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Duane McCormick <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Wed, 24 Jun 1998 21:28:32 -0400
text/plain (414 lines)
Urgent - new talking points, VitW (Kathy Kelly , 13:04)
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Voices in the Wilderness   June-July 1998 Talking Points

1.  What about VX nerve gas?

Richard Butler, executive chairman of the U.N. Special Commission
which is responsible for finding and destroying prohibited weapons in
reported that "Iraq refused to undertake additional steps to clarify the
extent of its attempts to produce the chemical warfare agent VX".  The
Washington Post stated that "U.S. Army laboratory tests of destroyed
missile warheads excavated by UNSCOM has found "significant amounts" of
disulfide...and stabiliser."

In response, Iraq's deputy prime minister Tariq Aziz, in a letter on
Monday to
the U.N. Security Council, stated that Butler had been "incorrect" in
asserting  that Iraq had refused to clarify the extent of efforts to
VX.  Aziz said Iraqi scientists had experimented with VX but were unable
turn it into a weapon. He said that 1.7 tons of the agent had been
but it was not of weapons grade.

``The facts are that VX was not (made into a weapon) in any kind of
because it was not produced in stable form.  Iraq flatly rejects the
of the U.S. Army laboratory,'' said the spokesman of Iraq's National
Department, which shadows UNSCOM activities in Iraq.  He also expressed
surprise that "UNSCOM, after the previous experience,  has chosen a U.S.
army lab instead of other laboratories in countries which are not
politically hostile to Iraq."

An allegation of Iraq's purported development of VX nerve gas-- prior to
1991 Gulf War -- is a very serious accusation and needs to be
confronted, but
it draws attention away from economic sanctions, which remain the
weapon of mass destruction in Iraq today.  Economic sanctions have
killed nearly a million people and, according to UNICEF, continue to
claim the
lives of over 4,500 children each month.

Although Israel and Saudi Arabia were each the targets of some 40
missiles with conventional warheads during the 1991 Gulf War, none of
warheads filled with chemical or biological agents were ever used.  Iraq
previously admitted to filling warheads with the nerve gas sarin, but
not VX.

A pattern is repeating itself.  Whenever Iraq appears to take a step
closer to
having the genocidal sanctions on its civilian population lifted,
about Iraqi misdeeds suddenly appear in the Washington press, throwing
water on hopes that the confirmed weapon of mass destruction -- economic
sanctions -- might end.  "This is not a new discovery," said Colonel
Taylor of the International Institute for Strategic Studies, a former UN
Weapons Inspector.  It is quite coincidental that this report should
reappear at this time.  Recall also  that a week ago Richard Butler
suggested that the inspection regime could be wrapped up within two
leading to the lifting of sanctions.

At the beginning of the year, the U.S. produced unsubstantiated stories
Iraq was experimenting on prisoners.  In June 1993, an alleged bomb plot
against former U.S. President George Bush was reported, which resulted
June 1993 in a
massive U.S. cruise missile attack on Baghdad which killed eight
civilians and
wounded dozens of others.

As the U.S. position in support of indefinitely keeping the entire Iraqi
population in a giant death camp becomes more and more isolated, the
continues to try to keep the world on its side. It's a small comfort
the civilized world is increasingly fed up with these sanctions.

After 8 years of economic sanctions, the international community must
another approach, must no longer tie weapons inspections with sanctions.

We oppose the development, storage and use -in any country- of weapons
of mass
destruction, be they nuclear, chemical, biological or economic.

2.  "The State Department states that the sanctions are in place to
Iraq from having or using weapons of mass destruction. What do you

We think the maintenance of these economic sanctions has little to do
eliminating weapons of mass destruction.  On the contrary, the sanctions
themselves are a weapon of mass destruction, having destroyed the lives
hundreds of thousands of people and inflicted misery and despair
a once thriving society.  The economic sanctions are advantageous to
powerful groups that want to keep Iraqi oil off the market.  We believe
US may want to keep Iraq's president in power, as an excuse to keep
oil off the market, but crippled and therefore unable to exercise any
dominance in the region. The sanctions have rewarded Iraq's competitors
among oil producing nations in the region (who also happen to be
allies). Saudi Arabia's oil production has risen several million barrels
day since the imposition of the sanctions, and much of the revenue has
used to purchase U.S. weapons and to pay for U.S. construction of
installations within Saudi Arabia. The American economy is propped up by
weapons sales to many countries in the Middle East. Because of this,
really matters to our government is not the demolition of weapons of
destruction, but the proliferation of them through arms sales and

3.  "Aren't your actions actually helping Saddam Hussein?"

