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Mon, 17 Feb 1997 10:46:39 -0600
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I've a question, and am in hopes that perhaps someone on the list has
experienced the same, and may able to give me some ideas as to what to

I have Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and just got over a flare up last week.
Many times my system reacts to changes in diet ect.....and this time, I
stopped drinking milk, and also cut out my caffene.  Thursday, it
started in again, but it was different this time.  Instead of the usual
pain I feel in the upper left side of my colon, this although still on
the left, was lower down.  But it was a different felt sore.
When I moved it would hurt as if a sore muscle would.  Well, it grew
steadily worse, and seemed to move lower stil.

There were some sharp stabbing pains over the weekend, and bad enough
that I had trouble walking.  If I would experience any gas, it would
really hurt.  Today, my colon is just plain sore on the whole left side.
It hurts if pressed on with fingers, and that is something I've never
experienced before in all my years with IBS.  We've been trying to
figure out what in the world I did that could make it this bad, and we
may have hit on it.  My significant other, in his efforts to make me
feel better, bought some vitamin C, and was giving me one each day.
Each one is 1000 mg., or 1666 % of the recommended daily allowance.

Could this be the culprit?  I've never taken anything other than a
multiple vitamin before.  Could all the ascorbic acid be irritating the
inside of my colon?

If anyone has experienced this, or knows of anything that could make it
better, to heal my colon more quickly, I would be forever grateful.  I
have no medical insurance, so I avoid doctors, otherwise, I might seek
some medical help.

Its been my experience these past years, that when my colon flares up,
it takes it forever before it settles down again.  I have a feeling
(considering that this is the worst flare up I've ever had,) that it
will take weeks, perhaps months to heal.  Any help would be so
appreciated my friends.  My thanks in advance.

Blessings to you all,

Kathy Hartman
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Cooper:  Nuetered Male, White,brindle ears, brindle eye patch, natural
ears, 60 lbs.