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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 17 Aug 1997 01:24:01 -0500
text/plain (71 lines)
I apologize for replying to what thought I you were saying.
<<What I want to point out is that the Seven Staple Crops (rice, corn,
wheat, rye, oats, potatoes and barley) are tools of conquest that the
conquerors use to feed the conquered rather cheaply.>>
My disagreement with your theory here is that no one lives forever
(Paleolithic diet or not).
If one person or group (government) realizes that corn is a cheap and
effective way of feeding the masses then the next generation of government
will continue that plan, merely because it is easy.  Once the masses accept
the introduction of a new crop that is easy to grow and has any food value
(even if there aren't any scientists and corporation to test the offending
organism to death), then let's not rock the boat, keep the things the same
as they were and too bad if no one understands the subtleties of what's
going on.  Then again I believe that anyone will come across this idea at
one time or another in their lives.
<<The non-shadow govt. is too dumb to do a good conspiracy.  In Wisconsin
our new-improved W2  welfare system has a department of work enforcement.
Now, doesn't that sound Orwellian?>>
It sounds like someone is using their brains for a change. (Imagine that!
The "Government" thinking before they did something.  Must be a plot of
some kind!)  This new program of "work enforcement" is part of a federal
law (took effect July 1, 1997) that ANYONE who applies for and accepts food
stamps MUST work a minimum of 20 hours per week (or volunteer a minimum of
same) in order to qualify for any food stamp program.  This gets people off
of other government programs (such as unemployment), and it ENFORCES work.
This means I can't fart around deciding what job I really want.  This has
resulted in a spate of  job interviews and new contacts I never imagined
were out there.  I expect to be employed in the next 2 weeks. In the mean
time I an volunteering at the local library ( this is close to being in
Heaven!). It also got me onto this diet and feeling better everyday.
<<The Invisible War is an entirely different aspect of what I am talking
about right here with cheap starches as tools of the Imperium. When I talk
about the Invisible War, I'm pointing at nutrasweet and other more subtle
things hidden in modern food designed to make people more
like THEY want you to be.>>
What's the first thing you think of when you mention food stamps? What
comes to my mind is peanut butter and beans & rice. After that is Spaghetti
and boxed cornbread mixes. Yech!! All of those Seven Staple Crops. I agree
with your idea of those SSC's being a good way of controlling the masses.
I can see your point about NutraSweet and being manipulated unto using it.
The same could be said for people who need antibiotics, however.  If
offered the opportunity to take advantage of no for treatment of a problem,
or a pill, it seems only sensible to get relief from that problem in the
way that's fast and comfortable. If I used all of the herbs that purport to
'help' epilepsy, I would prefer a pill.  It's faster and there are
countless people ahead of me who have tested the waters.  This diet is that
latest in the choices of treatment available to be seizure free.  You
betcha I'm going to try everything that will help. Even if some scientist
proves that NutraSweet will stop seizures tomorrow (shudder).  If this war
is 'invisible' then people are dumber than I thought. I give everyone who
reads this newsletter credit for having the brains to choose to keep coming
back on purpose.
<<I don't even know who THEY are!>>
Besides, who are THEY? Name me some names, give me some phone numbers!
<<I am saying that the staple crops of agriculture, the cheep starches, are
used to maximally feed the huddled masses. Look at the back of a food
stamp, what you have is a plea to not eat meat.>>
I agree. Don't remember what they look like. Texas' system works like a
debit card.
<<Just a little malnutrition is enough to keep a child from being as smart
as his genotype would allow if fully expressed.  Looking at anorexics, we
see a body that has attacked it's own brain in order to live.  It is better
to be numb and alive and smart and dead; that is nature for you.  The root
of my theory, which is a medical theory rather than a conspiracy theory, is
that meat makes children smarter and taller.  As physical health is the
primary concern to an organism, good physical health can be used as a
marker for good mental health at a basal level.>>
This is pure choice.  You can choose to be healthy AND dumb. (I will not
stoop to giving public figures as example.) Everyone, however much they
disagree, has a choice. Encourage them to use it.