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Kelly Pierce <[log in to unmask]>
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Kelly Pierce <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 24 Oct 1999 00:29:58 -0500
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Shell Trapp is a wheelchair user and top trainer at the national training
information Center in Chicago.



                            Dynamics of Organizing

  In a series on Organizing and Neighborhood Preservation
  published by National Training and Information Center

   by Shel Trapp

Table of Contents

     * Introduction
     * Power Analysis
     * Strategy and Tactics
     * Developing an Issue Group
     * Coalition Organizing
     * Building Power & Victories
     * The Myth of the Organizer

   Copyright (c) 1976 by Shel Trapp. All rights reserved.
   No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form by anyone
   for profit. Any part of it may be used and distributed by community
   groups. Permission is not required, but please credit National
   Training and Information Center and the author. (Third Printing June,

   Additional copies may be obtained from:
   National Training and Information Center (NTIC)
   121 West Superior Street
   Chicago, Illinois 60610

     "Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did, and it
     never will. Find out just what people will submit to, and you have
     found out the exact amount of injustice and wrong which will be
     imposed upon them; and this will continue till they have resisted
     with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are
     prescribed by the endurance of those who they suppress."

     -- Frederick Douglass, 1849

     Blessed be the fighters:
     The unknown angry man at the end of the idiot-stick with his dream
     of freedom;
     Jawsmiths and soap boxers, gandy-dancers setting the high iron --
     Toward the ultimate Medicine flat: blessed, blessed, blessed.
     Blessed the agitator; whose touch makes the dead walk;
     Blessed the organizer; who discovers the strength of wounds;
     Blessed all fighters.

     -- Thomas McGrath,
     Letter to an Imaginery Friend


   Shel Trapp, an organizer for the past fifteen years, is regarded by
   many as one of the best in the field. Having served as director of two
   of the best known Alinsky style organizations: Organization for a
   Better Austin (OBA) and the Northwest Community Organization (NCO), he
   later organized a powerful coalition in Chicago known as the West Side

   In 1972, the West Side Coalition sponsored the First National Housing
   Conference which attracted over 2,000 delegates from 38 states and 79
   cities. The purpose of the gathering was twofold--to share information
   and organizing efforts related to neighborhood deterioration and
   abuses of federal housing programs; and to develop ongoing local
   organizations and strategies to deal with causes of neighborhood
   deterioration and put together a national network of grassroots
   organizations committed to the preservation of our greatest natural
   resource: the neighborhood.

   Since 1972 much has been accomplished. Local neighborhood
   organizations have been developed throughout the country, such as the
   powerful Metropolitan Area Housing Alliance in Chicago, to join with a
   national network of organizations, National People's Action (NPA,
   formerly National People's Action on Housing), as an
   information-sharing, strategy-developing coalition to deal with issues
   of concern to neighborhood people.

   Currently, Shel Trapp serves as national coordinator of the National
   Training and Information Center which provides training, information,
   consultation and technical assistance for organizers, community
   leaders and grassroots organizations. Mr. Trapp is also director of
   Chicago Area Services Program.

   In addition to his time spent consulting with organizations and people
   around the country, Shel Trapp has put together some of his thoughts
   on organizing, power and strategy. Some of these essays are included
   in this pamphlet, Dynamics of Organizing.

Power Analysis

   Whenever an organizer approaches a new community or a new group,
   he/she should begin immediately to analyze the power structure in that
   community or group. All communities, churches, clubs, organizations
   have a power structure, real or assumed, out of which that group

   Who appears to have the power?

   This is relatively easy to determine. Who is on City Council; who was
   honored at the "Good Citizen's Award Dinner"; who is on the Board of
   Directors of the hospital, bank, largest industry; whose name appears
   in the paper when an opinion is sought on an issue. Such person or
   persons may or may not be the real power in the community, but, at
   least on the surface, it appears so; and it may even be assumed by the
   group and observers that these people are the actual power structure.
   It is important for the organizer not to fall into this easy
   assumption. The task of analyzing the power structure is not complete
   at this point.

   Who has the power?

   In a city, this is not that easy to determine. Much like an organizer,
   this person or persons prefers to remain a behind the scenes actor.
   He/ She may well be a member of a family who at one time had great
   wealth or is respected because of their "name". Quite often this
   person turns up in the field of finances or organized crime. In a day
   when political campaign contributions are becoming public knowledge,
   that is a good place to begin ferreting out where the real power lies.
   Also, as the organizer talks with those who appear to have the power,
   a question such as, "Whose opinion do you really respect?" should be
   asked. This question may begin to uncover names that previously have
   not surfaced in the press or on the boards of directors.

   Within a smaller organization or a community it is usually easier to
   determine whether those who appear to have the power in reality do
   have the power, because this person will surface at the time of a
   decision or when an opinion is required. Also, in the smaller group
   the person who has the real power usually does not have an ulterior
   motive for remaining behind the scenes. If those who appear to have
   the power--president, chairman, etc. are not the same as those who
   really make decisions, it is usually because the real power of the
   organization is temporarily out of office because of the constitution
   of the group.

   Who has power in specific arenas?

   If an organizer is going to use the churches in his effort, he had
   best be aware of who appears to have the power, as well as who has the
   real power in any kind of clergy group, whether it be officially
   organized or an informal network. In any small community as well,
   there are usually some people that the organizer must know about
   before making a move. If, in ringing door bells on a block, the name
   of "Mrs. Jones" comes up as a person that three or four people
   mention, then the wise organizer touches base with "Mrs. Jones" before
   he makes a move. Similarly, if the name of the reputed power figure
   rarely emerges, investigation into his/ her actions ought to be
   pursued before false assumptions are made.

   When and why does the organizer take on the existing power structure
   in a community?

   (A) When the power structure no longer, if it ever did, represents the

   A community organization discovered that there were 300 abandoned
   homes in their community and 50 more close to foreclosure. People on
   the streets were very concerned about the issue. However, the
   organization board of directors, made up of two clergymen, one city
   official, one county official, one individual who was running for
   office, and two people who had stopped coming to meetings, did not
   feel that this was a legitimate issue.

   The organizer, without the sanction of the board, pulled ten community
   people together and they scheduled a public meeting. Three hundred
   people showed up and they began to deal with the issue of abandonment
   and foreclosure. After the meeting, the board's position was, "Well,
   it probably is an issue, but it should have been handled a different
   way." The steering committee of the foreclosure issue has now become
   the real power of the organization although they hold no seats on the
   board. The organizer had read the issue correctly: there was a latent
   power base that could be mobilized quickly to override the
   un-representative position of the board of directors.

   (B) When the power structure is incapable or unwilling to deal with
   real issues.

   A community was faced with slum buildings, 70 children in a classroom
   at the public schools, racial tensions at the high school. The
   community organization held a Memorial Day Parade to increase
   community pride! Rather than dealing with the pressing issues of
   concern to many community people, the existing organization (reputed
   power structure) attempted to sidetrack reality. Community pride may
   be essential in maintaining neighborhood stability, but it could not
   change the hearts and minds of absentee landlords who were callous to
   the health and welfare of their inner-city tenants; it would not
   convince the Board of Education to ease crowded school facilities nor
   could it erase the causes of the racial tensions at the high school.

