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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 10 Apr 1998 05:00:43 -0700
Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain; charset=us-ascii
American Community Network - ACN / Global Community Network - GCN / Total Health Resources / Total Health Research Foundation
Gregg M Burton <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (135 lines)
> My experience was that chronic fatigue syndrom symptoms were related to
> pancreas overwork and exhaustion.  When I went raw and started juicing like
> mad, my energy returned to childhood levels.

What kind of Juice? - You could just be getting a Sugar and/or Endorphin
or whatever "High".  Juice is not a Whole Food and in Natural Balance
and since you're drinking it the Enzymes in your Mouth don't have enough
contact time to predigest the Juice for you and even though it tastes
good I wonder if you can actually over do it - depending on the Juice I
guess - and throw your System out of Wack so to speak.  I do remember
hearing somewhere a quote from one of the Old Timers in Juicing that you
should "chew your Juice" - I'm sure that is what they're talking about,
about the increased time needed to get the needed Enzymes from your
Mouth into the Juice.  I used to get "High" from Carrot and Beet Juice
Combination because from what I knew it would start cleaning out the
Toxins from my Body and they would pass through the Blood Brain Barrier
and I would get a "High" reaction - Maybe it's not unlike Drugs that
have left their residue in someone's Body and when they start cleaning
out they get the "High" again on the way out - Who knows?!!!  I have a
Green Power and I still believe in Juicing and Juice but I go through
Cycles of a Few Weeks on and a Few Weeks off or more depending on what I
Feel like.

Personally, nothing Feels as good as when I eat a lot of Raw Meat and
maybe it's just because I've only been doing it for about 6 months and
my Body really needs what's in it but I have yet to stop craving it - I
think one day I thought I had enough for awhile and the next day I was
right back with it.  My Body is getting a lot more Muscular and yet I
still just sit on my ass everyday like usual and virtually get no
Exercise - which I'm sure isn't that good for me and I want to change
that - and yet I'm looking really great - I Love It!! - So does my
Girlfriend!!!  She noticed all the pimples on my back are almost totally
gone now and I look so much better overall - And I wasn't that bad
before except for the Lack of Sleep and what I Felt was Adrenal
Exhaustion from not going to sleep everyday for years - I would like
sleep every other day for months at a time and sometime only twice a
week when I was really Obsess on a Project - It was sort of catching up
with me - Right now again I've been up for 2 days again - Maybe I'm one
of those People Aajonus talks about who he says have Overactive Glands
and I can do it - Who Knows!!! - But it's a Great Gift and Curse too
because I can stay up for days without Sleep just to finish off a
Project and I won't sleep till it's done a lot of times and my Body
gives me what I need but at what Cost, I think I was beginning to find
out by the look around my Eyes - I should stop Pushing it though and
find some sort of Balance and that's what I'm wanting and heading for -
And I know I'll get there - Boy my Body has been so wonderful to Me and
For mt and I'm so glad I've been eating Raw Meat now and with getting
more Sleep I'm Feeling like I was a Kid again - I don't think I ever
stopped!!! - and it's Great!!!  I'm a Blood Type B so maybe I can get
away with not a lot of Exercise like Peter D'Adamo says for my Type, -
His Web Site about the Blood Type Diets is at -
and I've always been Healthy like an Ox or Horse as you might put it and
have eaten anything I want without any seemingly detrimental effects -
He says that B's are the Newest Blood Type only about 9,000 B.C. -
besides the AB's from the recent A's and B's that have gotten together
from about 900 A.D. - and Adapted and/or Evolved - some I heard say
Mutated - to handle Dairy and are the best Omnivores and can eat just
about anything - That's Me!!! - If you didn't know, according to him,
O's, which are the most prevalent at about 44% of the American
Population and came into Existence/Being about 170,000 B.C., are the
Original Hunter-Gatherers - The Original Paleos which this Group wants
to follow - and do best on Meat; A's came quite a lot later at about
35,000 B.C. and are about 40% and do best on Veggies; B's are about 9%
and can eat just about anything; and AB's are about 2% and have the Pros
and Cons of the A's and B's - Where the missing %'s went I don't know
and maybe it was a misprint for the AB's and it's actually 7% which
could be correct - I'm sure if I'm not exactly right here someone will
let me/us know :).  I've been basically Organic since 1985 and have been
eating a lot of Raw Veggies and Diary since then and that could be part
of it - Who knows!!! - But I ate plenty of Cooked Food and my Share of
Cakes and Candies during that time as well - I don't eat that way much
at all anymore except on occasions and I really enjoy it then too.

