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Kimberly Sherwood <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Milk/Casein/Lactose-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 26 Nov 1998 01:09:32 EST
text/plain (30 lines)
In a message dated 98-11-25 01:35:12 EST, you write:

<< Being a woman, at highly at risk for ostioprosis,
 this anti-cow bit gets a bit old.  Women need good sources of calcium.  Yes
 there are other options available now, but if you can drink milk, do so. I
 would give anything not to have this problem in my house.  Frankly, I would
 like to give my daughter  milk. But it seems nature has other plans for us.
 Life goes on folks and we learn to deal with it.

According to the research I've done, the countries with the highest rates of
osteoporosis are the countries with the highes dairy consumption.  Countries
with little or no dairy consumption do not have osteoporosis.  The American
Dairy Association has done an excellent advertising job and has most everyone
convinced that dairy products are essential for optimal health.  It makes me
feel very sad that people still believe this.  The fact is, no mammal is
supposed to drink milk past the age of weaning, and no mammal is supposed to
drink the milk of another species.

I know that most people will never believe this (like my father, step-mother,
grandmother, best friend) because it is such a part of American culture, and
drilled in to our heads from day one.  I know that most people on this list
even do not and will not believe it.  I am not trying to convince people
because I know that is not possible.
But I just hope that I can do something to try and encourage people to do
their own research on this topic rather than just blindly believing what the
American Dairy Association wants us to believe.
