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Wed, 10 Sep 1997 21:24:05 -0500
"George I. Balch" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (53 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Here is what people told me about GF aspirin.

* Several have mentioned Ecotrin 81 mg coated aspirin as verified GF. One,
for example, says:   "I then asked Stokes Pharmacy
about compounding a low-dosage entric coated aspirin for me.  They did their
own research, and came back to me to recommend Ecotrin.  I have been using it
for almost a year with no problem.  You can get this from any drug store - I
get mine from Long's."

* One person had a very technical, ingredient-based approach:

"As far as I am concerned the way to go about the problem would be as
follow: Aspirin is acetylsalicylic acid (ASA). ASA is also known under the
ASPIRIN(Sterling Health)
Entrophen (Frosst)
PMS-ASA (Pharmascience) (Lee-Adams) (Stanley) (Wampole) (WeatCan)

Now you try to locate the cie who make all their products GF.
Apotex, Novopharm, Stanley, Sterling Health,Wampole are safe. So go with
one of the ASA brand make by one of those co.

Bayer is made by Sterling Health so it is safe . It is alcohol, gluten,
lactose, paraben, sodium, sulfite, tartrazine free."

* Some have identified brands that they use without problems which are said
to use corn starch, but do not seem to have been verified directly as GF.
Specifically, two people mentioned Frosst, a coated aspirin that their
pharmacist said is GF.  Their reference is: Frosst
Division of Merck Frosst Canada Inc.
Kirland, Quebec, Canada
web site at http:www.merck.com

Another person mentioned the Kroger private label brand.

* Several noted that some companies are giving them the same kind of
cautious story about other products, as if they had been advised by lawyers
to avoid any risk of being sued successfully.  One suggested that we may
need to contact the FDA as a group to deal with this.

Thanks to you all!  As for me, I'm going to check out Ecotrin. And I will
continue to try to check carefully about processing, suppliers, and specific
ingredients rather than rely on a general statement that the starch is this
or that -- for aspirin or anything else.  I sure do wish we could get some
general GF labelling, though.
