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Mara Riley <[log in to unmask]>
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 22 Jul 1997 17:38:44 -0400
TEXT/PLAIN (116 lines)
On Tue, 22 Jul 1997, John C. Pavao wrote:
> You're right about the "merry-go-round" effect, and it's easy to see how it
> has gone on so long.  What I find so interesting is that from what I've
> read, no one even ever thought there was anything wrong with eating meat
> until Kellogg came along.

And he was thought quite mad by many people in his time -- and, until
recently, the food 'pyramid' emphasized meat.  We just need to see the
pendulum swing in the opposite direction.

> Whether it's the moral high ground, or simply the high ground of "we're
> right and you're wrong", I tend to agree.  What bothers me most though, is
> not this, but the fact that data is being manipulated to make the studies
> that are done come out in favor of high-carbohydrate, grain-based diets.

Do you think it's being deliberately manipulated, or simply that the
researcher is biased before-hand and then sees only what s/he expects to
see?  And if the data comes out in such a way that it contradicts what
they expect to see, then they conclude that the study was flawed.

One of the hardest things in the world to change is a person's world-view.
They will see everything from within their particular paradigm, no matter
whether it contradicts that paradigm or not -- they;'ll make up reasons
and excuses, until it just gets too hard to maintain that paradigm; and
even then, massive denial may set in.


> Until the day that the people in this country wake up and realize that
> trading their free will for government protection is akin to giving up our
> Constitutional rights, this will continue.  All sex outside of marriage is
> evil?  Did they ask the people on the panel if they'd ever done it?  Of

I think the proponent speaking for this bill was a priest.  And most of
the people supporting it are probably from the religious right.  (So much
for conservatism meaning less government and more freedom, as it did when
my dad, a Barry Goldwater-style conservative, complains.)

> course they have.  Almost everyone has.  Personally, I'm likely to find
> more evil in the idea of keeping information from people that they need to
> make informed, intelligent decisions about how to conduct their lives.  If
> being moderate makes you a liberal, then call me liberal.  But what I don't
> understand is why a certain group of people thinks that they can dictate
> the morality of the entire human race.  If we are truly better than
> animals, why then should we be nothing more than sheep to be led?

The old meaning of 'liberal' meant, among other things, that one was
tolerant of widely divergent points of view.
The old meaning of conservative meant that one wanted to keep things the
way they were, not change them.
I think these meanings are completely blown to bits right now.  I call
myself a fiscal moderate and a social liberal.

Some people are always trying to tell other people how to live their
lives.  Ain't gonna work; every era of repression has always been followed
by an era of rebellion.  It's a pendulum; but the greater trend has been
toward freedom.

> You know why that group of people wants to keep that information from
> people?  Because they believe that whoever gets those diseases deserves
> them.  Which sounds like a terribly vindictive point of view for people who
> generally profess to follow perhaps the most forgiving man who ever lived,
> but...

They believe this, that is, until their children get AIDS or some other
such disease.  Then they (sometimes) come to see their hypocrisy for what
it is, accept their child, and get shunned by their former community.

> You are right, though.  Diet does seem to have taken on almost religious
> qualities in this country.  People preach about their low-fat, exercise
> until your joints wear out regimes like they were a stairway to heaven.
>  And that's another reason why we'll always be fighting an uphill battle
> slowly.  A religious fervor, a fight based upon perceived moral high ground
> no matter what the topic, is the most dificult to win against.  And often
> the longest lived fight.

True.  I'm afraid I make a point of telling vegetarians that I've lost
55+ lbs by eating more meat and no starch :D

> I try to tell people who ask me what I'm doing.  Most, their eyes glaze
> over almost immediately, or they begin to look uncomfortable, as though I'd
> suggested that their religion was wrong.  Like telling a Moonie that Rev.
> Moon is insane.  Those who listen always impress me.  Those who do not, I
> feel bad about, but there's little I can do.  The horrible part of it is
> that I cannot convince a single member of my family.  No, I don't want to
> argue with them, but I don't want to see them go on eating so terribly
> either.  But I'm helpless.
> John Pavao

I usually tell people that I'm eating no starch, no sugar.  That usually
scares them off; they don't want to give up their favorite vices (french
fries, candy bars).  The rare person will ask me for more information,
saying that I look great.  (From 196 to 136 in 2 years -- definitely
evidence that it's working.)  What they do with that is their business
I've gotten two of my family members to try low-carb: my dad and my
grandma (his mom).  They've tried it, then fallen off the wagon.  Dad gets
a bit chubby, then cuts back on his starches again; I think I have made a
lasting effect on his dietary habits, in that he does watch the carbs now.
Grandma's a hopeless case; her habits are so ingrained, and she has no
real incentive to change them.
My mom is another matter; she doesn't get the concept, wouldn't read the
books, and if she had, would have twisted what she read so that it fit
into her own preconceived notions.  (She's very good at this.)

My experience with my mom -- and her ability to twist things this way --
is part of what convinces me that people are just stupid, and do whatever
is easiest and doesn't make them think too much.

Really, getting the medical and popular community as a whole to accept
low-carb as a valid diet path will require a LOT of reeducation.