Don't mix us up with George Bush and former Senator Alan Simpson.  These
the people who helped Saddam Hussein acquire weapons of mass destruction
when the US wanted to arm both Iraq and Iran during the eighties.  Roger
Normand of the Center for Economic and Social Rights, writes that in
1980s, agents such as anthrax and botulism, intended for Iraq's
unconventional weapons programs, were supplied by a U.S. company,
by the U.S. Commerce Department, and approved by the US State

4.  "Shouldn't we worry about Iraq's potential to refinance nuclear,
chemical, or biological weapons systems in the future?"

We should. The continuance of the human race and of the world is
of great concern to us all. We should work toward disarmament of every
nation that develops, stores, sells uses and threatens to use weapons of
mass destruction.  (The US leads the world in weapon sales).  And, in
Middle East, we should acknowledge the hypocritical double standard the
has maintained.  The U.S. has never called upon Israel to eliminate its
stockpile of at least two hundred thermonuclear weapons.

We advocate nonviolent means to oppose destructive tendencies and
aggression.  Nonviolent persuasion is vastly preferable to nuclear
conventional warfare or economic sanctions,  each of which has the
effect of
killing innocent people. Some rational and humane means include:
to engage in fair trade relations with Iraq so that their nonrenewable
resources can be sold at competitive prices; extending the hand of
friendship to Iraqi civilians by helping to rebuild the infrastructure
has been destroyed
during the eight years of sanctions; strengthening the institutions
can, in the future, contribute toward social change (including
lower schools, libraries, communications industries,  media centers);
consistently open to dialogue, negotiation and reconciliation, with an
earnest effort to understand opposing viewpoints; and encouraging the
media to give full coverage to conflicting views about the consequences
U.S. foreign policy in relation to Iraq.

5.   Shouldn't we worry about international terrorism if the sanctions

It's helpful to place concerns about terrorism in a perspective that
includes facts about one of the most recent terrorist attacks that
in the United States.  Timothy McVeigh, currently on death row for
the Oklahoma Federal Building, drove a Bradley vehicle during the Gulf
In May 1996, the New York Times published McVeigh's letter to his Aunt
in which he wrote, "We did some terrible things to those Iraqis. Killing
Iraqis was real hard at first, but after awhile, killing [them] got

Who taught Timothy McVeigh to be a mass murderer?  And does it become
for U.S. policy makers to kill Iraqis?  Do heartless measures that seem
designed to cripple the next generation of Iraqi children build
that could eventually create a climate that would accept terrorist acts
viewed as retaliations for horrible injustices perpetrated by the U.S.?

6.  "Who are these sanctions really hurting? And what specific harm is

White House spokesman Michael McCurry said on June 19, "These sanctions
damage where the damage is intended to be done." Over half a million
children have died since the imposition of the sanctions in August of
more than in both the Nagasaki and Hiroshima bombings combined. There
was a
nationwide cancer increase of 55 percent between 1989 and 1994,
concentrated in younger people, according to a  United Nations document
obtained by Reuters (6-21-98). A suspected cause of soaring rates of
leukemia and other child cancers is the depleted uranium (DU) shells
leftover from the Gulf War bombings. With its health services devastated
eight years of sanctions, Iraq cannot afford expensive cancer drugs to
those afflicted.  The U.S. has forbidden Iraq to import the pumps and
chlorine needed to purify drinking water across the country. This is a
of biological warfare in and of itself.

UNICEF reported in October, 1996 that 4,500 children die every month
of the UN/US sanctions.  In November, 1997, Phillipe Heffnick of UNICEF
stated that 960,000 children were at risk of severe malnourishment.

We mourned for the children killed in schoolyard shootings across the
country. President Clinton expressed outrage and grief. But what about
567,000 Iraqi children who, according to U.N. Food and Agriculture
(December, 1995), have died?

7.  "The problem with the sanctions is that they haven't been enforced
tightly enough. If the U.S. and U.N. would strengthen pressure on the
country, and not allow exports to Turkey, then all of this would be over
much more quickly."

