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The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky


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Tresy Kilbourne <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky
Mon, 31 Aug 1998 09:07:28 -0700
text/plain (41 lines)
John Korber writes:

>What should be done Tresy? I personally feel that the school for terrorists
>should be shut down. Its graduates should be arrested, brought to trial
>an impartial court, and sentenced to prison. You don't have to kill them
>because we can just release people unjustly imprisoned by the graduates of
>this school. There will then be plenty of room for them.
Thank you for the condescending lecture. You've already answered the
question so why pose it to me?

This kind of tedious seromonizing is why so many people find Leftists
repugnant. Leftists assume that if you disagree with them it's because
you are ignorant or else your moral faculties are defective. I need no
education from you on the sordid history of SOA.

Then there's also the habit of armchair moralizing. I can't help but
notice that we are all supposed to be big fans of international law, yet
we aren't so enthusiastic when international law yields results we don't
like, like Operation Desert Storm or the Iraqi embargo. So where's the
lofty principle that Leftists live by? From my years of experience as a
self-identified leftist, here it is in a nutshell: US Bad. Small
countries Good (unless they are US client states). Europe Good if they
side with small countries against US; otherwise Bad. And Chomsky says the
media have a two-dimensional view of the world.

In the original article that I took issue with, Chomsky said the only
legitimate course of action was prosecuting the terrorists as criminals.
My comment was that that was exceedingly naive given that Afghanistan is
never going to give up bin Laden or his followers voluntarily, and that
meanwhile there's every reason to assume that many more people will die
from subsequent bombings and worse. For that rather unremarkable
observation I was showered with dim-witted sarcasm, and accusations of
double standards. No one has offered a more effective policy involving UN
action. But that's not surprising: it's so much easier to trot out the
knee-jerk anti-US rhetoric than to actually formulate an alternative
policy and defend it in the real world.

PGP Keys  <mailto:[log in to unmask]>