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Tanya Bumgardner <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Milk/Casein/Lactose-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 14 Dec 1999 11:56:26 -0500
text/plain (61 lines)
> Since so many folks on this list seem to suffer from multiple allergies, I
> was wondering if anyone could provide pointers for someone who has just
> been diagnosed with Epstein Barr Sydrome.

Boy, I wish I had some answers for this topic myself.  I'm in the same boat
and I haven't had much luck finding info on this topic.

I can tell you this.  I was recently diagnosed with EBV, and all I was told
was to get some rest for 6 weeks.  And it could reappear at any given time.
Apparently what happens is if you over exert yourself, the virus can pop
back up if your immune system is weak from the exertion.

I started to have GI problems so I was sent to a specialist who put me on an
elimination diet. This doc said EBV is a fad diagnosis because 95% of
Americans already have the virus in their body (it causes mono).  The diet
did relieve ALL symptons, and I discovered I was intolerant to dairy.

I was sent on my way with no more information, no more testing, nothing.  So
I avoided major dairy, but I didn't know so many foods contain dairy.  The
constant supply of hidden dairy to my system was still making me sick  At
this point, I did some research and wondered if I was LI or allergic.  I
concluded that I was LI because Dairy Care supplements helped for a while.
But I must not be because my symptoms came back again, full force. I have
now sworn off dairy.

My family doctor (I can't afford the GI specialist anymore) tells me it's in
my head so here's my loose theory collected from personal research:  The
elevated levels of EBV is not a disease, it's a symptom.  The constant
exposure to dairy while being allergic to it has affected the immune system
(thus EBV, the fatique, the headaches, sinus infections, etc.). Theories say
this could lead to more serious problems like Lupus and Rhematiod Arthritis.
This is the only thing that has made sense to me from various things I have
read, but I can't promise you it's correct.  All I know is I've had these
problems for years and now that I know what it is, my immune system seems to
be breaking down.  No dairy helps tremendously.

The first thing your friend needs to do is to find out all the different
names for dairy and wheat and read, read, read labels.  And stay off it.  I
hope she likes to cook because cooking for herself is the only way to
guarantee it's safe.  There are tons of recipes on the Internet or through
this group that she can access. Also rest and plenty of vitamin C (as long
as the vitamins don't contain lactose), and Vitamin E will help reduce the
levels of EBV in her system.

She'll feel better but I won't be surprised if she has a hard time.  If
you're used to eating one way for all your life, it's a hard habit to break.
She'll need your support to because eating no dairy really freaks dairy
eaters out.

I hope this helps.  I offered all this because for me, knowing half the
battle.  It's easier to stay off the offending food if you know what it does
to your body.

If I am incorrect, because this is only based on my personal experience,
someone please post and contradict me.  I want to know the right answers

Good Luck!
