I recently had some skin tests to check for a milk allergy. I also had
them test for eggs since I sometimes feel a bit queazy after a breakfast
of eggs. The milk came up only slightly which does not really jive with
the severity of the reactions I have. The DX said it was "borderline."
The egg came up larger, but delayed (not until about 30 after I left the
DX office).
I really suspect that the dairy intolerance is an allergy. Lactaid does
nothing to help even at the highest dosage. I also noticed increased
nasal congestion and mucus during the last experiment with what my limits
are (they are very small :-)
I'm wondering if it really matters. I'd like to know which it is for my
own personal satisfaction, but is there any treatment for it either way
other than just strict avoidance? What about remedies for accidental
Kathy P.
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