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Troy Gilchrist <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 14 Jul 1997 11:42:02 -0500
text/plain (60 lines)
Ward Nicholson wrote:
> >> if you wanted to be sure not to have a reaction, maybe begin building a
> >> tolerance to the cherry coke. start a week or so ahead of time, take a
> >> teaspoon one day, 2 teaspoons the next, et cetera...
> >If I seem fanatical about this, it's because
> >I know that giving in or compromising one time makes it that much easier
> >to do so each successive time. Being a hunter-gatherer in a world based
> >on agriculture is hard enough without the added necessity of personal
> >weakness. Why make a conscious choice to start down the slippery slope?
> >
> >It is only civilized culture, founded upon cultivation and consumption
> >of forbidden fruit, which would lead us to adhere to a belief set that
> >compromises human health for the sake of maintaining the integrity of
> >other species (the crops) and, thereby, of the culture. This is the true
> >disease of civilization.
> In dealing with other people I come in contact with where opinions are
> expressed around areas of strongly held beliefs, I find the emotional level
> of the communication has by far the greatest impact in convincing people or
> even whether they will listen in the first place. I would find you a lot
> more pleasant to read, and would pay more attention to what you say, if you
> came across as less draconian and more flexible in your approach.
> --Ward Nicholson <[log in to unmask]>

As a rule I never discuss this issue in my everday life, because I don't
believe in infringing upon the life choices of other people. Unless a
person were to ask some fairly probing questions of me, they would never
know about my diet or beliefs. Only when they ask will I even consider
weighing in with any sort of advice or information. And then only to the
extent that I perceive it would be of help to the questioner. I have
found that "teaching" by example is the best, and in most cases, way to
help others.

All of the above being said, I feel that this list should be different
to some extent. I never intend to offend anyone with any of my posts,
but I also believe that this a place where people of a common interest
have gathered to discuss perhaps one of the most critical issues
affecting humanity. To mince words in this special setting is to do a
disservice to those who ask questions the answers to which may be
vitally important to their immediate or future well-being.

If I seem insufferable or draconian, I'm sorry. All I can go from is my
experience in talking to and reading the letters of would-be Paleolithic
dieters. Without exception the ones who have achieved the best results
eating according to NEANDERTHIN are the ones who never cheat.
Conversely, Ray Audette and I have seen some very disturbing results in
people who take the "flexible" approach.

As for being offended by your message, I assure you that just the
opposite is the case. Perhaps I could be less blunt in my responses. And
I appreciate your kindly-worded admonition to that effect. I will keep
it in mind in all future responses.

Troy Gilchrist <[log in to unmask]>