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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 18 Jun 1998 17:24:04 -0700
Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
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Total Health Resources / Total Health Research Foundation
Gregg M Burton <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (116 lines)
Hi Mary!!!

It's nice to be back on the List!!! - :)!!!

> Is it possible to buy other sources of fat, such as bear fat, whale blubber,
> etc.

I'm sure it is and I'll see what I can come up with when asking around.

> I feel a little uncomfortable relying so heavily on pork fat.

I stay away from Pork myself since I eat all my Meat Raw anyway and
maybe it's just an idea but Pork seems to be related to Human from what
I've heard and so People have strange reactions to eat.  I don't fully
know and might one day look into it more but I have yet to be drawn to
it Raw.  I've eaten it Cooked and like Pork Chops, Bacon, and Honey
Baked Ham and didn't seem to have a problem so I might actually try it
Raw one day but like I said I want to look into it more.

> Some say that the same food over and over causes allergies. Is this true?  I
> need my son to get another allergy, like I need a hole in the head!

I heard the Opposite: that if you eat the same thing over and over again
that your Allergies actually get Hidden and Surpressed and so for
instance if you have a Milk Allergy and drink a lot of Milk you won't
notice the Milk Allergy anymore until you stop drinking the Milk and
then when you do again you'll notice it until you keep consuming it
until the Allergy gets surpressed again.

> If he gets allergic to pork, I don't know what I would do.

I don't know but I don't think eating a lot of it would do it, but who

> Most of the allergies (dairy, wheat, beef) he developed while having very
> toxic intestines (from antibiotics).

I think you might be missing the Whole Picture here and have answered
your own question in a way: What do Dairy, Wheat, and Beef have in
common? - WHEAT and Grains!!!  If you're buying your Meat from the Store
the Poor Cows it came from had probably never seen a blade of grass in
their lives and were Grain Fed and therefore if you have a Wheat Allergy
that pretty bad you'll probably have a Beef Allergy too and of course a
Dairy Allergy as well etc. etc.. - Capiche?  So what you want to do it
find a Source for Free Range Beef that had never seen a Grain in their
lives - The Exact Opposite!!!  If you E-Mail me I'll give my number and
I can help you find a Good Source in your area and/or if you want to
wait a couple of Months or so I'll have a Source for Fresh New Zealand
Free Range Beef that is shipped in Fresh from New Zealand and Never
Frozen.  I don't know what your stance is on Frozen but I like to stay
away from it when I can even though I have no Science to back it up - I
just trust my Feelings and Instincts and so go with that and they seem
to always lead me the Right Direction, at least for me.

> I am hoping since the intestines are healing (we hope!) that he would be
> less likely to develop more allergies? After all, doesn't Ray eat the same
> thing (pork bacon) frequently, for years, with no allergies?

How do you know that his intestines have a problem, did you do some type
of test or just go by the Allergies or some other what you think is some
kind of indicator?

> Regarding beef, some have kindly suggested that a person would not be
> allergic to the beef tallow. However, after being sensitive to gluten
> myself, and knowing how traces can set off a reaction, I am not optimistic
> about beef tallow as a source of fat. When I get my suet, it has traces of
> red meat (protein) on the edges, and sometimes through it. I think (perhaps
> wrongly) that it would be hard to get suet with no traces of beef protein in it.

Remember what I said before: I don't think it would be a Problem if
you're getting Free Range Beef.  You seem to be looking in the wrong
areas to fix your problem.  And by the way, getting a lot of Free Range
Beef Fat is really really really easy, it just might cost you a bit.

> Also, can you eat too much fat? In the STONE AGE DIET book he mentions 80%
> fat by calories. What if you are getting 90% by calories? It is hard for me
> to estimate what percent I am getting of fat vs protein. I try therefore to
> err on the side of too much fat, as he mentions that too much proteins or
> carbs are not good.

I don't know much about this but I eat a lot of Fat myself but I don't
think I'm getting that much Fat by Calories, but you know I don't know.
I eat about a lb. or more Beef a day depending on my mood, so sometimes
less, and also a lot of Dairy like Milk, Butter, and Cheese, but since I
eat it Raw from what I know it's a lot more Healthy for you and Easy and
Better to digest and I know I Feel So Much Better when Eating everything
Raw so that's another thing you might want to look at and try.

As I've said in previous Posts, I've noticed that it seems a lot if not
most to all the Paleos here seem to eat everything Cooked and seem to
have an Aversion to Raw and I think that can be the cause of a bunch of
other problems and also I don't hear that much about the Quality of the
Sources of the Meat here either like we talk about on RAW-FOOD and I'd
really like to know why and if any of you here could Enlighten me as to
why.  Just to let you all know if you didn't know before, I do eat
Cooked Foods but only on occasion and when I go out and go to a
Restaurant etc..  I do specifically eat Certain Cooked like Thai and
Jambalaya because I like the taste but that's not very often.  So I
think you might want to check out RAW-FOOD again as a adjunct to
PALEOFOOD since I haven't seen you there in almost 3 months.  There have
been a lot of successes using RAF and it's something you might want to
look into and I can get you in Personal Contact with some People if you
feel you'd like to speak to someone if that could help you and your
Son's situation.  Just E-Mail me and I'll give you my number and we can

> Also, how would a HG get 80% fat off a lean animal such as a moose?

Maybe it's not the exact percentage (%) but it's the percentage (%) by
calories or something - I don't know.

> Sorry for all these questions!

Don't be!!! - That's what this place is for!!! - :)!!!
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