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VICUG-L: Visually Impaired Computer Users' Group List
Sat, 16 Aug 1997 01:59:54 +0400
text/plain (26 lines)
   >I've noticed this article circulating on the net, but this is the
   >first time I've actually read it--thanks for posting it!  My
   >initial reaction is one of exhilaration!  I think is an outstanding
   >development for people with disabilities.  We can quibble about the
   >political correctness of a few statements, but their import pales
   >in comparison to the momentous nature of this statement by this
   >particular author in a publication such as this.

I couldn't agree with you more!  In fact, I wonder if Mr. Gates
will receive the same heat for acknowledging that blind access to
computers took a backwards step with the introduction of the
Graphical User Interface that I received for making basically the
same statement???

Hey, the mere fact HE recognizes this is more than many blind
people do, or are willing to admit I suspect, and that alone
revives my optimism for things to come!  Thanks much Mark for
posting the article, and I hope it's one that few in the list
skip over!

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