So just go with what Feels right but also look at the Physiological
Effects that could be from what We - whoever "We" are - "seem" to know
to be true for Bodies etc..  I don't buy into everything I read since I
Feel We All process in Our Own Way, but there is something to Basic
Biochemistry and Physiology and so I still Read and Learn about it, and
it's nice to have at least a General Overall View and Understanding on
how the Body "seems" to process different Foods etc..  So I, personally,
basically just Trust my Gut, my Instinct so to speak, and I'm so glad
I've seemed to have gotten on what I consider to be the Right Track for
Myself and am doing Really Well and Feel really Healthy and Great being
a RAFer and am in Alignment with it.  The only thing I have a little
problem with is if I would have to kill my own Food - It sort of make me
Feel bad if I would have to kill a Cow or Chicken myself or that they
die at all if I was around - I guess I try not to think about it all the
time.  Surprisingly, however, I have the Feeling if I was Hungry and had
to go Hunting for my Food, like Paleo Man did and the more recent
Hunter-Gathers did and do, I don't think I've have as much of a problem
since it Feels like I would be in Harmony and Balance with Nature etc. -
That I Feel I could handle and Good with Surprisingly and that make me
Feel Happy because I'm not in Denial there and don't Feel I'd have to
have someone Hunt for me.  Right now I'm not in that position but I want
to See and Feel what a Hunt is like with People who are into Balance
like that so I can have the Experience and be part of that Process which
I Feel would be a Respect for Nature and the Animals and how they have
Nurtured, Feed, and Taken Care of Me.

> << A recent study that was actually reported on the news linked high intakes
>  of fruit juices in children with diabetes and overweight. >>
> pasteurized juice, not fresh raw juice

I Think/Feel that you're Guessing and Assuming here - I bet you don't
have a Study on it.  As I said before, too much Juice - just like Too
Much of Anything - could throw the Body and System out of Wack and with
all that Fruit Juice and the corresponding Increased Insulin Production
I'm sure throws their Systems out of Wack just like Overdoing Carbs will
- Poor Modern Day Kids!!! - It would be so Cool to have little Paleo and
RAF Kids running around instead who were Totally Healthy and had No

*Interesting Note: I have yet to see too much Raw Meat throw a System
out of Wack, and, in fact, it seems to do the Opposite and have the
System come [back] into Balance and Live and Be Virtually Disease Free,
including not even having any Cavities without even having to Brush your

*For more info on that read Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by Dr.
Weston A. Price, which is a Classic Work on Human Nutrition, and you'll
get your Mind Blown from what he found upon Studying the Different
Peoples from Around the World and found the RAF - Raw Animal Food (i.e.
Raw Meat and Organs) and Dairy Peoples to be the Healthiest and Lived
Basically Disease Free including No Cavities - It was Extremely Rare to
Find a Single Cavity in Certain Villages; in fact, he had to go to 7
Villages in Africa I think once to find a single Cavity - And remember:
These people didn't Brush Their Teeth!!! - Interesting, Huh?!!! - So
much for what the ADA - American Dental Assoc. says; they don't like
Data and Info like this as I'm sure you can guess - It'd put the
Toothpaste and Fluoride Companies Out of Business!!! - We can't have
that, can we? :)             [Part 1 of 2]