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Sun, 22 Mar 1998 01:18:31 -0500
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Many thanks to the 17 people who responded to my message on Leaky Gut
Syndrome & Candida.  I have divided the responses into two groups and posting
them separately as they are lengthy.

"It's my understanding that leaky gut (intestinal permeability) exists in
ALL untreated celiacs."

"Assuming that the leaky gut syndrome is what makes one allergic to other
foods (or react negatively to them), I have or have had it.  Also candida.
I think we all may have both but some may not know it."

"I've had leaky gut for years but wasn't tested for it til last June.  I
took the Intestinal Permeability test from Great Smokies Diagnostic Lab.  My
laculose recovery was 1.2 (reference range 0.1-0.8) showing leaky gut and my
mannitol recovery showed severe malabsorption at 1 (reference range 5-25).
The next number down is 0.  My major symptom of leaky gut is that I keep
developing new IgG food intolerances."

"A good reference book - "Dr. Braly's Food Allergy and Nutrition
Revolution",  by James Braly, MD.  My doctor had also put me on L-Glutamine
(an amino acid) to heal by gut."

"Leaky gut takes a long time to treat.  You can have candida, leaky gut or
both.  Elaine Gotschall has written a book on leaky gut."

"I have allergies in addition to celiac and candida and assumed leaky gut
went along with it all."

"Leaky gut is a given for celiac, according to my nutritionist.  The muscous
which lines the intestine from the celiac, eat through tiny pin holes in the
intestine wall.  That's the leaky gut.  My nutritionist/chiropractor said
that glutamine & acidolphlus are very important to help heal the gut.
Depending on the damage done and how soon your body can repair the damage it
could tak several months."

"When I saw Dr. Murray for a one year follow up biopsy, he told me that if
my villi had not recovered, he assumed that the gut was still leaky.  If the
intestine looks normal grossly, he would do tests for permeability because
even though the villi have recovered, the permeability may still be

"Very informative website on Leaky Gut Syndrome" -


An interesting dialog between two doctors for testing on Leaky Gut was sent
by Don Wiss.  It is too lengthy to put on here but if anybody would like to
receive it, please E-mail me.

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