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Xenu's Sister <[log in to unmask]>
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 2 Jun 1997 23:07:25 -0500
text/plain (56 lines)
I'm curious if anyone knows any studies or
anecdotal evidence that some/many? preemie babies
go on to become fat children and fat adults.

I'm wondering because talk of genetics makes
me think about my own history. I was a preemie,
and I weighed 3 lbs, 5 oz. at birth. I was born in
1956, and was in an incubator for at least a
month. I'm sure I was given all kinds of rich
and "fattening" formulas and whatever else
they do to make a baby gain weight.

I've always laughingly blamed my obesity on
that, with a laugh. But the reality might not
be so humorous. I probably haven't weighed
what I was "supposed" to weigh since I was
a year old. Before that I was underweight,
and after that (judging by photos) I was
over weight. I've never known what it's like
to be a "normal" weight. Even when I lost
50 pounds on Atkins back in 1988, I was
still far from goal when I abandoned the
plan because I let the health scares get
to me. (And of course, I gained back the
50 and an extra 50 to boot).

Obesity does not run in my family. My
parents, brother, sister, grandparents,
aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. etc. on both
sides of the family were/are all slender.
My mom and sister gained some weight
in their 40s & 50s, around menopause,
as did my paternal grandmother. But
even so, none of them were *really*
fat. Not like me, the way I've always

This really isn't all that on-topic for
Paleo, but I thought some of you might
have some thoughts on this. I *love*
reading your thoughts on all subjects.


"Words are really beautiful, but they're limited.
  Words are very male, very structured.
   But the voice is the netherworld, the darkness,
   where there's nothing to hang on to.
      The voice comes from a part of you that
       just knows and expresses and is.
   I need to inhabit every bit of a lyric,
    or else I can't bring the song to you--
            or else it's just words."    Jeff Buckley