   In this case, the organization "looked the other way" as the
   conditions became worse. The Memorial Day Parade, instead of
   installing pride, brought about cynicism and anger towards the people
   who supposedly had the power to improve the quality of life in the

   The organizer did not have to destroy or take on the existing power
   structure, in this case. But its unwillingness to deal with the
   crucial issues in the community it brought about its own destruction
   when the rank-and-file community people became disenchanted with the
   existing organization.

   How does the organizer take on the existing power base?

   (A) Never by himself, only with a developed power base.

   (B) By putting the existing power base into a position of reaction.

   When the organizer finds a group of people who have an issue and the
   existing organization is not dealing with it, take that group into the
   meeting of the existing organization. The reaction of the existing
   organization is often, "We have been working on that for a long time.
   Why haven't you come to our meetings before?" To put it bluntly, quite
   often the newcomers get shit on. As they leave the meeting confused,
   they are fertile ground for the organizer to build a base. If the
   existing group accepts the newcomers and begins to move specifically
   on their issue, the organizer should have good access to the existing
   group because he has delivered new people into the existing
   organization. If he plays his cards right, the entire existing
   organization should soon be a power base.

   (C) By avoiding the existing power base and the issues they are
   working on, moving so fast that the existing power base cannot keep up
   with the newly emerging group.

   A local community had a very articulate group of people who dealt only
   with school issues. The Board of Education was happy to deal with this
   small group because they never held public meetings and the most
   people that this group could deliver was twelve. This select,
   articulate group viewed itself as the spokespersons for the community
   and would not open up their group to participation by anyone else.

   The organizer spent six months building forty-five block clubs that
   dealt with housing and sanitation issues. Never did he attempt to move
   on education issues. At first, the education people attempted to
   disrupt his block club meetings, but within a month there were so many
   block club meetings every week that they could not keep up with all
   the activity. Since the block clubs did not deal with education
   issues, the school group soon lost interest in their existence and the
   efforts of the organizer. In a few months, the block clubs had
   developed some very strong articulate leadership.

   The Board of Education announced that a new school was to be built in
   the community. The people who dealt with education issues said they
   wanted the school built in the "middle of the community." If that site
   was selected, it would mean that seventy-five homes would be razed to
   make room for the school. The block clubs could not take this
   seriously because, 1/4 mile away from this site, the Board of
   Education owned 8 acres of vacant land. Despite this, the Board of
   Education announced its plan to demolish the homes so the school could
   be in the "middle of the community."

   The block clubs reacted: they invited the Board of Education out to
   the community and had 400 people at the meeting. The education people
   came to the meeting and spoke in favor of the "middle of the community
   site." The block clubs demanded the vacant land site. The Board of
   Education said that if the community couldn't get together, there
   would be no new school. The block club leaders requested that the
   Board of Education come out to another meeting in two weeks, at which
   time all the organizations in the community would testify as to their
   position on the school site, and they would abide by the decision of
   the majority. The Board of Education agreed.

   At the follow-up meeting 600 people showed up. The blocks produced
   forty-three of their clubs, two churches, a union and two other
   organizations in favor of the vacant land site. The education people
   produced themselves, one other group, and the owner of a large vacant
   building that would be razed if the "middle of the community" site was

   At the conclusion of the meeting, the leader of the block clubs
   announced to the Board of Education that the block clubs now had an
   education committee, and from now on the Board of Education would
   contact that committee about any plans they might have for the
   community. Today, a new school stands on what was once vacant land,
   without one home having been demolished.

   One is not always so fortunate as to have an existing power base react
   in such a strong self-destructing manner as did this group.

   One is not always so fortunate as to have an existing power base react
   in such a strong self-destructing manner as did this group. However,
   it is the organizer's job to force the existing power base, whether in
   the church, community or political arena, to react. Existing power
   bases make a habit of reacting against the people and the people's
   issues. At that point the organizer has the beginnings of a new
   people's power base.

   (D) Form a coalition under a new coalition name.

   Organizations with a history do not like to give up their history or
   their autonomy. If they can see a way that they can maintain their
   local base, the group may be more willing to give up its name when
   dealing with a specific issue. This is particularly true if the issue
   is one that the existing local power base has not dealt with or an
   issue too big for the existing group to handle. Thus, the organizer
   offers more participation through a coalition than the local group has
   ever had before, and the possibility of winning on a big issue. The
   only condition is that everyone flies under a new flag. That way all
   groups see that they are all giving up something to participate in the

   When existing, but fragmented groups do not want to lose individual
   identity and autonomy, an alternative is to form a coalition around an
   issue common to all groups but too overwhelming for one group alone to

   Taking on the existing power base often requires a united effort by
   diverse groups so that the people are not played off against each
   other by the structure threatened by the idea of relinquishing its


   It is important for the organizer to recognize that, once the analysis
   of a power structure is done, this analysis must be continually
   reevaluated and updated. Power is not static; it is continually
   changing and rearranging quite like the rearranging shape of a bean
   bag chair. The organizer must be aware of that, observe its shifts,
   anticipate the shifts, and, hopefully, force the shifts in favor of a
   people's organization. The organizer who cannot do this will find
   himself reading the want ads.

Strategy and Tactics

     "Deception is not enough -- the enemy's leaders must be confused;
     if possible, driven insane."
     -- Mao Tse-Tung

   Strategy and tactics are a critical aspect of organizing. The issue
   can be sharp, the people angry and ready to go to battle; but, if the
   tactics are wrong or the strategy unclear, the entire battle can be
   lost. Therefore, in organizing it is important that the organizer,
   leaders and constituency be clear on the strategy. In developing
   strategy the organizer should ask these questions:
    1. Will the people accept it?
    2. Will it dramatize and build the issue?
    3. Will it throw the enemy off balance?
    4. Will it personalize the enemy?
    5. Will it be fun for the people?
    6. What alternatives must be planned?
    7. Will it get us to the bargaining table?

   Will the people accept it?

   A new organizer eager to prove his ability in getting groups into
   action pushed the leadership very hard on a block that if the slumlord
   did not come to the meeting they would go out to his home and picket.
   The leadership was not ready for this move and thus reacted negatively
   not only to the strategy but also to the idea of having a meeting. The
   issue was lost because the people were pushed toward a strategy with
   which they did not feel comfortable.

   It is important that there be a logical progression in the strategy.
   Thus, another organizer went into the same block and suggested a
   meeting of just the people on the block to talk about what they wanted
   to do about the slum building. At that meeting the residents decided
   that they would hold another meeting and invite the slumlord. When he
   did not come to the meeting, the people decided that they should hold
   another meeting and invite him again because, "It may not have been
   convenient for him to come tonight." When the slumlord did not come to
   the second meeting, the people decided that they would go to his
   house. Thus, the same group which initially had said "No" to going to
   the slumlord's house ended up doing that very thing because now it
   seemed to them a logical progression. People like to look upon
   themselves as being logical. Thus, the organizer will build the
   strategy in such a way that each escalation of activity seems very
   logical. This is particularly true with new groups. As groups get
   battle seasoned, they do not care as much about appearing logical as
   they do about winning the fight. The strategy with new groups has to
   build slowly and in a logical progression. This takes time, but if the
   organizer wants the people to participate in the strategy, then they
   must set their own pace and as they do so they will be a part of the
   development of the strategy.

