1   P<0.01
nasolabial region
Scaling and/or dryness
of the cheeks             11   54.5   15.7      20     5.0    5.0   P<0.01
hyperkeratosis             9   44.4   17.6      11     0.0    0.0   P<0.01
Gum bleeding              11   72.7   14.1      17    17.6    9.5   P<0.01
Unpleasant smell from
the mouth                 11   54.5   15.7      20    20.0    9.2   P<0.05
Epigastric pains          10   70.0   15.3      19    21.1    9.6   P<0.01
Gastric pains or nausea
on fasting                11  100.0    0.0      20     0.0    0.0
Unpleasant sensation on
the right below the ribs  11   54.5   15.7      19    15.8    8.6    P<0.05
Sour stool smell           9   33.3   16.7      20     5.0    5.0    P<0.05
Predisposed to allergy    10  100.0    0.0      19    57.9    11.6   P<0.01

                   Fatigue in CD

                              Have               Have not
 G1:  17 G2:  13           N1    í1  +/- m1      N2    í2  +/- m2
Fatigue                    17  100.0    0.0      13     0.0    0.0
Enlarged tongue            15   40.0   13.1      13     0.0    0.0   P<0.01
Cracks on the tongue       17   58.8   12.3      13     7.7    7.7   P<0.01
Irritation or brown
cover of the tongue        15   33.3   12.6      13     0.0    0.0   P<0.05
Intestinal murmur after
food                       16   68.8   12.0      13    23.1   12.2   P<0.01
Fragmented stool           15   40.0   13.1      11     0.0    0.0   P<0.01
Intestinal murmur after
milk                       15   53.3   13.3      13    15.4   10.4   P<0.05

              Hand dryness, and/or scaling and/or irritation in CD

                              Have               Have not
 G1:  24 G2:   8         N1    í1  +/- m1      N2    í2  +/- m2
Hair dryness             23   52.2   10.6     8   12.5   12.5  P<0.05
Nail fragility           24   79.2    8.5     8   12.5   12.5  P<0.01
Skin roughness in the
nasolabial region        21   38.1   10.9     7   00.0   00.0
Scaling or roughness around the
eyes or above the brows  21    2.2   10.6     8   12.5   12.5  P<0.05
Skin dryness             21   81.0    8.8     6   16.7   16.7  P<0.01
Scaling dermatitis       23   52.2   10.6     8   12.5   12.5  P<0.05
Rough skin of hands      24  100.0    0.0     8   00.0   00.0
Skin itching             24   79.2    8.5     8   25.0   16.4  P<0.01
Predisposed to allergy   22   81.8    8.4     7   42.9   20.2  P<0.05

           Predisposition to hairloss in CD

                              Have               Have not
 G1:   8 G2:  24           N1    í1  +/- m1    N2    í2  +/- m2
Hairloss                    8  100.0   00.0    24   00.0  00.0
Lip cyanosis                6   33.3   21.1    21   04.8  04.8  P<0.05
Cyanotic marbled skin       7   57.1   20.2    22   00.0  00.0  P<0.01
Scaling dermatitis          7   85.7   14.3    24   29.2  09.5  P<0.01
Patch-shaped foci
of hyperkeratosis           7   57.1   20.2    21   19.0  08.8  P<0.05

          Predisposition to frequent or chronic infections in CD

                              Have               Have not
 G1:  11 G2:  21           N1    í1  +/- m1     N2    í2  +/- m2
Frequent infections        11  100.0   00.0     21   00.0   00.0
Skin dryness               10  100.0   00.0     17   47.1   12.5   P<0.01
Follicular hyperkeratosis   7   42.9   20.2     14   07.1   07.1   P<0.05
Itching                    11  100.0   00.0     21   47.6   11.2   P<0.01
Rotten smell of stool      10   70.0   15.3     19   26.3   10.4   P<0.05
Atonic constipations       10   50.0   16.7     19   10.5   07.2   P<0.05
Predisposed to allergy     10   100.0   0.0     19   57.9   11.6   P<0.01

                   Skin itching in CD

                              Have               Have not
 G1:  21 G2:  11            N1    í1  +/- m1    N2    í2  +/- m2
Frequent infections         21   52.4   11.2    11   00.0   00.0  P<0.01
Dandruff                    21   47.6   11.2    10   10.0   10.0  P<0.05
Nail fragility              21   76.2   09.5    11   36.4   15.2  P<0.05
Scaling or roughness around the
eyes or above the brows     20   55.0   11.4    11   18.2   12.2  P<0.05
Scaling and/or dryness
of the cheeks               21   33.3   10.5    11   00.0   00.0  P<0.05
Skin dryness                17   88.2   08.1    10   30.0   15.3  P<0.01
Scaling dermatitis          20   55.0   11.4    11   18.2   12.2  P<0.05
Roughness of the hands      21   90.5   06.6    11   45.5   15.7  P<0.01
Red spots with scaling      17   41.2   12.3    10   00.0   00.0  P<0.05
Skin itching                21  100.0   00.0    11   00.0   00.0
Mucous membranes dryness    21   61.9   10.9    10   10.0   10.0  P<0.01
Feeling bloated after food  20   65.0   10.9    11   09.1   09.1  P<0.01
Frequent urges to defecate  20   50.0   11.5    10   00.0   00.0  P<0.01
Predisposed to allergy      19   89.5   07.2    10   40.0   16.3  P<0.01

