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The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky


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"Issodhos" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky
Tue, 22 Feb 2000 23:06:29 EST
text/plain (53 lines)
In a message dated 2/21/00 2:32:54 AM Eastern Standard Time, [log in to unmask]

>  I'm not going to respond, point by point, to your point by point
>  obtuseness.

   Of course you're not going to, Tony.  That would require that you replace
your generalized ideological pontifications with some science to back them
up.  You don't have it so that is not going to happen.  Instead, you must
rely on a dilation of definition to the point where you even propagandize
cigerette exports as being "medical" exports.  You would even hope that there
would be those on the list stupid enough to think that industrialization and
capitalism are somehow synonomous.

      But I will briefly answer "how would Tony make a
>  healthy nation?"     It would be too ideologic to say,,,,,,by lining
>  certain people up, and having them shot.    Plus, it would be cruel.

     Come on, Tony.  That's never stopped fellas like you before.  "Some must
die for the greater good" and all that moralistic reactionary Left rot.:-)

>  So let me give a few nice proposals, ones that don't even call for the
>  overthrow of Issodhos's beloved capitalism.
>  Have the government stop pushing tobacco.    Just say.. No.    And #2,
>  stop the government from subsidizing oil consumption, auto
>  manufacturing, and road construction.     Replace this with mass transit
>  subsidy.
>  OK, Issodhos.      Hold your breath, and close your eyes.      Let your
>  imagination run wild, and try to visualize how this would  impact public
>  health for the better.    Can you do it?

    Well, given your 'looseness' with words its difficult to know what you
consider governmental "pushing," but there is no question that you would be
happy to use the violence of governmental forces under your control to 'push'
others to live in a way that would make you feel comfortable -- of course it
would be "for their own good."  You have that nature, fella.  But we do agree
on one thing, Tony.  If there are subsidies going to others, lets get rid of
them  (Well, come to think of it, I would not want you taking taxpayer funded
heating oil subsidies away from the elderly, or leaving children to shiver
throughout the winter because you claim an inalienable right to have a
constant snoot-full of 'pristine' "California Dreaming" air).

    Come to think of it, you've put me in the mood to call my favorite
Tobaccoist and have him deliver my favorite Honduran hand-rolled, uncut long
leaf, no filler, corona stoogie.  In fact, I think I'll ask him to send them
over by special taxi and encourage the driver to take the long way around --
all in the name of totalitarian hearted types such as yourself, Tony.;-)