   Will it dramatize and build the issue?

   A community group could not get the alderman to respond to their
   demands on rat abatement. Several meetings were held and the
   frustration of the community continued to mount. When the alderman
   refused to come to yet another meeting on the issue, seventy-five
   people went to his office a dead rat up to the door by its tail. Word
   quickly spread through the community, the alderman's office was
   besieged with calls threatening more rats, the press picked it up and
   did a series of articles on the rat issue in that community. Within
   one week, rat abatement crews had been through the community twice. In
   this case the issue was dramatized so well that there was not time to
   build the issue and it was won without further confrontation.

   Strategy should be dramatic so that it is evident even to an outsider
   that people are upset and want something changed. Dramatization of the
   issue which gets the organization press makes it easier to build the
   organizational drive out on the streets, thus drawing more people in
   to the fight.

   Will it throw the enemy off balance?

   A good tactic is one which the enemy is not expecting, something which
   takes him out of his usual sphere of operation and puts him in an
   unfamiliar situation. An organization had several very strong
   confrontations with a city agency. It was felt that the city officials
   were becoming too accustomed to the confrontational tactics so it was
   time to develop a different tactic. It was decided that a priest would
   open the meeting with prayer and in the prayer would speak of the
   concern of the city officials and their dedication and self
   sacrificing for the community. This strategy so unnerved the city
   officials that the organization won its Rght. The unexpected had
   thrown the enemy so off balance that they could not regain their
   composure throughout the entire meeting.

   In another case, a Spanish group went to meet with the Board of
   Education about the need for more Spanish programs in the school
   system. They went into the meeting and only spoke Spanish, forcing the
   school administration to get an interpreter and carry on the entire
   meeting in Spanish. Again, the enemy was thrown so off balance that he
   acquiesced to the demands of the delegation.

   Another means of throwing the enemy off balance is to fuse his worlds.
   The human animal likes to live in logic tight compartments: in the
   office he may be a tough businessman, but on Sunday morning he is an
   usher in the local church, or on Tuesday night he is the coach of a
   Little League team. The good organizer will develop strategy that will
   mix those worlds together.

   A contractor had built some very poorly constructed homes and refused
   to make any of the needed repairs, despite the fact that under law he
   was responsible for those repairs. The organizer found that he was a
   highly respected member of his church and, in fact, had often preached
   when the minister was on vacation. The group went to the church with
   flyers that had a picture of the contractor, his name, the facts about
   the poor housing, and then several quotes from scripture, such as,
   "Thou shalt not steal", "Thou shalt not bear false witness." The
   builder's life was hopelessly mixed, no longer could he be the
   respected church man, for now his fellow church members knew that he
   had built poor homes.

   When you mix the enemy's worlds, he is thrown off balance, giving the
   organization an advantage in the battle. "An army cannot be run by
   rules of etiquette." (Ts'ao Ts'ao). By not playing by the "rules of
   etiquette" the strategies developed fit the circumstances and are
   designed to hit the enemy when he least expects to be hit, thus giving
   the organization an advantageous position. Saul Alinsky included as a
   tactical rule: "Whenever possible go outside of the experience of the
   enemy", to cause confusion, frustration and fear.

   Will it personalize the enemy?

   When an organization goes into battle, it is very important that they
   come to understand that the enemy they are fighting is a specific
   person. It is much easier to focus the issue and gain participation if
   the organization comes to understand that there is someone within the
   structure that they are fighting who can give what they want. It is
   the chairman of the board, the head of a department or a specific
   official. It is not all of city hall, or the entire banking industry.
   It is a specific person. For that reason, the strategies are developed
   to focus around one person, until that person says that someone else
   has the power to make the decision or gives the organization what they
   are seeking.

   A Latin Coalition was seeking jobs from the telephone company. They
   were fighting the personnel department of the phone company, then the
   training department of the phone company. It seemed that each new week
   brought a new enemy and they were going around in circles. Then the
   coalition decided that they would not deal with the entire phone
   company but would focus their entire efforts on its president. Cutting
   the issue simply: this man is president and he can give us what we
   want. The next two months saw a series of activities focusing on the
   president. Visits to his office, his home, his church, his private
   club, it even included forty people following him around the golf
   course one Sunday morning. Needless to say, his game was somewhat off
   that day. After two months, the coalition won 2,700 jobs for latinos
   to be spread over a two year period.

   It is key to the organizing drive that the issue be cut and the
   strategies be developed to focus on specific personalities. That way,
   people see their problem as having its resolution not in some
   bureaucratic system, but in a specific individual.

   Will it be fun for the people?

   All of our lives are basically quite boring. That is why people watch
   so much TV, to live vicariously for a few hours in a different world.
   Thus, if at all possible, strategies should be fun for the people who
   are participating. That way, they will come back and in telling their
   friends and neighbors will become recruiters for the organizer for the
   next action.

   The people had been trying to meet with a banker whom they were
   accusing of not making loans in their community (a practice known as
   "red lining"). Finally, they decided to go to his home in one of the
   affluent suburbs. In addition to passing out flyers to his neighbors,
   several people brought with them red streamers of crepe paper. This
   crepe paper was tossed over the roof of the banker's house, wrapped
   around the shrubs in the front yard. When the action was over, and
   despite the fact that at the front door the banker had agreed to meet
   with a group of neighborhood people the following week (which had been
   the purpose of the visit), the thing that the people talked about most
   in the following week was the fun they had had tossing the red crepe
   paper around the banker's yard. By the time the meeting came the
   following week, it was very easy to get people to the meeting because
   everyone wanted to come to see the banker who had been "redlined" by
   the community.

   What alternatives must be planned?

   Before going into a public meeting or an action it is imperative that
   the organizer has gone through with the leadership what their
   alternatives are going to be. What are we going to do if the enemy
   says "Yes" to demands one and two, but "No" to the third demand? What
   are we going to do if he says "Yes" to one and "No" to two and three?
   What are we going to do if he doesn't show up? What are we going to do
   if he walks out of the meeting? The initial strategy of the group
   mentioned earlier that nailed the rat to the alderman's door was to
   present the rat to the alderman in his office. Fortunately, they had
   thought through what they were going to do if he was not at his
   office. When they got there and the office was closed, the alternative
   plan of action was put into operation and the hammer and nail was
   gotten out of the car and with a great deal of ceremony the rat was
   nailed to the alderman's door. If they had not had an alternative
   strategy, someone may have thought of that on the spot, but it might
   also have resulted in the group deciding to go back home and come back
   at a later date, a sure way to kill an organizing drive.

   Alternative strategies are key to an organizing effort so that even if
   the circumstances change, the leadership is prepared as far as
   possible with a variety of plans to meet the changing circumstances.
   It is the enemy that we want to catch off balance and keep off
   balance, not the leadership.

   Will it get us to the bargaining table?

