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Milk/Casein/Lactose-free list <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 2 Mar 1997 22:37:45 -0500
Milk/Casein/Lactose-free list <[log in to unmask]>
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Gina Weal wrote:

> Main symptoms being
> bad wheeze after chinese(MSG?), migraine after sweet and sour sauce. Tried
> Pizza, had dreadful stomach cramps followed by putrid diorrhea, same
> response 2 days later to a meat pie and sandwhich, same response a week
> later to another trial of a pie as I couldn't believe it, same reaction. I
> have had reactions like these in the past but always put it down to a virus,
> or medication. If it is wheat, than why didn't happen all the time over the
> years. Can such a sensitive stomach happen so late after childhood(I'm 28)??
Hopefully I can put you a bit at ease here. I have been on what is close to
gluten free diet for a while. Not because I thought I was gluten intolerant,
but simply because I went on an extremely low carb diet. I also eliminated
much, but not all dairies at that time as they contain lactose (sugar), which
is a definite no-no for me (again, not allergies or reactions, but trying to
stay on the food regiment). After reading this list for a while I started to
eliminate all dairies just to see what my reactions to them would be. I have
noticed an interesting thing - my chronic sinuses have cleared up almost for
the first time in ages. Mind you I wasn't dripping stuff all over the place,
just being conjested all the time. I also do quite a few other things that
relate to food/diets/health, but are not gluten and/or dairy related. Well,
what I have noticed is when I do eat foods that I have not eaten for a while
I may get very severe reactions just like you describe, even worse. Eaten something
not too long ago that has caused extremely painful cramps in the lower intestine.
Kept me from sleeping right for 4-5 days, waking me up to go to the bathroom.
This kind of reaction is rare, but reactions that are stronger than what I remember
from the past are common. However, this happens only when I just start to eat
a food again and in large quantities. If I eat something for several days in a
row I don't have any exaggerated reactions to it. Now I am just careful -
always start with just a little on the first day, if I can help it. Then,
next day I am fine and can eat a lot. I don't react to many foods, and then not all the
time. Also, when I do blaspheme and munch something I should not it's a special
occasion and then I eat a lot of different things I shouldn't, so it's hard
to say what caused a reaction when one does happen.

> Are these common reactions?? Will I be able to tolerate wheat/milk again??(
> missing milk doesn't worry me except for cheese and chocolate which I will
> miss, but bread is a lot more convenient than crackers for sandwhiches)
You will probably be able to tolerate wheat/milk enough to eat it, but you
might pay the price in symptoms for a while. I have a friend who is very much
dairy intolerant. He does eat dairies from time to time and lives with the
consequences. However, when his condition gets bad enough (for whatever reason)
he cuts out dairies completely until he is back to normal.

> Or could it be another component in these foods that upset me and not the wheat?
It could very well be. It could be candida yeast overgrowth (I am not talking genital
here, rather intestinal, respiratory tract, mouth, etc.). It could be hypoglycemia (would
explain migrains after sweet and sour sauce). These could actually be connected,
as a high carbohydrate diet would also likely worsen yeast problems.

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