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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 11 Apr 1998 16:45:49 EDT
Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
AARONLIFE <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (126 lines)
Hi All,

While I am not recommending any diet to anyone, this being just another
snapshot in time, I just want you to know I continue to feel better since
adding raw fish, raw eggs, and raw meat to my diet, and can't imagine giving
them up unless there was some vegetation that could produce equal results.   I
feel so nourished now, and relaxed about food.

I had raw buffalo for breakfast today, and I can't express how good I feel
today!  I never would have imagined, only having raw hamburg as a kid a couple
times, but it really is very tasty, sweet in a non-sugary way, the way LIFE is
always sweet.

The meat didn't make me tired, and it digested easily, as usual.  Funny how I
used to tell people that the human stomach can't digest meat! I wonder where I
read that? My shoulders are the most relaxed today that they've been in
months, don't know if that's related.   I also had some raw oysters last
night, and they were GOOD!  I was shocked.   I felt attracted to them in the
market, so I took a risk, and they tasted like salty artichoke hearts.  I was
always afraid of them as a kid (I preferred barbeque and bologna), but I don't
have that fear anymore.  I don't have these phobias of food anymore.  This is
very nice.

My sex drive has also returned and this is NICE!
(pineapple diet might be good punishment for sex offenders!)

I took my blood pressure/heart rate yesterday to see how it was.  My blood
pressure was 120/70 and my heart rate was 64.  That is the lowest my heart
rate has ever been in my entire life.  The change in blood pressure isn't that
noticeable, maybe up a little, which is nice, actually, it feels better than
what-ever was happening before, which was weird, but the heart rate is way
down, and that's very nice.  It had been up in the 80's to 90's (resting)
after being in the low 70's/high 60's when I began all raw.  I feel so good
now, I can't imagine going back.  What does all this mean?

It could mean many things, but I probably overdosed on sweet fruit and all the
greens and salad and nuts I could eat wasn't helping me.   And judging by my
shortness of breath and strange heart feelings, and inability to sleep, etc.,
that I had been experiencing, I think I was damaging my heart, which explains
the increasing laziness I was experiencing. I was also malnourished.

Wonder if my heart muscle was beginning to miror my other muscles?

Wonder how that effected my brain? I don't know, but it explains my paranoia
(gone now).  Either way, my brain continues to feel healthier and more
intelligent, I continually gain more peace of mind, relaxed, presence with my
body and surroundings, and an ability to focus and work, and a greatly
increased ambition and sense of independence and ability to make decisions.  I
continually am regaining my tickleshness (before it was stressful and made me
angry), and now just laugh and laugh and laugh.   My skin continues to heal
and return to it's previous state of health My body continues to rebuild
itself nicely, muscles/strength.   It's leading me to be more physical.

I wonder?

We have very large brains compared with most primates, and even our ancestors.

Wonder how much food we need to keep it nourished?

Wonder if that's why some bodies shrink on certain, restricted raw diets,
because muscle is much less important than brain and vital organs, and maybe
that's why energy and nutrients are concentrated there? Hmmm.  I'm up to
115lbs at 5'8".  I don't know what that looks like because I always look fine
to myself in the mirror, and I can't see how thin I am.  I saw a picture of me
recently, of myself with Tammy and my family last fall, and I look like a
bright, smiling, happy, ethiopian, starving, child.  That was my first real
perception of what I looked like.  It's really wild, when I was 135 lbs, I
thought I was thin, and then when I'm 108, I don't see it (everyone else
does).  Now I'm maybe 114 or 115, and I look muscular!  Bizarre this land of

I know all the theory involved, and contradicting data, and other people have
read much more than I, but IF we accept evolutionary theory, man evolved from
a creature several million years ago that ate tough plant food, and possibly
insects, and possibly scavenged for meat.  A cousin species that may have
eaten mostly fruit became instinct about a million years ago.  Somewhere in
there, our ancestors began hunting, and several million years later, aaron was
trying to live on commercial, sweet fruit, Mexican Papayas, and california
organic lettuce, trying to feed a brain 1000 cc's larger than his ancient
ancestors.  What does that mean?

First thing that comes to mind is, Aaron was too smart for his own good!  But
it could mean many different things to many people.  Basically, I wasn't
feeding myself regardless of how other people might do on my diet, and that's

I think the lesson here is, or what I learned, is that no matter how good
sweet fruit tastes, don't let your tastes guide your food choices.  Let your
hunger/stomach/instinct guide you, and let your taste confirm it.  If I want
raw fish, I eat it, and if don't like the taste of the raw fish, I give it to
the dog, and she confirms it, by turning her nose.  If I like it, she likes
it, if I don't, she doesn't!  This instinct is cool!  I'm learning to trust
these instincts.

I rarely feel like eating sweet fruit anymore, I still do, but most of the
time I look at it, and my stomach says, "NO!"  I hardly feel like eating
dates, and every once in a while I have one, but mostly they sit on the
counter, and anyone could eat them and I couldn't care.

There are many 'apples' to beware of in the Garden of Eden!

Commercial produce betrays our trust.

You can do what you want with my experience of RAF, but I can say it makes me
very grateful for the food I eat, knowing where it came from, aware of my
relationship to other LIFE, and nature, and very grateful to be alive, and
makes me very aware that my purpose is to live and thrive and be strong, and
someday, I will leave a nice, healthy, strong body for all the little
creatures, and big creatures, and grasses, and plants, to feed on!!  A feast
for them, rather than a fruit boy, skin and bones!

I was hiking in the woods the other day, just going where I wanted, and came
upon a brook for a little drink, and looking down, I saw a 6 inch long rock
that looked remarkably like a large arrowhead.  If it is nature imitating man
then it has done a brilliant job!  I may take it to someone to find out, but
holding it in my hand, I was suprised at how it felt quite natural, and it
makes me think, maybe some Indian passing through those woods, long, long ago,
didn't use it for hunting...

wild strawberries?

time to go play in the sun!