   The purpose of all strategy is to get the organization to a bargaining
   table so that they can negotiate out their demands. Thus, strategy is
   not developed which will detract from the issue and take the focus off
   the main issue. In a battle over an overcrowded school, the leadership
   decided that they would stage a boycott to show their power. To
   increase the effectiveness of the boycott, it was decided to pass out
   flyers to the students the day before saying "No School Tomorrow". As
   the flyers were being passed out, a policeman drove up and said that
   he was going to arrest the group for contributing to the delinquency
   of minors. An attorney in the group wanted to protest the officer's
   right to make such an arrest. But immediately the organizer and top
   leader gathered all the flyers from the people and gave them to the
   policeman. This satisfied him and he drove off. Had someone been
   arrested, the battle of the overcrowded school would have been clouded
   by the arrest. At this time the police were not the issue, the school
   was; and thus nothing could come into the activity that would detract
   from the organizing drive on the school issue. The purpose of any
   strategy is to lead the organization to the bargaining table, not away
   from it.


   Recognizing the amount of power the organization has and the amount of
   power it is going against, it is critical that sound strategies be
   developed which will answer the above questions. In speaking of
   strategy Meng states: "Drive him crazy and bewilder him so that he
   disperses his forces in confusion." Thus, the organizer attempts to
   use strategy in such a way that the organization's power is maximized
   and the enemy's power minimized.

   Having dealt with these questions in his own mind, the organizer then
   sits down with leadership and forces them to go through the same
   questions and works with them as to the strategy which they will
   select for the meeting or action. If carefully thought out and backed
   by enough power, there should be victory at the end of the battle.

Developing an Issue Group

    1. Identify an issue.
    2. Test the issue.
    3. Find a leader or leaders.
    4. Hold leadership meeting. Determine: a) meeting place b) agenda and
       alternatives c) assignments
    5. Hold meeting. Determine: a) action b) needed follow-up c) next
       meeting date
    6. Put the kill in.
    7. Move group to another issue.

   Identify an issue.

   This occurs in many ways. Someone may call the organization's office
   and complain of an abandoned car or a dead tree. As you are talking
   with people, whether it's in a laundromat, their front door or at an
   ice cream social, the good organizer is continually looking for
   issues. A casual gripe like, "Our streets haven't been cleaned in
   months." can be the seeds of an organizing drive. The organizer may
   see an abandoned house on a block and begin to talk with people in the
   area about the danger of that vacant building.

   When probing for an issue, it is important to push to the point where
   people articulate a specific issue, not a glaring generality. An
   organizer doesn't accept a response of "I don't like all the slum
   buildings." The organizer at this point pushes, "Which one is the
   worst?" or "Would you say that that one across the street is the

   The organizer is continually fishing for issues, when one seems to be
   hooked, it must be identified and made as specific and clear as
   possible so that when the organizer is testing the issue it is clear
   what is being tested and to what people are responding.

   Test the issue

   Just because one person brings up a problem or the organizer sees
   something that looks like an issue does not make it an issue. To an
   organizer an issue is that around which people can be mobilized. So
   that when something comes up, be it painting the garbage cans red or
   that there are rats in the alley, the issue is immediately tested.
   "Some of your neighbors are concerned about the rats in the alley; if
   we have a meeting, would you be interested in coming to the meeting?"
   If everyone in the area says, "There are no rats in the alley" then
   the organizer can be reasonably sure that a dead end on that issue has
   been reached. However, if several people respond that they are sick of
   seeing rats or afraid that children will be bitten, then it appears
   that an issue has been found and enough people are concerned that a
   meeting can be held.

   Find a leader or leaders

   Particularly with new groups, the organizer has to trust instinct and
   luck. Who brought up the issue? In talking with people who seemed to
   be the most angry about the issue, is there someone on the block or in
   the area whose name has come up several times as someone who knows the

   When such a person (or persons) is found, the organizer attempts to
   get a couple of people together to discuss what they want to do. When
   talking to people at this point, the meeting is not billed as a
   leadership meeting--rather just a couple of people from the block are
   getting together to talk about what we can do about the rats in the

   Hold a leadership meeting

   This is the first step in the training of leaders. The organizer must
   make the ground rules clear. Involve as many people as possible. The
   organizer doesn't speak for the group. The people make their own
   choices about how to move on the issues. We must move on issues, not
   just talk about them. The following quote of Alfred North Whitehead
   reaffirms this point. "We cannot think first and act afterwards. From
   the moment of birth we are immersed in action and can only fitfully
   guide it by taking thought."

   After introductions are over and, if the organizer is lucky, a can of
   beer has been popped, it is time to get down to business.
     * What is the issue?
     * What are the things we can do about the issue?
     * Of these things, which one do we want to do first?
     * When and where do we have a meeting of more people so we can get
       support for this action?
     * Who is going to chair the meeting?
     * What is the agenda?
     * Who is going to pass out flyers or ring door bells?
     * Do we want to notify churches or other groups in the area about
       the meeting?
     * Do we want to notify the press?

   With new groups and people who are not accustomed to community
   meetings, it is important that the leadership understand that this is
   their meeting and they have responsibility for making sure that it
   comes off. It is also important that the meeting be held as close
   physically to the issue as possible. A home, a church, an agency or
   lodge, or as was the case in one community, a vacant lot on the
   street. Whatever is easiest and most convenient and comfortable for
   the people.

   Hold a meeting

   When the notices for the meeting have gone out, phone calls made and
   door bells rung, the agenda made up, the organizer can only chew gum,
   smoke, pace and, in some rare cases, pray that people will show up.

   If the prayers are answered and people begin to show up, the task of
   the organizer is to meet people as they come in and prepare them for
   the meeting. So that if the leadership has decided that after
   discussion of the issue they are going to suggest that the group sweep
   the trash out of the alley and take it to the front yard of a city
   official, the organizer tests the idea.

     "What do you think we ought to do about the trash in the alley?"

     "Gee, I don't know."

     "Well, some people are talking about sweeping it up ourselves."

     "Sounds good to me."

     "You know, when we get all that trash together at the end of the
     alley, some people are even suggesting that we dump it in "Jones'",
     the commissioner of sanitation, front yard."

     "Terrific idea!"

   With several positive responses like this, the organizer keys in the
   leadership that it looks like the people are ready to accept the
   battle plan. If the organizer gets a negative reaction to all or part
   of the proposed strategy, the leadership is informed that the going
   may be rough and perhaps a fall back position would be to invite
   "Jones" to a follow-up meeting.

   At this meeting, several things are very important.
    1. Make sure you get a sign-in sheet.
    2. Make sure that the leadership forces the group to make some
       decision about the issue. They are going to ask someone who can do
       something about the issue to come to the next meeting. They are
       going to write someone about the issue. It is critical that some
       step toward resolving the issue be taken, so that they don't
       decide to meet next week to decide what we are going to do about
       the issue. That was the purpose of this meeting.
    3. Just before the meeting is over, there should be a re-cap of the
       decisions that have been made so everyone understands what the
       next steps will be. Also in the re-cap, the date, time and place
       of the next meeting should be set.

   Put the kill in.

   The issue has been cut, a meeting held, a course of action determined.
   Now the organizer's task is to continue to work with the leadership
   and group to win the issue.

   Move the group to a new issue.

