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The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky


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Christian Chadd Taylor <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky
Mon, 28 Feb 2000 13:24:59 -0600
text/plain (57 lines)
Tresy, and others:  My take on Chomsky is not so much that the U.S. is always
the bad guy and every other country is getting screwed over by U.S. action.
Rather, Chomsky seems to believe that governments are inherently bad, will tend
to protect the rich and powerful and destroy whatever needs to be destroyed
(human life, environment, jobs) in order to make that happen.  So why does
Chomsky vilify the U.S.  He says it is because that is where is is from, where
he is a citizen, where he votes, and where he is capable of making the biggest
difference in the terrible behavior of governments.  In other words, we can
justifiably criticize the Soviets, Iraq, etc. until we are blue in the face.
But where we are likely to have the most influence, not to mention obligation,
is curtailing the bad things our own country does. christian.

Tony Abdo <[log in to unmask]> on 02/28/2000 12:54:11 PM

Please respond to "The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky"
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To:   [log in to unmask]
cc:    (bcc: Christian Taylor)

Subject:  [CHOMSKY] The US Great Satan

Tresy writes about his great dissatisfaction with "leftie fora" who only
see bad, bad,  bad.....

<In fact, I could even go so far as to suggest that your quote
illustrates the Chomsky model in reverse, that is, applied to leftie
fora like this list. Here any accusation against the US Great Satan, no
matter who ludicrous, is accepted uncritically by nearly everyone, while
any whiff of a suggestion that our side is not self-evidently right is
met with harrumphs and putdowns.>

Tresy, you are absolutely right, a lot of us on this list do see the US
as The Great Satan.     In fact, your derisive use of this term comes
from the days of the overthrow of the Shah of Iran.     Were Iranians
wrong also, in seeing the US as The Great Satan?

What are all the things you love so much about the US?     You love the
medical system,  "the safety net", and the "right-to-bomb" the living
daylights out of people halfway around the globe.    Are there any other
things that us "leftie fora" have done injustly to poor ol' Uncle Sam,
in your humble opinion?      Besides our simple lack of appreciation for
not realizing how good we have it, here at home?

Please inform us if so, so that we can correct in advance our difficient
love for the Patria.     And lack of respect, too.

By God, somebody's got to come on these lists and straighten us
uninformed people out.     Praise the Lord for your vision.