                       Lip dryness in CD

                              Have               Have not
 G1:  24 G2:   8       N1    í1  +/- m1     N2    í2  +/- m2
Lip dryness            24  100.0   00.0     8   00.0   00.0
Skin dryness           19   78.9   09.6     8   37.5   18.3   P<0.05
Scaling dermatitis     23   52.2   10.6     8   12.5   12.5   P<0.05
Bad tolerance to
sunburns               22   63.6   10.5     8   12.5   12.5   P<0.01
Predisposed to allergy 22   81.8   08.4     7   42.9   20.2   P<0.05

              Intestinal murmur after food in CD

                                 Have               Have not
 G1:  14 G2:  15                 N1    í1  +/- m1    N2    í2  +/- m2
Fatigue                          14   78.6   11.4    15     33.3   12.6  P<0.01
Lip cyanosis                     11   27.3   14.1    14     00.0   00.0  P<0.05
Cyanotic marbled skin            11   36.4   15.2    15     00.0   00.0  P<0.01
Foot cyanosis                    11   27.3   14.1    14     00.0   00.0  P<0.05
The tongue papillae hypertrophy  13   38.5   14.0    14     07.1   07.1  P<0.05
Cracks on the tongue             14   64.3   13.3    15     06.7   06.7  P<0.01
Unpleasant smell from the mouth  14   57.1   13.7    15     13.3   09.1  P<0.01
Epigastric pains                 13   53.8   14.4    14     14.3   09.7  P<0.05
Heartburns, belching             13   53.8   14.4    15     13.3   09.1  P<0.05
Intestinal murmur after food     14  100.0   00.0    15     00.0   00.0
Fragmented stool                 12   41.7   14.9    13     00.0   00.0  P<0.01
Rotten smell of stool            14   71.4   12.5    14     14.3   09.7  P<0.01
Sour smell of stool              14   28.6   12.5    14     00.0   00.0  P<0.05
Intestinal murmur after milk     13   69.2   13.3    15     06.7   06.7  P<0.01
Predisposed to allergy           14   92.9   07.1    13     46.2   14.4  P<0.01

                        Nail fragility in CD

                          Have                 Have not
 G1:  20 G2:  12         N1    í1  +/- m1     N2    í2  +/- m2
Nail wall fragility      18   55.6    12.1    12    08.3    08.3  P<0.01
Nail fragility           20  100.0    00.0    12    00.0    00.0
Skin roughness in the
nasolabial region        16   43.8    12.8    12    08.3    08.3  P<0.05
Skin dryness             17   82.4    09.5    10    40.0    16.3  P<0.05
Rough skin of hands      20   95.0    05.0    12    41.7    14.9  P<0.01
Itching                  20   80.0    09.2    12    41.7    14.9  P<0.05
Liquid or semiliquid
stool                    20   45.0    11.4    11    09.1    09.1  P<0.05

             Skin irritation in the  nasolabial region in CD

                          Have                 Have not
 G1:   8 G2:  20     N1    í1  +/- m1      N2    í2  +/- m2
Hair dryness          8    75.0    16.4    19    26.3    10.4  P<0.05
Nail wall fragility   8    75.0    16.4    20    20.0    09.2  P<0.01
Nail fragility        8    87.5    12.5    20    45.0    11.4  P<0.05
Skin irritation in
the nasolabial region 8   100.0    00.0    20    00.0    00.0
Scaling or roughness
around the eyes or
above the brows       8   100.0    00.0    19    26.3    10.4  P<0.01
Scaling and/or dryness
of the cheeks         8    62.5    18.3    20    10.0    06.9  P<0.01
Changed skin on ears  8    50.0    18.9    19    05.3    05.3  P<0.01
Skin dryness          7   100.0    00.0    17    47.1    12.5  P<0.01
Scaling dermatitis    8    75.0    16.4    19    31.6    11.0  P<0.05
Follicular hyperkerat 5    60.0    24.5    14    07.1    07.1  P<0.01
Roughness of hands    8   100.0    00.0    20    65.0    10.9  P<0.05
Mucous membrane dryne 8    87.5    12.5    19    21.1    09.6  P<0.01
Gum bleeding after
tooth brushing        8    75.0    16.4    18    27.8    10.9  P<0.05
Epigastric pains      8    62.5    18.3    18    16.7    09.0  P<0.05
Gastric pains or
nausea on fasting     8    75.0    16.4    20    25.0    09.9  P<0.01