   As the group is celebrating its victory, the organizer is attempting
   to get them to take the next issues. This can be something that has
   come up at one of the meetings or something that the organizer has
   heard while on the street. Then the process starts over again.

   Using this outline, let's take a case history and apply the previous
   outline to the case.

  Case Study

   Identifying an issue

   An organizer working in a changing neighborhood has found three homes
   that whites had sold for under $20,000 and within two weeks blacks had
   bought for over $30,000, the realtor walking off with the difference.
   A school built for 800, with an enrollment of 1,600 (one class was
   even meeting in the boys' lavatory). A slum building where a child had
   lead poisoning. All of these seemed like good issues to him. It was
   impossible to get people to buy into any of these issues. Finally, he
   began to ask people what they thought was the issue.

   Finally, at one door the lady said that the thing that was wrong with
   the neighborhood was that shopping carts from the supermarket on the
   corner were being taken out of the store and left around the
   neighborhood. Children were playing with them in the street,
   scratching parked cars and someone almost hit a child last week. In
   addition, they were left out in the alley and you had to stop your car
   and get out to move the cart.

   Testing the issue

   The organizer could not believe that anyone would be interested in
   such a petty issue, particularly since he had identified so many major
   issues in the community. In talking with other people on the block, he
   mentioned that some of the neighbors were talking about the shopping
   carts which were out in the community. The response was unanimous --
   people wanted to do something about the issue and were willing to come
   to a meeting.

   Finding a leader or leaders

   The organizer went back to the woman who had originally brought up the
   issue and told her that several people were interested in coming to a
   meeting. He asked the woman if she and a couple of her friends and the
   organizer could sit down tomorrow night and talk about the meeting.

   Leadership meeting

   The organizer introduced himself and stated that a lot of people were
   concerned about the shopping carts and that they had to plan a meeting
   and an agenda for the meeting and a location for the meeting. It was
   decided that the meeting would be at the woman's home who had
   originally brought up the idea and that she and a neighbor would
   co-chair the meeting. They would try to get out of the meeting a
   committee to go up to the supermarket to talk with the manager about
   the problem. The three people present agreed to bring two neighbors
   each and pass out flyers on their block.

   Hold a meeting

   Twelve people came to the meeting and spent a great deal of time
   discussing the fact that the Chicago Bears didn't have much of a team
   this year. Finally, the organizer had to say, "I thought we came to
   discuss the issue of the shopping carts." After much discussion, it
   was agreed that a committee would go to the supermarket the next
   Saturday morning to talk with the manager. It was agreed that only six
   people would go because they were sure that the manager was a nice guy
   who would be helpful in solving the problem. Six people signed up to
   go. They agreed to meet at the woman's home at 10:00 a.m. Saturday.

   Put the kill in

   Five people showed up Saturday morning so the group stopped by the
   sixth person's home on the way to the supermarket and picked him up.
   When they got to the supermarket, the manager kept them waiting for
   twenty minutes. Then, when they told him what they were there about,
   he looked at the blacks in the group and said, "I didn't have this
   problem until you people moved in." This triggered the group and they
   began to shout at the manager; he ordered them out of the store or he
   would call the police. Immediately, the organizer suggested that they
   go to someone's house and plan their next step. The people said they
   wanted a meeting on Tuesday night and they would suggest to the group
   that the next week they go to the supermarket and everyone would buy
   one item and take a shopping cart home with them.

   The meeting was held, 21 people came. The committee made its report of
   what had happened and suggested the battle plan. Someone volunteered
   their garage to store the shopping carts. It was also decided that
   everyone would meet the next Saturday morning to return the shopping
   carts to the store.

   The group was so successful that by Saturday morning the supermarket
   had no shopping carts and the garage was full. Seventeen people showed
   up to return the carts. So a parade was held taking a very indirect
   route to the supermart. By the time the group reached the supermart,
   there were over 75 people -- each one pushing a cart. The manager saw
   them coming and called the police.

   When the police arrived, it was explained that they were law abiding
   citizens and were returning this man's property to him and that if he
   couldn't figure out a way to keep the shopping carts in the store then
   they would have to do this every Saturday morning. Immediately, the
   police were on the side of the people and became an ally in the
   confrontation. The manager called the district office and obtained a
   promise that by Monday poles would be installed 18" apart so that
   carts could not leave the area in front of the supermarket.

   Move on to the next issue

   On Monday, the organizer drove by the supermarket and saw the poles
   going in. He bought a case of beer and went to the block and an
   impromptu victory party was had. After people had shared their victory
   stories, the organizer asked if there were any other issues that the
   group felt they should be working on. Someone suggested that the
   building on the corner was really looking bad and maybe they should
   have a meeting to decide what to do about it. A meeting date was set
   and the group was on to a new issue, the very building that the
   organizer had tried, unsuccessfully, to force on the people in the
   first place.

   Often times, issues which seem crucial to the organizer and a few
   people must be temporarily set aside because of "petty" issues. The
   shopping cart issue outlined above served as a training vehicle that
   introduced people to roles of leadership and the process of organizing
   and winning. Too often, organizers and some leaders try to reach for
   the stars too soon. Unless an organization is built gradually with
   steps of progression it may face an early death. In developing an
   issue group it is important to allow people independence in selecting
   initial issues so that when larger issues come up they are not totally
   dependent upon or controlled by the organizers or certain leaders.

Coalition Organizing

   Coalition -- A temporary alliance of factions, parties, etc., for some
   specific purpose.

   Alliance -- A close association for a common objective.

   As the definitions state, it is the commonality of issues which pull
   various groups together who otherwise might not work together and in
   some cases may even be antagonistic to each other. Thus, the purpose
   of coalitions is to amass enough power to win an issue that could not
   be won by one group or organization alone.

   Protecting Integrity of Coalition Members

   Community organizations increasingly find themselves in a position of
   facing issues which they cannot win by themselves and therefore must
   coalesce with other groups. This is difficult for an established power
   organization in that it means they must give up some of their local
   autonomy. There are several ways to overcome this problem.

   First of all, it is necessary for every member of the coalition to be
   represented on the leadership or steering committee. This way, as
   strategy is developed, each group is participating in its planning.
   When the coalition is having a public meeting it is also good policy
   to have at the front table a representative from each of the member
   groups. Thus, members of each organization see that they are
   represented at the leadership table. Hopefully, each of the leaders
   have a demand to give or a statement to make. As these leaders
   identify themselves they say, "Mr. Smith, representing Roseland
   Organization of Citizens Coalition Against Rent Increases."

   In addition, many coalitions list their members on the agenda so that
   every organization sees its name. There are two dangers in this.
   First, you may reveal to your enemies your weakness, by only listing
   three groups when the enemy thought you had 20 (Remember, the illusion
   of power is many times beneficial). Secondly, make sure that you list
   everyone or you will have some very angry people on your hands because
   the name of their organization did not appear.

   In a coalition, those organizations which have staff should have staff
   meetings concerning coalition efforts, in addition to leadership
   meetings so they are clear on the direction the coalition is going and
   who is responsible for what. Most problems occur in a coalition when
   leadership and/ or staff is confused as to what the next steps of the
   coalition are to be. Touching base with each member of the coalition
   cannot be stressed enough.