The fact that the sanctions are being enforced only in certain areas
that they are weapons of political pressure.  The amount of oil being
smuggled into Turkey is estimated to be less than $100 million dollars
year.  Prior to sanctions, Iraq exported over 15 billion dollars of oil
year.  At any rate, why has the U.S. allowed exceptions to the sanctions
be made on behalf of Turkish political allies while refusing to make
exceptions on behalf of Iraqi children?

8.   "The sanctions will end as soon as Iraq complies with U.N. demands.
The ball is in their court.  Saddam Hussein can end the sanctions when
wants.  They are the ones being difficult, and they are only hurting

The conditions for the termination of the sanctions have been ambiguous.
U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan, after his meeting with  Iraqi
Saddam Hussein, said that Iraq had agreed to the surrender of all
weapons of
mass destruction in return for lifting the embargo. However, paragraph
22 of
the Gulf War ceasefire resolution 687 has been interpreted by the U.S.
government to indicate that all other demands by the Security Council
now be met, including the return of all Kuwaiti territory and accounting
fomissing Kuwaiti prisoners.  Both President Clinton and Secretary of
Albright have
publicly stated that the sanctions will remain in place as long as Iraqi
President Saddam Hussein remains in office.

When the United States took the Japanese colonies in the Pacific as
own and then used the islands for testing of atomic weapons and nuclear
missiles; when the U.S. invaded its southern neighbors: Cuba(1960), the
Dominican Republic (1965), Grenada (1983), and Panama (1989); when the
forcefully overthrew the governments of Iran (Mossaghdedh), Chile
and Guatemala (Arbenz); no one said that the U.N. should punish the
States by taking away its economic life and stability for eight years.

The U.S. government is horrified by the tests of nuclear bombs in India
Pakistan and fears an "Islamic bomb" that might be developed in Iran.
the U.S. is the nation that has tested more weapons than any other
has not yet ratified the test ban treaty and won't even sign the treaty
against land mines. Based on the magnitude of military expenditures and
devastating waste of trillions of the world's natural resources, the
government  is, as Dr. Martin Luther King said in his historic Riverside
Church address on the Vietnam War..."the greatest purveyor of violence
the world today."

9.  "Saddam Hussein used chemical weapons on his own people. He doesn't
care now that the Iraqis are starving."

The fact that chemical weapons were used on Iraqi defectors may be a
image of what the U.S. reportedly did to defectors during the Vietnam
(note recent CNN and NYT reports about US use of nerve gas against
defectors; NYT 6/9/98 "Cohen Orders Inquiry into US Nerve Gas Charges.")
point is not which government is better or worse. It is how can we save
these children? They are dying at the rate of 5000 or more per day, and
American people are in a position to make it stop.

10.  "The Iraqi government has stated that it will not accept
aid. Why would they do that, and what effect can your delegation have

Iraq's government doesn't want to be "on welfare." It wants to have the
right to sell its resources at a price that is viable; it wants the
right to
have an economy, support its own people and see its people working

Consider the port city of Basra, formerly Iraq's second largest city and
busy center for oil export.  Unemployment now ranges as high as 90% and
Basra ranks as the third largest city now that many of its former
are displaced economic refugees who left Basra in desperation.

It is still valuable for our delegations to travel to Iraq if only to
violate the travel ban.  Democracy is based on information and our
delegations return with crucial information about civilian suffering
witnessed in Iraq.  The travel ban is anti-democratic, because it
people from seeing the consequences of U.S. policies and evaluating them

When huge shipments of aid are flown into Iraq, the U.S. government can
manipulate public sentiment about these donations to minimize the
suffering caused by sanctions.  In fact, the aid shipments are meager in
comparison with the immense needs Iraq faces.  It's understandable that
Iraqis would ask Arab nations not to send charity but rather to join in
working to lift the sanctions.  Quite possibly, some of the Gulf states
have been Iraq's competitors on the oil market can afford to send
because they do not have to cope with Iraqi oil being on the market.

        *                       *

We believe it has become increasingly difficult for the State Department
justify its policy. It looks as though we may be moving toward the end
of a
terrible economic warfare, a discriminating war that has targeted the
vulnerable people in Iraq's society. At the end of a war, it is
customary to
make peace with one's enemy, and to start a process of reconciliation.
It is
time now to assure that the U.S. will not have a permanent enemy in the
Middle East, because there is no good reason to pursue vindictiveness.

Duane L. McCormick
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The greatest challenge of the day is:
how to bring about a revolution of the
heart, a revolution that has to start
with each one of us?"
-Dorothy Day