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Milk/Casein/Lactose-Free List


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Fri, 14 Feb 1997 13:49:37 -0600
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Robyn Kozierok wrote:
> >I did not ask you to join this group.  This group is called the NO-MILK
> >group, not the "Let's live with milk group."
> No, but I was hoping for a "let's live *without* milk" support group, rather
> than a place to be continually barraged with information about the evils of
> milk, aimed at people who *already* avoid it.
> If everyone else prefers this to be an anti-milk advocacy group, then
> that's fine, I'll just unsubscribe.  But if other people prefer a support
> group, then maybe we can agree to take it as given that milk is no good,
> at least for us, and get on with ideas about how to make it easier to
> live without it.
> >Milk is loaded with hormones.  No adult, possessing their sanity would
> >take a pill containing 3000 nanograms of the most powerful growth
> >hormone occurring hormone in their body.
> What amout of that hormone is naturally occurring in the human body?
> --Robyn

Hi Robyn,

I can understand that you may be tired of some of the threads running
here on the group.....but there are those of us, me included, who are
just learning about the toxic effects that milk and dairy products have
on our bodies.  And I don't think we ever stop learning either.  I'm
enjoying the group discussions here, and I think we all benefit from
what is posted, whether we are new to this, or seasoned vetrans.  I for
one, need all the info I can get ahold of....its almost scary for me,
because I've used dairy products for 40 odd years.  Now I'm discovering
that alot of my health problems are due to milk.  So I hope you will be
patient....there are alot of us who have such a long way to go.


Kathy Hartman
[log in to unmask]
Cooper:  Nuetered Male, White,brindle ears, brindle eye patch, natural
ears, 60 lbs.