   Types of coalitions

   Within an organization. This is the easiest type of coalition in that
   people and leaders are probably accustomed to working with each other.
   Several block clubs may band together and hold a slumlord compliance.
   Thus, each block club invites one slumlord and brings 15 people from
   the block. That way, the slumlord finds himself facing 100 people
   screaming about his bad building. He is not aware that perhaps only
   10-15 people live on the block where his building is located. Because
   of the numbers of people he is more inclined to fix up his building.
   Thus, by forming a coalition, a block club stands a better chance of
   getting the slum building on their block fixed up.

   Citywide coalition. This type of coalition is much harder to develop
   and maintain in that a variety of groups may be members all of which
   have varying amounts of experience. Also, in all likelyhood, the
   leaders and the staff have not worked together in the past and thus
   are suspicious of each other. However, if all the members are
   concerned enough about the issue, they can overcome historical
   boundaries, race, geography and economic differences.

   The Metropolitan Area Housing Alliance (MAMA) in Chicago had its birth
   when staff from eight organizations got together and discovered they
   all were having the same problem with Housing Court--no results. They
   decided to ask their leaders to come together and see if they wanted
   to work together on the issue. They sponsored a public meeting and won
   a monthly citywide day in court for member organizations. This day in
   court has been quite effective for the local organizations and they
   have seen real benefit in participation in MAHA. Through this
   experience leadership got to know each other and MAHA has gone on to
   win victories on a variety of other issues.

   National coalition. This is a very new and untested type of coalition
   for community groups. Fortunately, the first two national coalitions
   formed by community organizations have resulted in victories. A loose
   network of organizations around the country, National People's Action,
   (NPA) has created tremendous impetus. Two pieces of federal
   legislation have been passed, one requiring HUD to reimburse families
   who had bought substandard homes, and one requiring all financial
   institutions to disclose their lending patterns. We see this effort as
   a creative and necessary step in the development of community
   organizations. Hopefully, the years ahead will hold many more
   coalitions of community organizations on a national level giving more
   input by community groups into national policy.

   Building a coalition

   There are no set rules in building a coalition. Some happen as MAHA
   did when several organizations decide out of necessity that they will
   band together. More often, one organization finds itself facing an
   issue which a few initial probes reveal to be too complex and that the
   organization must have more power if it is going to win the issue.
   Thus, the or ganization begins to look around for other groups with
   whom they can coalesce around that issue to win.

   An organization in Pontiac, Michigan learned that the local General
   Hospital was going to move and that there was a move to take it out of
   the hands of city control and make it a private hospital. Thus, there
   were two issues: 1) who would control the hospital, and 2) would the
   hospital move. After one public hearing in which they were not allowed
   to present their case, they immediately began to seek ways to expand
   their power base.

   In this drive, they built a very interesting and diverse coalition. A
   large segment of Spanish were concerned that the hospital had no one
   in the emergency room who spoke Spanish. Thus, they came into the
   coalition via the route of demanding a Spanish speaking person in the
   emergency room. A welfare rights organization joined the coalition
   because, if the city lost control of the hospital and it became
   private, they feared that the hospital would no longer accept welfare

   The organization did research and discovered that the plan of moving
   the hospital called for the city to pay for a large portion of the
   cost of relocation and construction. Thus, the middle class homeowners
   came into the fight on the basis that their real estate taxes would go
   up if the hospital were allowed to move. The people who lived near the
   hospital did not want it to move because it was close to them and it
   was unclear what would happen to the vacant building once the hospital
   moved out. So they came into the fight. The organization's research
   showed that the proposed new hospital was to have a psychiatric ward.
   When the people who lived near the proposed new site learned that,
   they were opposed to the hospital moving into their community. The
   senior citizens joined the coalition because there was no
   transportation to the proposed new site.

   By this time, the coalition was very strong and had several
   confrontations with the hospital and city. With this kind of exposure
   behind them, they approached the United Auto Workers to join and the
   UAW came into the fight. A politician running for a state office
   suddenly became very "interested" in the issue and came down on their
   side of the issue, thus giving the issue more exposure. Result: the
   victory was won.

   The research and the organizer's ability to find the self interest of
   each group was key to the building of this coalition. Each group came
   from a different motivation and were able to be focused on the one
   issue of stopping the hospital from moving.

   As one gets into organizing on broad based issues that require
   coalitions, research becomes a very important part of the organizing
   drive, first of all, because the issue is probably more complex than a
   block club issue. Secondly, the more research one has, the easier it
   is to determine ways that additional groups can be attracted into the

Building Power & Victories

   The goal of every community organization is to build power, people
   power, so that the community can determine its needs, articulate them
   and fight for them. To build power there must be victories, only the
   masochist will stay on in a losing cause. For involvement in a
   community organization to make sense, community residents must see
   results or victories. Victories seem fairly easy to define, the
   football team with the most points wins, the golfer with the lowest
   score is victorious. In community organizing it is not quite so easy.
   Goals are changing, negotiations take place, a victory leads to
   another goal.

    1. Intermediate Victories: These are the small victories along the
       road to the primary victory. They help build the organizing drive
       so that when the primary victory is reached the largest possible
       number of people are involved, feeling the victory is theirs.
    2. Primary Victories: These are the goals that have been set by the
       organization that have major meaning for the residents of the
       community, such as getting a new school built, stopping a rezoning
       by an outside developer.
    3. No Final Victories: Just as intermediate victories lead to the
       primary victory, primary victories lead to a whole new set of
       organizing drives and a whole new set of intermediate and primary

   Illustration of a very local issue:

   An organization may set for itself the goal of cleaning up a slum
   building. The primary victory is not reached until the building is
   fixed up. Intermediate victories are usually achieved along the route,
   as for instance when the absentee owner agrees to a meeting with the
   residents after a picket line has been at his office.

   Intermediate victories are very important because they keep the issue
   alive, and they are used as organizational tools in building toward
   the primary victory. The interpretation of these intermediate
   victories is very important to the people, so that they see that there
   is some movement in the issue and they are getting closer to the final

   An organizer had been working on a slum building and having little
   results. The owner refused to meet with the group even though they had
   been to his home and church with a large delegation. The leadership
   was discouraged and the people were losing interest in the issue
   because they could see no movement in the issue. The organizer brought
   ten clergymen from around the community to a leadership meeting. The
   leaders took the clergymen on a tour of the building so they could see
   first hand what the conditions of the building were. It was also
   arranged that when the clergymen walked out of the building there was
   a reporter from the local neighborhood newspaper. The headline next
   week in the paper read "Local Clergy Pledge Support to Beleaguered
   Tenants". The article was duplicated and distributed throughout the
   neighborhood. People took hope from the fact that a new element was in
   the fight and there was new support for their fight. The clergymen and
   members from their churches came to the next public meeting and when
   the slumlord did not show up the group went again to the slumlord's
   home, the clergy went with them. With the added power of the clergymen
   and more people, the leadership was more aggressive and there
   developed a strong confrontation on the slumlord's front porch which
   resulted in his agreeing to a time table of fixing the building. The
   building was fixed up and the primary victory was achieved. Yet it
   would never have been reached had there not been the intermediate
   victory of the tour of the clergymen and their joining the fight. This
   intermediate victory was used to the utmost in building the issue and
   gaining exposure for the issue.

