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Darrell Shandrow <[log in to unmask]>
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VICUG-L: Visually Impaired Computer Users' Group List
Thu, 20 Nov 1997 09:19:25 -0700
text/plain (34 lines)

In most cases, I do agree with you regarding the need to remain consistent
on seeking equality for the blind.  After all, if we say we are just as
good as everyone else, we must be good examples of that statement.  If we
want equal job opportunities, we must be willing to do the work just as
effectively as the sighted.  It makes perfect sense.

I must say, however, that this is not always possible, and some
preferrential treatment is necessary in order for the blind to have a level
playing field on which to achieve the same goals as the sighted.
Additional support is required in most employment situations for the blind
person to be able to perform the job.  I just want people to remember this
fact.  In general, the standard of living for the blind is extremely low
compared to that of the sighted, and we require additional support in order
to change that fact.  At 09:30 AM 11/20/97 -0800, you wrote:
>We have to decide whether we want to be treated  just like other citizens
>under the law or if we want to be discriminated against.
>We cannot argue for equality when it comes to job opportunities and then
>switch back to  the
>"I am a poor blind guy" attitude when the going gets tough.
>You are either treated equally or you are not, you cannot have it both ways
>depending on convenience.
>The professor in question did a mistake and I feel sorry for him.
>But guess what... shit happens.
>One learns with it and becomes more careful next time around.
>Fernando Botelho