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Bill Wilcox <[log in to unmask]>
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 1 Nov 1997 16:59:04 -0500
text/plain (30 lines)
Edward Campbell wrote:
> Karl,
> Just a few ways are world is toxic compared to our paleo-ancesters:
>                         Polluted Water, especially chemicals like chlorine and florine
>                         Polluted Air
>                         Soil Depletion, lack of trace minerals selenium, zinc, vanadium,etc.
>                         Pesticides in fruits and vegetables
>                         Antibiotics and Hormones in Meat
>                         Stress
>                         Preservatives and cooking methods
> All of the above, can lead to free radical damage.  Even exercise can add to
> our free radical load.  An interesting experiment was conducted with a
> running club in NYC.  Trained endurance athletes had their blood levels of
> T-cells and other immune markers tested prior to and after a marathon.
>  Following the marathon, the T-cell level was greatly reduced indicating free
> radical damage.  In fact, their readings were as low as most AIDS patients.
>  Of course, their levels returned to normal shortly afterwards, but this
> shows what even a beneficial activity like exercise can do to our bodies.
> Because of our toxic world, which increases our load of free radical damage,
> we need to "compensate" by taking supplements.
> Ed Campbell, DC,CSCS

A marathon is not exercise.  It puts very high stress on the body.  This
does not show that exercise adds to our free radical load.