   Illustration of a broad based issue:

   A Chicago based organization, Metropolitan Area Housing Alliance, set
   for itself the primary goal of getting all savings and loans regulated
   by the Federal Home Loan Bank to disclose their loans and deposits by
   zip code in the Chicago metropolitan area. A series of local meetings
   were held around the city and in neighboring suburbs. Each local group
   went to its local savings and loan association to request disclosure.
   The story was the same at each S&L. "We can't do it without
   authorization from the Federal Home Loan Bank." The question was then
   asked, "Would you be willing if the FHLB said to do it?" The answer
   was invariably "Yes".

   The leaders of the local groups were pulled together and after
   reporting their experiences the decision was made to hold a meeting
   with the president of the Chicago Federal Home Loan Bank. He was
   invited to a meeting and refused to come. A large delegation went to
   his home and passed out flyers to his neighbors. The president agreed
   to a meeting. The first intermediate victory had been won. Word spread
   through the communities that their efforts were having results,
   because the president of the Federal Home Loan Bank had agreed to meet
   to discuss disclosure.

   At the meeting the president said that if all the local institutions
   had said what the people were reporting, (i.e., that they would be
   willing to disclose if asked by the Federal Home Loan Bank), then he
   could see no problems with disclosure. But he wanted to check with his
   superiors in Washington. It was agreed that the following week
   officials from Washington would be at the meeting. Another
   intermediate victory! Washington was responding to the demands.

   At the next meeting the officials from Washington said they felt a
   pilot disclosure study would be of no value and that they could not
   authorize anything of the kind. After much shouting back and forth, it
   was decided that there would be another meeting with officers of local
   savings and loans and officials from the Chicago and Washington
   Federal Home Loan Banks. Another intermediate victory--"Washington
   officials are so frightened they are coming back to meet with us

   Prior to the next meeting the local groups went back to their local
   savings and loans and reconfirmed that if asked by the Federal Home
   Loan Bank they would be willing to disclose. Some of them even went so
   far as to say they thought it would be good. So several local groups
   again scored intermediate victories.

   When the meeting occurred, local officials of savings and loans faced
   with community residents were forced to say publicly what they had
   been saying in private to the community residents. The ranks of the
   bankers were hopelessly broken and the leadership of MAHA stepped into
   the breach demanding a pilot program of disclosure. Since
   representatives of several larger local institutions had said they
   would not oppose such a pilot program, the officials of the Federal
   Home Loan Bank agreed that there would be such a study. The primary
   victory had been won! But in no way did that mean that the issue was
   over. MAHA leaders immediately demanded a meeting to work out the type
   of questionnaire to be used and the timetable for disclosure.

   From that came a flurry of activity around local institutions who were
   not making loans, and, on the basis of the pilot data, a city
   ordinance was enacted to require disclosure by any financial
   institution desiring to hold city funds. From there to a State and
   Federal Disclosure Law.

   The important aspect is that as soon as the primary victory had been
   reached, the organization set new goals for itself and the primary
   victories developed into new issues and new organizing drives and
   eventually new victories. This means that there are no final

   The human animal is continually searching for the Holy Grail--that
   which when achieved will solve all problems and be the end of the
   struggle. People tend to view issues in that manner. "If we get a new
   school, then the kids will get a good education." "if we get
   disclosure, then redlining will stop." Yet, the seasoned leader and
   organizer know that every victory leads to another organizing drive.
   So that when MAHA won a pilot disclosure program, that primary victory
   turned into an intermediate victory on the road to Federal Disclosure.
   Now that Federal Disclosure has been won, that victory has turned into
   an intermediate victory along the road to reinvestment which now has
   become the primary victory being sought. Thus it may appear to some
   that there is no end to organizing and that is true, not only about
   organizing but life itself. The football team that wins on Saturday is
   planning for the next game by Monday.


   Since victories lead to new battles, that means that victories carry
   with them the responsibility to go on to new and perhaps uncharted
   areas. Thus victory scares some people. If you lose, then not much is
   expected of you and you don't have to take the next step. The
   organization that wins knows that victory will lead to new organizing
   lines and new fights, that with each new victory, come new

The Myth of the Organizer*

   Historically man has had myths by which he lived. These myths were the
   sign posts of his existence. They were his attempts to make sense out
   of non-sense and to give meaning to his life. Myths assisted him in
   dealing with a world that confused him, frightened him, and over which
   he had no control. Myths also fulfilled the role of calling upon
   members of the cult or community to extend themselves beyond their own
   estimation of themselves or their energies. Thus, initiation rites of
   pain, suffering or sacrifice and dedication.

   Religion has fulfilled that need in man. Thus, the demands of most
   faiths for total commitment. Patriotism has met that need in others;
   thus, the right of the country to demand and receive the lives of its
   people in time of war. Movements have served that role for some. The
   early union organizers, under threat of death, faced each new day with
   the myth of the "one big strike" in which the balance of power would
   be shifted. The Freedom Movement of the 50's and 60's demanded and
   received full commitment from many for the myth of equal rights for
   all men.

   All these and many more were and, in some cases, remain man's attempt
   to give meaning to his existence and drive him beyond his limitations.
   Participation in the myth will make me a better person, will make the
   world a better place to live, will make me part of a power structure
   which can bring about the changes that I want to see happen.

   We find ourselves in a time in history when myths are hard to come by.
   Religion does not have appeal for us today that it had for our
   parents. In the wake of Watergate, few, if any, look upon politicians
   with anything other than distrust; patriotism has little meaning,
   particularly when it is called for by an elected official. The shaky
   economy and increasing shortages have destroyed the myth of a totally
   prosperous world that would be without want and need.

   Myths, to give life meaning, have for a large segment of the
   population become the annual two or three week vacation, college
   education for the children, the mortgage paid off, a good pension
   plan. If these myths give meaning to an individual's life, all well
   and good, albeit rather boring myths to keep a person going.

   A rather unromantic, but very pragmatic individual has stated, "Life
   is a shit sandwich, without bread, and every day we take another
   bite." Is there a myth which can make any sense out of the shit

   The professional organizer is one who looks at the world the way it
   really is and deals with it. He sees the oppressed and the oppressor,
   those with power and those without power, and works toward the day
   when the roles shall be equalized or reversed--full well knowing from
   history that when the powerless become powerful the process will have
   to begin again. He sees not only the viciousness of the oppressor,
   although cloaked in white collar and wrapped in a $500 suit. He sees
   also the smallness and pettiness of the oppressed. He sees the
   ruthlessness of the power and the submission of the powerless. He
   knows that if he is lucky or history is kind to him he will have, at
   best, two organizing campaigns in his life that will have social
   impact of any magnitude. What are some of the ingredients of the myth
   that keep the organizer going?

   Life is to be exciting. The organizer's stock in trade is change.
   Change of the existing power structure of a precinct, ward, city,
   state. Change of the financial community. Change of the existing roles
   of oppressor and oppressed. Change of things as they are. Such change
   does not happen without excitement. Excitement for the
   organizer--excitement for the people he works for and the people he
   works against. In the movie "A Thousand Clowns", Jason Robards, in
   talking about his adopted nephew, says, "I want him to give the world
   a goosing before he dies". A goosing is a very exciting experience,
   either negatively or positively for all involved. Thus, he is
   committed to the excitement of change in his own life and all the
   lives and structures with which he comes into contact.

