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William Meecham <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky
Mon, 28 Feb 2000 13:13:08 -0800
text/plain (169 lines)
It is reported below that some bottles were thrown (at police?) in the
killing of the W. African immigrant--who must have been more viable that
a cat (only 9 lives) since it took 41 shots to kill him according
to the squad of police who were defending us.  Luckily for law and
order the looney system released the police. No problem there.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: hariette <[log in to unmask]>
> To: <[log in to unmask]>
> Sent: Sunday, February 27, 2000 11:29 PM
> Subject: [justin-newletter] JUSTIN NEWS - The Diallou Case -- Some
> thoughts - by G. Butler
> > Below we are forwarding some comments by Greg Butler, a carpenter out of
> > Local 608 in NYC.  Greg reports is here reporting n a letter to Louis
> > Godena, Editor of our Justice International Bulletin, the recent acquittal
> > of four police New York City Police Department officers charged with the
> > crime of illegally shooting an unarmed West African immigrant.  This
> > incident happened during a botched-up police raid in a predominantly black
> > neighbourhood of NYC.
> >
> > In addition to his from the heart on-the-spot report of this event of
> world
> > wide repercussion, Mr.Butler also floats an interesting theory on a
> > possible scenario surrounding the shooting which ought to be taken into
> > account by serious journalists investigating the story.
> >
> > As a black person living in Guiliani's constituency, Greg has first hand
> > experience of the kind of treatment meted out by the NYPD to people of Mr
> > Diallou's social status and colour.  Here at Justice International we
> think
> > that Mr. Butler's report most certainly merits a hearing.
> >
> > The Editor
> >
> > Justice International Bulletin
> >
> > _______________________________________________________
> >
> >
> >
> > ....Incidentally, there was some bottle throwing by some of the kids in
> this
> > neighborhood, Harlem, late friday night. My boarder, and tech support guy,
> > Kenny, saw it on the way home from his job at the Super Stud plant friday
> > night @1 AM. It didn't make any press accounts.
> >
> > The real shame of it is all the "mainstream" Black leaders and the so
> called
> > "leftists" are calling for "calm" and "prayers".
> >
> > What we REALLY NEED is to take those Glock 9mms out of the hands of those
> > Steroid and Cocaine addicted Long Island racists in blue who patrol our
> > streets like an occupying army. In the city with the strictest gun laws in
> > America, we need the police force to be unarmed also, except MAYBE for the
> > DTs, Sergents and Lieutenants. And, we also need a workers militia [kind
> of
> > like the Black Panters, but open to all races of workers] to patrol
> working
> > class neighborhoods.
> >
> > But, nobody is calling for anything as radical as that, or even disbanding
> > the STEET CRIMES UNIT, the 400 officer, 85% White elite unit the four
> > killers belong to [unit slogan : "WE OWN THE NIGHT !!!'].
> >
> > SCU has a rep for going into Black or Hispanic neighborhoods and roughing
> up
> > random young minority men, [over 20,000 last year]. Incedentally, 80% of
> the
> > men were unarmed and had no drugs on them, and were released.
> >
> > They don't wear uniforms, their cars are unmarked.  Kind of like a death
> > squad.
> >
> > As for the specific Diallo case, my theory is they were looking for the
> East
> > Side Rapist, a Black man suspected in about 40 rapes of wealthy White and
> > Asian women on the Upper East Side, which happens to be the wealthyest
> > neighborhood in the city, home to Donald Trump and many other
> billionaires.
> >
> > But, due to randomly harrassing every Black man on the street in that
> > neighborhood at night for about 2 years, the DTs had hoplessly botched the
> > case, tainted the evidence and the witness pool. It didn't help that they
> > had patrol officers and sergents doing DT work, and botching the case even
> > further, as they had no investigative training. They also had a bunch of
> > those "neighborhood watch" Block Warden types sticking their noses in the
> > case, botching the investigation further.
> >
> > So, they had a suspect, [who may even have been the guy], but, due to
> sloppy
> > police work, there was no hope of convicting the guy.
> >
> > So, my theory is, they sent the SCU out to kill the guy, so, they could
> tell
> > the rich people on the Upper East Side that they got the guy, and they
> > wouldn't be embarrassed by an aquittal.
> >
> > But, the 4 cops who caught that detail that night a year ago, Kenneth Boss
> > et al, were too racist to know the difference between a heavy set light
> > skinned Black man, and a slim dark skinned Black man.
> >
> > They just set out after the first Black man in a sweatshirt they saw, and
> it
> > happend to be Diallo.
> >
> > And, in my opinion, they executed the guy, and then, they figured out that
> > THEY EXECUTED THE WRONG GUY ! Thats why one of them was crying after they
> > stopped shooting [the cop who cried on the stand at the trial, I forget
> the
> > bastard's name at the moment]
> >
> > This is just my theory, but, someday, it may come out that this is exactly
> > what happend.
> >
> > Well, that's what happens in the city with the strictest gun laws in
> > America, at least if your a regular person, and the largest municipal
> police
> > force on the planet
> >
> > [ 40,000 NYPD officers, 60% of whom don't even live here, not including
> the
> > hundreds of officers with the Health and Hospitals Police , NY State
> Police
> > , NY State Parks Police , Port Authority of NY and NJ Police , City
> > University Police , Metro North RailRoad Police, Long Island Rail Road
> > Police , NJ Transit Raliroad Police , Amtrak Police, Conrail Police , NYC
> > Sherrifs Deputies , US Marshalls, FBI agents , Secret Service Agents , ATF
> > Agents , DEA agents, INS agents, US Customs Service, US Border Patrol ,
> > State Department Diplomatic Security , United Nations Police ; and of
> course
> > there are 20,000 NYC Department of Corrections officers in our city prison
> > system, which is also the largest municipal prison system on earth, 21,000
> > men, women and children on Rikers Island alone, plus Manhattan House of
> > Detention (AKA White Street Jail), Bronx House of D, Brooklyn House of D,
> > Queens House of D, Arthur Kills Correctional Facility, Elmhurst Hospital
> > Prison Ward, Bellvue Hospital Prison Ward, Manhattan State Psyciatric,
> ect.
> > And the Bureau of Probation, and the Bureau of Parole. In other words, we
> > got lots of cops with lots of guns]
> >
> > Anyway, Louis, you get the idea. We live in an occupied city, and Rudolph
> > Giuliani is our "fuehrer".
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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