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Dick Landis <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 10 Sep 1997 22:45:00 -0700
text/plain (48 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>


I have been a diagnosed Celiac for eleven years.   I wrote to you about a
month ago because I was concerned about Soy in my diet.  I was concerned
that Soy was making me sick with vomiting and diarrhea.  I am GF.  I first
became very sick the middle of July and did not discover that Soy was
making me ill until about the middle of August. Now that I am also Soy
free, the vomiting and diarrhea has stopped. However, I am down 18 lbs.

There were only three responses to my inquiry about soy.  One person said
that only 1% of the general population is allergic to Soy, and 1% of
celiacs are allergic to Soy. Two others wrote in wanting to know what I may
have found out about Soy. The only thing that I know about Soy is that it
now makes me very sick.

In 1994 I had surgery to remove 10" of the small intestine because of  the
growths of strictures.  I was in the hospital ten days.

Last month I had an upper GI panendoscopy and biopsy procedure. The biopsy
was negative for lymphoma. That was the good news. The bad news is that
they found strictures and dilation of jejunal loops of the duodenal loop
that have worsened since the surgery in 1994.  There is marked esophageal
ulcerations extending up the entire esophagus.  There are three separate
duodenal strictures with ulcerations at the area of the strictures.

I have had a consultation with the doctor about the possibility of surgery.
 The surgeon does not want to do surgery because it would be a very
difficult surgery and because the surgery would be  very hard on me.  The
1994 surgery removing 10" of the small intestine is of even greater concern
to possible future surgery.  The Dr. also explained that Crohn's disease
was associated with strictures.

 I have never heard anyone on this list talk about strictures, yet I have
had them since I was diagnosed as having CD since 1986.   Nor have I heard
any reference to Crohn's disease.

Is it possible that I may have both CD and Crohn's????????

Does anyone have an opinion or comment on this subject? I am due to go back
to my Internist soon, and need to dicuss this intelligently with him.   I
would appreciate hearing from this unbelievably supportive support group.

Dick Landis
Zig Zag OR USA