   This excitement can be at the level of organizing a group of welfare
   recipients to the point where they change roles with the welfare
   office and make demands that are honored. Or at the level of
   organizing a community so that it has enough power to say to the city
   planner, "Screw your plan. Here is our plan," and win. Or the
   excitement of seeing a person's image of himself change because of his
   involvement with the issue and organization.

   An organizer who developed a senior citizens' coalition worked very
   hard with his leadership before the confrontation, in which they were
   demanding a special dial-a-bus program from the city. In the midst of
   the negotiation, it was obvious that his leaders were not going to win
   the fight. Just at the moment when it looked like the mayor had them
   so confused and bickering among themselves, to the extent that the
   issue would be lost, a woman who had not previously been a strong
   leader stood up and shouted, "Mayor, you have a mother and father. Do
   you want them to have to walk six blocks with a bag of groceries, or
   not go to the doctor because they don't want to spend the cab fare?
   You know this program is for your parents too, and some day it will be
   for you". This was the unifying battle cry which sparked the seniors
   and pulled them together, destroying all of the mayor's reasoned logic
   on why the program wouldn't be instituted. Fifteen minutes later the
   seniors walked out with a victory and today the bus program is working
   in that community. The people elected the woman their permanent
   spokesperson. When she shows up with her constituents at a city
   office, they are immediately ushered in and their demands, more times
   than not, are met. When a new state or federal issue on aging comes
   up, the press calls her for a statement of the opinion of the senior
   coalition on the new proposal. She confided to the organizer, "You
   know, no one ever used to care what I thought or listen to my
   opinions, and now they do. This has been the most exciting two years
   of my life." It might be added that life was also not dull for those
   whom the senior coalition confronted during those two years. As he
   told the story, the organizer relived the excitement of that
   organizing campaign. A big portion of the organizer's myth is that
   life is to be exciting.

   A second major tenet in the myth of the organizer is his belief in and
   respect for people. This belief and respect is expressed in many ways.
   It is first exhibited when he enters the arena in which he is
   organizing. He samples as many opinions and ideas as possible from
   every economic, educational and ethnic strata of his arena. He does
   not judge the person who presents him with a concept contrary to his
   own, but accepts it as part of the mosaic that he is called upon to
   build. It is further exhibited in the selection of the issues to be
   worked on by the people. When a staff charges into the office saying,
   "I've got a great new issue," the lead organizer's immediate response
   is, "Did you check it out with people?" Once it has been determined by
   the people what issues will be worked on, then the organizer's job is
   to express his belief in and respect for people by allowing them to
   set the timetable, the tactics and the goals. He may lay out
   alternatives, but in the end it is the people who make the decision on
   what course of action is to be taken.

   A white organizer working in a black community was continually told by
   his leadership, "We have to do something about the prostitutes in the
   community". He felt quite uneasy about the whole issue, but, finally,
   a meeting was organized with the police and a series of demands were
   made. The police promised to pick up all the prostitutes; however,
   they warned the people that the prostitutes would be back out on the
   street in three hours. The crowd decided to see what would happen and
   pushed the police to do their job, setting up a steering committee to
   meet in two weeks to see if they had gained any results. It didn't
   take two weeks for leadership to see that, indeed, the police were
   picking up the women; but that they were back from booking the same
   night in most cases, the next night in all cases. The organizer,
   desperate to come up with a solution of the issue, went to the police
   and talked with them about the problem. He was told by the police that
   over ninety per-cent of the patrons of the black prostitutes were
   whites from a nearby suburb. Since these people were from outside his
   arena, the organizer had his strategy: station people on the corners
   and, whenever you see a white male pick up one of the women, copy down
   the license number, trace the license number to registration and send
   a letter to that residence addressed to Mrs. Smith asking if she knew
   where here husband was on such and such a night. Coupling this with a
   news release that this was going to happen would cut the trade and
   thereby get rid of the prostitutes.

   Gleefully, he went to the leadership meeting with this strategy. For a
   variety of reasons, some of which were not too hard to see through,
   the strategy was turned down. The people decided instead to picket the
   prostitutes. As distasteful as this was to him personally, the
   organizer had chosen his arena and now was called upon to respect the
   people above his own feelings.

   At this point, all kinds of rhetorical questions are thrown out. "How
   far do you let people go? Would you organize for segregation? Doesn't
   the organizer have a moral right to take a personal stand on issues?"
   On and on. Once the organizer has analyzed the arena in which he
   intends to organize, and, if he accepts that arena, then the myth by
   which he lives dictates that he is bound to respect the decisions of
   those people within the arena. For from his experience he has seen
   that when people are given the opportunity in a democratic arena to
   wrestle with their lives and the life of the community, the way in
   which people look at themselves and others changes, horizons broaden,
   self-interest expands beyond myself to my community and my city. He
   has seen homeowners fight for the right of the tenant; he has seen
   tenants fight for an issue that only benefits homeowners. He has seen
   people lose a day of work to fight for issues that will not directly
   affect them.

   A third basic ingredient in the organizer's myth is that no
   institution is to be trusted. This is easy for the novice to accept as
   he organizes an attack on city hall, or the bank, or the board of
   education. The professional knows that this applies also to the power
   base that he is organizing. Thus, he is constantly on the prowl for
   new ideas, new people, new segments of the community to bring into his
   organizing campaign. An institution that is not challenged with fresh
   people seeking leadership, with new issues to replace the old, soon
   becomes senile. Once senility starts, death is not far behind. Thus,
   the organizer knows that he cannot trust institutions; they must be
   challenged on every front, not only those that are attempting to
   oppress his arena, but his own arena as well.

   An organizer was hired to direct an organization which was working in
   a multi ethnic community. As he looked over the make-up of his
   executive board, he discovered that the ethnic group which made up 60%
   of the community only had 2 members on the twenty-five member board.
   Knowing that a reaction would result from the existing power
   structure, he used the constitution which said, if a board member
   missed three board meetings without excuse, he/she could be replaced.
   In six months nine new board members had been added to the board, all
   from the disenfranchised ethnic group. As a result, several other
   board members resigned because there were too many of "those people"
   on the board. Yet, the organizer knew he had to change or kill the
   arena in which he was working if he was to be true to his myth.

   The myth of the organizer, that which pulls him up out of bed in the
   morning to face another shit sandwich, is his belief in the excitement
   of life--that which he wants to create and that of which he wants to
   be a part. His belief in and respect for peoples" ability to make
   decisions about their lives and their ability to be cognizant of more
   than their limited self-interest in making those decisions. His
   distrust of all institutions and, thus, his drive to bring new ideas
   and new people to all institutions, thereby bringing excitement to
   those institutions.

     * "A myth is a way of pulling together the raw and contradictory
     evidence of life as it is known in any age. It lets people make
     patterns in their own lives, within the larger patterns"

     -- Theodore H. White, Breach of Faith, 1975

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